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There are a lot of things that could be going on
TheCyclist 5 Reviews 1076 reads

But since you said that she is booked 30-45 to days in advance I would look for someone who is available in a day or two. A month waiting list makes hitting reply right away much less important.

If you think she is worth it you are going to have to wait for her to get back to you. More emails, calls, won't speed up when she can see you.

I'm a newbie and would like some advice from the TER community, particularly providers. I've visited two attractive ladies thus far and had a great time with both of them. My first provider, who I visited while out of town, was very responsive when I requested an O.K. on Preferred411 and was very open to another date if I returned to the area. I had another great date with my second provider, a local lady who I visited two weeks later. However, she has not responded to my request for an O.K. on P411 or a follow-up appointment even though I thought our first date went extremely well. I did all the "right" things, including bringing a gift, tip, etc. I'm average looking, very fit and a perfect gentlemen. When I set up the inital date with her, e-mail turn-around was two days at the most. It's been a week now and I still haven't heard from her despite a follow-up e-mail. Admittedly she is in high demand and her schedule is booked 30-45 days in advance, but I'm beginning to wonder whether her not responding to my e-mails is a not-so-subtle message that things didn't go as well as I thought and she isn't interested in seeing me again. She seemed receptive to another meeting after our first date when I mentioned it. Should I send her more follow-up e-mails until I get a response one way or the other or just move on. I would really like to see her again. Does this kind of thing happen often or am I just unlucky? Thanks.

If she has a website, check and see if she has a calendar. She may be on tour or taking a vacation. Someone in that much of demand must need to take a vacation sooner or later, for personal or family reasons.

But since you said that she is booked 30-45 to days in advance I would look for someone who is available in a day or two. A month waiting list makes hitting reply right away much less important.

If you think she is worth it you are going to have to wait for her to get back to you. More emails, calls, won't speed up when she can see you.

You've seen 2 providers and have no reviews.  P411 is a good service, but having reviews helps you as well.  My reviews, along with being known on TER has helped my screening immensely.

You've described the non-responsive lady as very busy.  I'd guess that she's too busy to deal with emails that don't relate to future business, and that's how she sees your request.  It doesn't mean that she didn't have fun, or wouldn't see you again.  She may just not want to take her precious time to make you more marketable to others.

Good luck.

chica3d1498 reads


Hello, I am new to the bizz, i am a provider, ive noticed you mention that this guy has no reviews? Clients also have reviews?
gracias y que tengas un lindo dia :) muahs
sorry if i sound dumb but i am new and from latin America, so sometimes feel lost...

I'm pretty sure what Phil meant was that the guy hadn't "written" any reviews, and that if he wrote reviews on the two ladies he had seen, it would make screening easier for him.

chica3d746 reads

Gracias hungry, thats what i thought but just wanted to make sure :) i am learning new things about this business everyday. have a beautiful day!

I agree with Phil but have a strong opinion that a guy should see a few girls before writing the review - then write them all.  It often takes a few appointments to know what a good provider is or isn't.

Your provider might be taking some time off or a dozen other reasons.  Maybe her laptop broke and she's booked so no rush to get a new one.  I would not send e-mail after e-mail after e-mail.  I would recommend that you find a few local girls to hobby with.  The very best hobbiest, IMO, see a handful of girls that they know and are familiar with and at least one, if not 2 or 3, are in town and available when they are wanting an appt.

EricaStone said: " ... a guy should see a few girls before writing the review - then write them all.  It often takes a few appointments to know what a good provider is or isn't."

I agree completely.  I never did submit reviews of my first few appointments.  I felt that I needed to gather a few data points so that I would have a frame of reference from which to rate each experience.  Of course, the process was not nearly as cold and boring as the previous sentence may sound ;)

Once I met a provider that really rocked my world, I started writing reviews.  At that point, I had a pretty good idea of what to expect.  I would encourage new hobbyists to do the same thing.  That way you don't rate your first provider a 10, only to find out that compared to other providers, she was actually about average.  Once you set the ratings scale, it is difficult to make an adjustment.

I do know of one hobbyist that discussed his conscious decision to re-define his scoring scale because he felt he had, after many reviews, jammed himself up against the "10" ceiling and couldn't properly reward later providers for their top-notch services.

Or the newbie that writes the 7 and 4 mos later, 4 providers later, now thinks that 7 was a 9 - 10.

1. Is your hygeine up to par ?
2. Maybe she already thinks you are ocd with all the emails etc..
3. Maybe your emails are going to her bulk if either one of your are using yahoo mail.
4. if either one of you are using yahoo mail.. your email probably isnt even getting sent out.. Cause thats how yahoo is.
5. Maybe she got busted.
6. some girls just work when they need the money..

Plenty of fish in the sea.  Couldn't be more truer in this hobby.  

She may be busy.  She may not have had a good of time as you may have thought.  

Regardless of the reason, there are way too many beautiful women out here to dwell on one non-responder.  

NOT saying you should abandon all hope with that provider.  Just saying that if she can't be available to you when you need someone to be availble look else where.  OR wait.

SimpleAlias1400 reads

Wait.  Maybe we're talking about two different things.

My bad.  :(

...there is no reason to get fixated on one lady.  It seems apparent that she is not filling your needs, she is not even calling you back.  Do a search for another lady that fits your desires, and go party! JMHO


There are too many wonderful providers, don't get stuck on this  one  Once you have more experience you will understand, this "fixation"
trait is common among most newbies.  Good luck

Thanks everyone for your input. The TER community is great. Fortunately the lady in question replied to my e-mail. All is well. I do intend to start filing reviews but, as others have suggested, I'd prefer to have a few more experiences so I can establish some reference points. I think it's certainly true that, as a newbie, you're so grateful that your first few ladies even agreed to see you that you have a tendency to rate them very high unless the experience was terrible.

This is not dating, it's a business. In my opinion a provider wants a client who:

Is not a psycho freak or gives off creepy vibes.
Is generous with the donation.
Pays attention to personal hygiene.
Is respectful and behaves like a gentleman.
Shows up on time, leaves when the session is over, etc.

I think with the above you're not going to have providers "rejecting you". Sure if you've got all the above and are good looking to boot with a hard body then that's icing on the cake. But that is not what the providers are doing this for.

I know that when my first visit fell through it felt like I was being rejected, as in the dating world. I've since seen that provider and the fact that I thought that seems absurd. The truth was she was traveling that day and I had called her last minute.

This is a business, it's not dating.

Glad things worked out for you.


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