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Email her and see whether she accepts third part verification such as RoomService2000 or Datecheck.
stilltryin25 16 Reviews 9846 reads

You will have to give the third parties information that will allow them to confirm that you are who you say you are.
An alternative as was pointed out is to ask the lady out for lunch, pay her hourly fee and buy lunch. If things go good for both of you then you can set a date later. Such an option would be difficult if you are hobbying in a city near where you live and are known there.

southern_bm6646 reads

I'm new at this hobby and can't get an independant provider to be a referance. If everyone requires references, but you can't get an appointment with anyone cause you have no references .. how do you  start. I've been with an agency, but they will not vouch for me, cause they want me to come back to them .. and I have my eye on an independant girl in Carolina I want to see. any advice .... i'm at [email protected]

1) Meet the provider you want somewhere for coffee - offer to pay for time, let her get comfortable that way - may cost you, but that's no different than those who have a 2 hour minimum for first timers.
2) Ask the provider you really want to see for the names of 4-5 providers she trust who will see you without a review.  Then pick one of those and pay the cost.

You will have to give the third parties information that will allow them to confirm that you are who you say you are.
An alternative as was pointed out is to ask the lady out for lunch, pay her hourly fee and buy lunch. If things go good for both of you then you can set a date later. Such an option would be difficult if you are hobbying in a city near where you live and are known there.

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