New York

Thanks Guys...
Sexy Toni See my TER Reviews 2940 reads

Long Island is great and I cannot wait to return . . .

I miss my wonderful friends in Long Island!!!

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday...let's get together!

I'm suprised you're making the trip out to NY.

I guess NY needs some hot florida lovin' to melt the snow away. :)

Guys, have fun with Toni. She's a great girl and a fun time. :)

Is one of my favorites!! Toni- Please come to LI soon.

Long Island is great and I cannot wait to return . . .

I miss my wonderful friends in Long Island!!!

E-mail me when you have a chance so we can talk about some dates in the near future.

Landem3642 reads

And do be careful travelling out there {wink}

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