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Eros seems better in Tampa/Orlando . . .
Misty_Bay See my TER Reviews 4168 reads

...although there are a few rip-offs on there too.  I have an ad on Eros and it's the only paid site that I use.

I travel sometimes to Austin/San Antonio and most of those ads are rip-offs.  It depends on the city.  Always check TER reviews.

Philly Dude4746 reads

I have noticed a big difference in both price and quality between the women on craigs list and the women on Eros. Does anyone have any feedback on what listing service is better?

Thank you

atl_mgr4936 reads

I think it varies widely from location to location.  CL is pretty popular in some cities, and scrapes the bottom of the barrel in others.  Seems that Eros is almost always a mixed bag of legit ladies and scam ads or bait-n-switch.

BTW, links to craigslist ads are not allowed on TER discussion boards.

...although there are a few rip-offs on there too.  I have an ad on Eros and it's the only paid site that I use.

I travel sometimes to Austin/San Antonio and most of those ads are rip-offs.  It depends on the city.  Always check TER reviews.

texascindy5080 reads

The reason there are so many rip-offs in Florida is due to the law bothering everyone.  I have been in Florida for 2 years and business SUCKS!

Tori Of Atlanta4811 reads

Eros "Verified" is a moderated listing of women who have submitted a photo with the current date contained within the picture. Not any guarantee by any stretch of the imagination...

(*let's face it, if they are running a scam they know how to "get around" these small issues*)

-But- least you know they are trying to offer some quality of advertising. C/L in some cities can send you on a wild goose chase as anyone can post any ad without moderation and there have been times in the past when strange and weird posts have been made without a providers knowledge. Just my 2 cents .....  kisses ~Tori

atl_mgr3312 reads

Eros recently announced that they were eliminating their entire 'verified' process.  They also stated that they were doing away with it in response to customer feedback.

About time, because it was basically worthless in some markets.

Craigs Shit List4894 reads

are Eros Guide, Exotics, and Cityvibe. All have good and bad and all have some bait&switch. I would rank them this way 1) Eros,  2) Exotics, 3) Cityvibe, 4) CL (Gutter). The bottom line on any of them is to do your TER homework DILIGENTLY. Get TER VIP, and you won't have to worry about scammers. Happy Hobbying !

atl_mgr5333 reads

In general, for most major U.S. cities, I would agree with your list order.  However, in Atlanta, Exotics is full of rip-off providers and is very out-of-date when compared to Cityvibe, and I would reverse those two on the list.  Eros has some credibility issues as well, but most visiting ladies use Eros or Cityvibe in Georgia.

aj750345377 reads

Eros and CL are both pretty good.  I agree with some of the other posters though, CL is kind of hit and miss.  Lately I've had better luck on a site called  Its more or less the same thing as CL but, I think you have to pay to post in some of their adult sections which pobably helps keep out some of the riff raff.  Either way, just another resource I've come across as of late.

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