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Re:1st Time
Aries0324 10 Reviews 5050 reads

I know the feeling, I was in the same situation very recently.  So take this for what it is worth, but you did ask.

If you chose a well reviewed provider on TER, LE concerns should not be an issue. That said...

Think of it like a date with a girl you always wanted to see and she finally said yes.  So prep as you would for that big first date
1) Go get your hair trimmed or cut.  Look sharp and you will feel sharp, confident
2) Work on the personal hygiene. Trim you nails (toes and feet).  If pedicures are your style, go for that.  If you trim your own nails, be sure to smooth the edges with an emory board.  You DO NOT want sharp nail edges in contact with any sensitive female parts.
3) Trim your private areas.  It has been posted here many times before, the ladies will appreciate your neatness.  Trim any loose nose, ear, neck hairs, etc.  Again, look good to feel good.
4) Shower before the meeting, deodorant, shave/cologne, perhaps some male body powder for areas prone to sweat. Wear clean clothes. Don't forget to brush you teeth or use some mouth wash.  Do not floss if you are intending DATY  (see other posts on that subject in this forum)
5) Be on time, be polite, be discreet. Have your donation in a plain envelope or the manner preferred by the lady (check her web site for details)
6) Don't be afraid to tell the lady this is your first time if you have not already.(she will probably figure it out anyway). Let her take the lead and set the pace.
7) Do not show up drunk or under any chemical influence.
8) Don't be afraid to laugh and have fun.

Good luck

OK-  I am sure this has been covered or discussed a thousand times, but I am going to have my first hobby experience next Friday (not tomorrow)and I am nervous as hell.  There are a million things running through my head, from is she LE to what should I wear.  I am sure this is normal behavior but I do want my first time to memorable.  Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated!!!!  

Ann Landers4556 reads

My advise is take two hits of vitamin V (both Viagra and Valium) and enjoy yourself.

I know the feeling, I was in the same situation very recently.  So take this for what it is worth, but you did ask.

If you chose a well reviewed provider on TER, LE concerns should not be an issue. That said...

Think of it like a date with a girl you always wanted to see and she finally said yes.  So prep as you would for that big first date
1) Go get your hair trimmed or cut.  Look sharp and you will feel sharp, confident
2) Work on the personal hygiene. Trim you nails (toes and feet).  If pedicures are your style, go for that.  If you trim your own nails, be sure to smooth the edges with an emory board.  You DO NOT want sharp nail edges in contact with any sensitive female parts.
3) Trim your private areas.  It has been posted here many times before, the ladies will appreciate your neatness.  Trim any loose nose, ear, neck hairs, etc.  Again, look good to feel good.
4) Shower before the meeting, deodorant, shave/cologne, perhaps some male body powder for areas prone to sweat. Wear clean clothes. Don't forget to brush you teeth or use some mouth wash.  Do not floss if you are intending DATY  (see other posts on that subject in this forum)
5) Be on time, be polite, be discreet. Have your donation in a plain envelope or the manner preferred by the lady (check her web site for details)
6) Don't be afraid to tell the lady this is your first time if you have not already.(she will probably figure it out anyway). Let her take the lead and set the pace.
7) Do not show up drunk or under any chemical influence.
8) Don't be afraid to laugh and have fun.

Good luck

I know how you feel.  I was myself a newbie just a month ago, and am now a semi pro.  The first time for me wasn't as good as it should have been because of the nerves.  If you did your homework on her, made sure there were plenty of reviews, etc. you'll be fine.  Enjoy!

Gothicman4780 reads

Your reaction is normal for first timers or hobbyists that have been out of circulation for a time. If you have done your homework as one respondent did, you will not have any troubles. Use sound common sense when meeting her, this helps you to avoid bring unwanted attention to her or you. Relax and prepare to enjoy.

To All-Thanks for the advice.  I feel like I have done my homework.  I think I might take up the idea of the valium-I am sure I will need it!!!

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