New York

Re:NYC's; Creative limerick contest... First line starts out...."There once was a girl from.......regular_smile
thats_amore 6284 reads

There once was a girl from a high-end agency,
that provided a service many sought aimlessly.
They started a contest for all to contend.
Just a limerick of five versus and a winner at the end!

Now the lady deserved more than a rhyme scheme of aabb.
A poem, a ballet, or some magical abracadabra.
For to win her attention would take more than a few roses.
Not just five versus, a mere limerick, or a carriage drawn by horses.

So the winner was one who climbed a crest of the crowd,
with a suite, some Shiraz, and a gift to make her proud.
For a lady so sweet that all jumped to their feet,
was deserving no less than the best of all treats.

A marble tub suite in a five-star hotel,
left the other contenders with nothing to tell.
A dozen roses were there to see, as was the Shiraz,
and, most certainly, that magical, palpable pizzazz.

In the passion of the night the two enjoyed with great relish,
what only the best could taste and makes the onlookers jealous.

Though the hours spent together would not equal a day.
Not week, a month, or a year all would say.
It was those three hours that toppled the greatness of time.
Even though the limerick never truly rhymed.

Creative limerick contest... First line starts out...."There once was a girl from........" and the contestant fills out the rest of the limerick.

             WIN a life altering

           three (3) hour PSE/GFE

         with New York Confidential's

          19y/o Superstar Samantha!

Samantha (who has a genius IQ) will pick the winner
within 24 hours of this post hitting page two.

You must provide a first class hotel room, agree to
write a review, and claim your prize within 7 days.

                 Good luck!

mrbiggs795033 reads

who claimed to have a genious iq who gets to judge another one these stupid contests she said fuck it just come here and let me suck it who then went and spit in a bucket

There once was a girl from Nantucket,
who loved dick so much she would suck it.
She said with a grin,
as she whiped her chin.
If you could last a little longer,
"I would fuck it!"

I plan to submit my entry to the contest, but while the subject of NY Confi comes up, they have an awesome new girl there named Ellie.  Amazing.  Looks a bit like Cindy Crawford with very, very large natural breasts.  And NO I AM NOT SHILLING FOR THE AGENCY.  I get tired of hearing that . There is a difference between shilling and putting out a good word for someone who you feel has gone out of their way to treat you right and live up to their promises.  Perhaps some of you people just want to take, take, and take,  The only time you give is when you open your wallets.  Have you ever heard of doing something nice for someone just because it's the right thing to do even though there's nothiing in it for you?  NY Confi has NEVER given me a free girl, NEVER given me a discount.  But they DID show consideration and fairness when one experience really went awry with one of their girls that is no longer with them.
So don't bother posting anything about me being a shill.  I'm tired of reading that BULLSHIT!!!

There was a girl from manhattan
that didn't know what she sat in

she looked to the east
and discovered a beast

she looked to the west
and then saw the best

no he wasn't gay
his name is jaejae

he said Samantha let's play
but only if your undies are satin!

First of all, It looks like you solved the problem of poor folks winning 1 hour and then wanting to go over for free.  3 hours is a great prize.

There once was a girl from NYC                      (Stress the Y)
All the guys here, they knew she was spicy.
So a contest was had...
To bless just one lad
And the rest showered in water that was Icy.

There once was a girl from Moscow.
I laid eyes on her and said "wow!"
Though I'm trying to save some money,
It's hard finding this kind of honey.,
And soon I was in heaven somehow.

thats_amore6285 reads

There once was a girl from a high-end agency,
that provided a service many sought aimlessly.
They started a contest for all to contend.
Just a limerick of five versus and a winner at the end!

Now the lady deserved more than a rhyme scheme of aabb.
A poem, a ballet, or some magical abracadabra.
For to win her attention would take more than a few roses.
Not just five versus, a mere limerick, or a carriage drawn by horses.

So the winner was one who climbed a crest of the crowd,
with a suite, some Shiraz, and a gift to make her proud.
For a lady so sweet that all jumped to their feet,
was deserving no less than the best of all treats.

A marble tub suite in a five-star hotel,
left the other contenders with nothing to tell.
A dozen roses were there to see, as was the Shiraz,
and, most certainly, that magical, palpable pizzazz.

In the passion of the night the two enjoyed with great relish,
what only the best could taste and makes the onlookers jealous.

Though the hours spent together would not equal a day.
Not week, a month, or a year all would say.
It was those three hours that toppled the greatness of time.
Even though the limerick never truly rhymed.

Some of  you might be wondering why my limmerick entry started with "There once was a girl from MOSCOW."  Why Moscow you ask?  That's because Samantha is from Moscow, Russia.  She learned English here in the U.S. so she speaks fluent English with no accent, but being from Russia, she also speaks fluent Russian with a perfect Russian accent.  To hear her go back and forth is one of the things about her that makes her so adorable. I've met her, but have not had a date with her.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed until this contest ends.

Tony Souprano6006 reads

use must be her agent?


stone1545799 reads

there once was a girl from the city
who everyone knew was pretty
i grabbed a titty
pet her kitty
and lickwd that sweet little clity

hope you enjoy!

There once was a girl from New York Confi
From what I hear she's really quite lovely
Now I hear she speaks Greek!
(My knees just went weak)
I haven't felt this way since I was twenty.

I can imagine what's in store
When Samantha opens that door
Three hours of pure bliss awaits!
Check out her pics - whoa what a view
Heck, I'm already writing my review!

My humble entry:

There once was a girl from Vancouver
so pretty one could not improve her
arched her back with a spasm
as she cooed "nice orgasm"
into new positions then i will move her

on the bed, on the floor, in the shower
with each orgasm i regain new power
i know she's nineteen
still the best i have seen
this lovemaking could go on for hours.

thanks much to NYConfidential


There once was a girl from Corfu,
Whose Confidential listing was new.
An untested young flower,
She was six hundred an hour,
But eight hundred after her TE Review.


There once was girl from a place so unique
that once i laid eyes on her,i barely could speak
no need for me to ask her
as she cried "harder,faster"
and pretty soon i was reaching my peak

but then the neighbors were complaining
about all the moaning and the wailing
several knocks on the door
as we rolled on the floor
since when is having great sex such a failing?

as we took a quick break to regain our bearings
i appreciated the lingerie Samantha was wearing
but i waited no more
and i removed it for sure
using my teeth she called me "so daring !"

tres bien


There once was a girl from McGrass
Who had a most beautiful ass
But it wasn't pink
as you might think
but was gray, had long ears and ate grass

my entry by Hulings :

there once was a girl from just down the street
then one day it happened - us destined to meet
a polite introduction
i commence the seduction
as my fantasy now comes complete

samantha her name and her beauty the best
if she's the exam, then i'm taking that test
first the undressing
then the impressing
all is confirmed, she surpasses the rest

and now with this girl my tongue does explore
first quietly moaning and then asking for more
more with the whipped cream
as this seems like a dream
she asks "may i please you? " of course i say "sure"

samantha engulfs me and brings me to bliss
no inch of her body unattended or missed
as we meld into one
and enjoy all the fun
our lips never parted from our first kiss

there once was a girl who held such ambitions
like multiple orgasms and wicked positions
quite kinky the teasing
we're enjoying the pleasing
from our Sexual Menu there are no omissions

and so ends the story of the girl down the street
as i lay exhausted after so many a feat
of such unique pleasure
a remarkable pleasure
Miss Samantha...hmmmn, what a treat !

Thanks to NYConfidential for all the contests.


Dearest Samantha -

This is for you.  No doubt, many have felt this way. . .

There once was a girl from New York Confidential,
who preferred the wickedly sublime to the existential;
after he beseeched from his knees,
craving much more than a tease,
so overwhelming was his joy, he turned reverential.

(based on my recent experience)

There once was a girl from NYC,
Who missed her chance to see me.
I sat alone sobbing
'Cause my poor dick was throbbing.
Please, Sam, let me win three hours free.

There once was a girl from a far away land, her name was Sam
She was cuter than cute, softer than soft, like a newborn lamb.
When she took off her clothes
She bloomed like a rose
And tasted sweeter than strawberry jam.

Since the rules say we are limited to one entry, here's another one from me:

There once was a girl from a dream in my head.
I wished and wished to get her into my bed.
But try as I might,
There was no luck in sight,
'Til I found my wife giving her head.

There once was a girl from Manhattan
Whose moves and strokes I will pattern
For a mind blowing three hours
Including whip cream and showers
She has a body I would luv to devour

gkw5031 reads

ode to samantha...

There once was a girl from heaven
On a scale from 1 to 10 she's an eleven
When samantha picks me
She will fill me with glee
And I'll fill her with my hard seven

There once was a girl from Detroit
At sex she was really adroit
She said to her man
"I'll try it again
but your d*ck is too small to enjoy it."

-- Modified on 4/6/2004 11:16:17 PM

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