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Re: Here's my current regimen suggested by a Tantra provider that I plan to see soon....
TS_BEAU 3 Reviews 1155 reads

Cold water???   She say what's that supposed to do? Having had my first encounters very recently, I have renewed interest in being in peak performance myself. I remember I used to take L-Arginine and did a lot of hiking.  I could go so much it was too time consuming. Even learned to type fast and accurate with one hand. LOL

Guys, please be nice.  I am a 50+ year old guy that is planning his 1st with one of San Deigo's finest.  I am thinking about buying 2 hours since it will be my first with a pro.  Is there anything I can do to put more lead in the pencil?  Once is no problem, 2 times is the question.  Any tips, ideas, or prayers will be appreciated!!!   I actually have a few months before I go and I plan on being a few pounds lighter so I won't gross this beauty out.  I need to lose weight anyway and I can't think of any better reason.

Bootzie581285 reads

Well Jon I am 58 and exercise every day.  To get 2 cups abstain a week before going.  Cut down on portion sizes, walk everyday if possible. Try to get one off in the first half hour.  You should be replenished for a second in the last half of your 2 hr session.  if you don't thats OK just enjoy her touch and taste her elements of desire.  Remember live in the moment..... and no vitamin E is of no help.

I agree with everything that Bootzie58 said, but some other things you can do is go to your GNC and buy a testosterone booster (they take about 7 days to have any effect), eat high protien, low carb, low fat for a day or two prior to the encounter, and, of course, 100 mg of Viagra on an empty stomach one hour prior to your visit should also be a big plus.

Over the counter meds or supp's really don't do a thing, if your suffering from ED then i suggest you see your urologist and get some viagra or something similar to take, There are 2 avenues of thought on vitamins with physicans..some swear by them, and others they mean nothing..example is Vit B12 (iron) some say that taking a tablet once a day helps enrich the blood, others say that sublingual or a shot is the best way because pills do nothing.
My suggestion is to relax, look forward to your experience, and count the days! LOL
Good Luck Jon

Ms. Jayla, you have no idea how much I am looking forward to this.  I will feel like a school boy, I am afraid.  My knees will be weak and my hands will be shaking.  I check her website about 10 times a day saying simply WOW.  I hope I don't screw it up and she agrees to see me.  I have sent her the requested info and I keep waiting for a return call or email.

Walnuts, green tea with ginseng, and soaking my nuts (not the walnuts) for three minutes a day in cold water.

I'll let you know in a few weeks how it works.

Cold water???   She say what's that supposed to do? Having had my first encounters very recently, I have renewed interest in being in peak performance myself. I remember I used to take L-Arginine and did a lot of hiking.  I could go so much it was too time consuming. Even learned to type fast and accurate with one hand. LOL

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