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Re:big agency?
LVP 2 Reviews 9071 reads

No experiece there but let me share an opinion that may serve you well. LE gets much more bang for the buck by busting agencies. I can't remember the last time an indy was bustede cxcept for that chic in your area the IRS came down on. Stay away from the AMPS, MPs and stick with the well reviewed indies. Plus, they all keep your personal info ( no matter what they say) so who's hard drive do you want to be on. An agency with a lot of ladies? Statisticaly your better off with the well refiewed indy. MHO

for example, MC.
have this agency or girls from this agency ever been busted?

i heard a news that fairly big agency in SF area was busted recently. well, their service types are different as my understanding (incall to apartment VS incall to hotel). but MC is really big, and i think LE knows MS's precense.  

LVP9072 reads

No experiece there but let me share an opinion that may serve you well. LE gets much more bang for the buck by busting agencies. I can't remember the last time an indy was bustede cxcept for that chic in your area the IRS came down on. Stay away from the AMPS, MPs and stick with the well reviewed indies. Plus, they all keep your personal info ( no matter what they say) so who's hard drive do you want to be on. An agency with a lot of ladies? Statisticaly your better off with the well refiewed indy. MHO

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