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Re:Traveling to DALLAS
onehtblonde 8814 reads

What is aspd? I tried to find the site and am having trouble. Thanks for your help!

onehtblonde8671 reads

I am a provider wanting to travel to Dallas on a work visit. What is the best way to reach clientele there? Which other websites besides TER are good to advertise on? Thanks for the help!

BobbitTheHobbit5738 reads

You can put visiting ads on Exotics, and for Dallas. You will need pictures to post for the ad. You can have your face blurred a little to protect your privacy, but do not overdue it because potential clients like to see what a provider looks like. Good luck, and be sure to confirm that potential clients are real, use some form of verification to protect yourself, if you have provided for a while you should know what forms of verification work and which do not.

LVP6122 reads

The ASPD board has a big Texas audiance and a place you can place an ad.

onehtblonde8815 reads

What is aspd? I tried to find the site and am having trouble. Thanks for your help!

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