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Re: Free and clear?
Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1071 reads

If she was LE you would already have been arrested, processed and released on bail.  As a general rule a sting is a sting. LE sets up and busts a bunch of guys as soon as the money changes hands. Simple and quick.  Local LE doesn't put nearly as much time and effort into busting the average working stiff as the feds do when they are going after bigger fish.

Next time just be more careful.  CL is a very dangerous place for a newbie...

I have a question that might seem dumb. I'm new here and I didn't read the site thoroughly, so... about a week ago I answered a CL ad, emailed and Skyped the woman (used no phone #s), set up a time & place and met her. She has no reviews that I can find. (Told you I was dumb.) Everything went smoothly, but now I'm paranoid that she might've been working for LE.

My question is, to get stung do you have to be caught in the act, so to speak, or is there ever a case where records (video, photos, whatever) are compiled with a particular provider, and then that provider's customers get busted en masse? In other words, do I need to worry about that dinnertime knock on the door? Or am I free and clear now that the deed is done and a few days have passed?

I don't think she was LE but I wonder if she could be coerced into working for LE. She got completely naked in a hurry and we fucked (mish) with no hesitation on her part so I don't think too many cops do that.

Hopefully I'm just being paranoid but I thought I'd ask y'all's advice. Remember, se has no phone # of mine and my email's a dummy acct. Thanks for your advice.

CL = Clueless Losers2483 reads

CL is the cesspool of escorts sites, and LE knows the guys and girls who use it are dumber than  baked yams.  LE targets CL because it's like shooting cerebrally challenged fish in a barrel. Avoid CL like the plague.  CL has more busts than all the other sites combined.

If she was LE you would already have been arrested, processed and released on bail.  As a general rule a sting is a sting. LE sets up and busts a bunch of guys as soon as the money changes hands. Simple and quick.  Local LE doesn't put nearly as much time and effort into busting the average working stiff as the feds do when they are going after bigger fish.

Next time just be more careful.  CL is a very dangerous place for a newbie...

Will someone please tell me why anyone who is aware of TER would use CL? WHY? So confused, i want to be mean and say you flippin deserve what ever you get, especially if you are a TER member. That should be a prerequisite for being a member, you cant use CL!! Hmmm... how could we make that work? LOL!

HavingFunInOC1508 reads

I have used CL in conjunction with Backpage, CV and ERO to find a provider when traveling.  BUT I always use TER to research their reviews.  If I can't find a review, I move on.  Have had some wonderful encounters this way.  Besides, sometimes the CL ads are entertaining to browse.

If she were LE, you would currently be out on bail.  You got lucky, now start thinking!  If you can't afford to get busted, only contact well reviewed TER ladies.

There are some advantages beyond safety, use the search function, fine ladies that fit your fantasy, you will know a lot about her, and know what you will be getting.  HOBBY SAFE!!!!


Yeah, if she had been LE you would have known pretty quickly. You're fine. However in the future stay away from CL. There is not one reason in the freakin world that its worth it. Seems like a lot of newbies turn to it, as its easier to set up appointments, no screening, cheaper girls, but keep in mind that you get what you pay for. In all kinds of ways! Stick with TER reviewed girls.

Thanks, all. Lesson learned... You're all good teachers. Happy hobbying!

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