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Re: Newbie from abroad!
JB1982 17 Reviews 1925 reads

Go to the pornstar discussion board and find the entry called the "300 club"  It is a compilation of pornstars that provide for around $300 per hour.  It's updated every week.

eh743013 reads

Newbie (or Nerd) Alert!
Hi there - hope you can help me out!
I'm from Europe and trying to set up a date with an American pornstar. It has been a dream for me for some time to meet up with an American pornstar - and I can hopefullt combine with one of my regular businesstrips to the US either this summer or autumn.
The problem is to find a girl.....
I don't want (and probably can't afford) to hang out with Memphis Monroe or whatever top-notch pornstar that does provide via www.bodymiracle. And I don't want to bother this board with questions of hundreds of different girls that I could be interested in meeting......
I'm looking for a healthy, goog-looking girl from the industry with name, so I can check her reviews here - and her photos and moviescenes elsewhere.
So where do I find that girl?
The dates are not certain yet - so contact information is what I need right now!

Any recommendations or help would be appreciated - thanks a lot!

First of all, welcome to the USA.

Now, one place to check out is the Porn Star Board, just three links down from here on the menu to your left.  You will find posts that talk about which porn stars provide and other juicy topics as well.

The other way to find a porn star, or at least someone who advertizes that they provide a porn star experience (PSE) is to go the the review section and click on "Search Reviews".

On the page that comes up are filters for a wide variety of provider services and attributes, as well as their ratings.

Find the filter for PSE and activate it.  Then add other attributes such as the city, ratings, etc. and hit search.  A page of lovelies will come up from which you can then examine their profiles, reviews and get links to their websites, etc.

Of course you will need VIP membership in order to get the juicy details, so it would be worthwhile to obtain that first.

Best wishes.

Listen to Mr. Fisher and go for the VIP. it is only $20, and I tell people that it is an investment that will yeild incredibly high dividends in this world wide depression. Go for it eh74, you will not be sorry. PM me when you are vip and I will help you one on one.

Go to the pornstar discussion board and find the entry called the "300 club"  It is a compilation of pornstars that provide for around $300 per hour.  It's updated every week.

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