Newbie - FAQ

Here are a couple of seldom used but very important acronyms.........regular_smile
Acrononomous 4692 reads

PCS = "Peeled Carrot Syndrome"; When you recieve a non-lubricated handjob that is so poorly done that the skin erodes off from the sides of your penis!

ICSHPFATR = "I Could Smell Her Pussy From Across The Room";  (self-explainitory)

TTAT = "Terrible Trojan After Taste"; (Needs no explination!)

BAW = "Big Ass Woman"; When a lady has small bones, but simply has packed on too much weight to her gluteus maximus by over eating.

Dear Lucky Hobbyists,
Here I am trawling this wonderful sub-culture, dreaming of a bulging wallet and empty afternoons when I hit the wall with some of the lingo. Most of it is fun to work out. GFE is Gay Fag Experience obviously, ho, ho. But WTF is DATY (some of licking, no?), OEM etc.  
Presumably the shorthand is a legal precaution too, although I think even the jury on the OJ trial could figure who "the little soldier" is who gets such a beating in every posting!

Anyhoo, is there a glossary on the site for all this fun stuff?

Acrononomous4693 reads

PCS = "Peeled Carrot Syndrome"; When you recieve a non-lubricated handjob that is so poorly done that the skin erodes off from the sides of your penis!

ICSHPFATR = "I Could Smell Her Pussy From Across The Room";  (self-explainitory)

TTAT = "Terrible Trojan After Taste"; (Needs no explination!)

BAW = "Big Ass Woman"; When a lady has small bones, but simply has packed on too much weight to her gluteus maximus by over eating.

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