New York City Buzz

Everything about you is delightfulteeth_smile
dadorrr 1 Reviews 261 reads

I had the pleasure of meeting this very beautiful and charming lady.  She is not kidding when she says she can raise the temperature, she is hot in every sense of the word.  I still remember every moment spent with her in vivid detail.

Hey Guys

I know it has really been cold in NYC and all the while i have been tanning on the sunny beaches of California. Don't hate me because i am beautiful. I have the tinyest tan lines for you to explore. I am on my way to NYC to help raise the temperature. I cant do anything about the frigid weather outside but i sure as hell can raise the temperature inside. I have been called many things but never frigid;-)

Find out for yourself.

Holly Paige at your service.

I had the pleasure of meeting this very beautiful and charming lady.  She is not kidding when she says she can raise the temperature, she is hot in every sense of the word.  I still remember every moment spent with her in vivid detail.

Thank you so much you put a smile on my face. I hope i can return the favor.

Everytime I think of you, it makes me smile. Time simply stood still. Hopefully you'll return to the SoCal area soon and I get the opportunity to put a smile on your face. You are simply unforgettable.

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