Newbie - FAQ

LVP 2 Reviews 6873 reads

Haggling over price is a no no. The price on the review could be old or the reviewer is a regular being seen at the old rate. etc Have fun and be generous with the ladies it will pay dividends down the road.

Is it common for the vip section to be off on price.I read a profile on Bridget,the vip reviews said she does 1 hr incalls for $250;I contacted and she responded to my e-mail quoting me $300 and non-negotiable.Please advise newbie.

LVP6874 reads

Haggling over price is a no no. The price on the review could be old or the reviewer is a regular being seen at the old rate. etc Have fun and be generous with the ladies it will pay dividends down the road.

I would mentioned the old prices.  Hobbying is a business... all business requires negotiating. However, with providers you need to be careful the way you negotiate.  I always ask for lower rates..  and tip.

skisandboots6810 reads

Tutu is offering really bad advice.  Don't try to negotiate & don't even mention her "old" price.  You'll end up looking like George Costanza.  I always provide a nice gift at the start of the session (gift card from VS, flowers, chocolates, etc.).  A little "southern sweetness" at the beginning of the session goes a long way.  Whether or not I tip at the end of the session has nothing to do with anything other than: a) how I was treated  and b) if I plan on seeing her again.

I have to agree with jjackflash.  Trying to negotiate with a lady is in poor taste.  If you don't plan on seeing her again, do what you will and be prepared for the consequences.  However, if you want the evening to go really well, go with what her site tells you.  Tip if you can, but don't feel like you have to.  The tip is a thank you for excellent service.

the profile page doesn't get updated every time someone posts a new review, so pricing can become outdated ...... so always ask about pricing when you get to that stage in the discussion ... then make your decision....

Vicki Nicole9378 reads

the prices can definitely be off. The price is usually written by the FIRST guy to ever review the girl and that is RARELY changed although you could probably submit a problem report to the admin of the site. My rreview profile says my rate is $200 and my rate has been $250 for atleast 3 months.

Also, NEVER negotiate, never ask for a lower price, ladies such as myself find it offensive and insulting. Although this is a business, it is also something very personal and asking for a discount on my body is not a gentlemanly thing to do.

hce8071 reads

Good adivce by others:  Never negotiate price.  

BUT please post a review and include info on the current prices (if you want, use $$$ = 300, $$$+1/2 = 350, etc).  

AND if you have time, please send a note to admin asking them to update the price info.  Also, please update other current info -- age, hair color, etc.  Users will usually read the most recent reviews first, so this will update them to the latest.


Just a thought on outdated pricing for the ladies.  Ladies can submit a problem report or ask staff to update their pricing.  I know of at least one lady who had two price changes in the last 6 months and the changes were posted in her profile the day after she changed prices.  Ladies be proactive and save some yourselves some irritation related to outdated prices.  Gentlemen since many ladies do not even want to discuss pricing the best place to get a price may be from her website if she has one.

for more accurate pricing. I do agree, providers should take a more "pro-active" role in updating their TER profiles.

Mel :)

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