
cleavers 30 reads

I first thought the OP was talking about the old MG that was around, but it's not. I'm almost positive that some of the vendors are going to be at this kink party. I got info from the nudist place north of the cities and a few vendors. In the past, I went to a few kinks around town. This one has been happening in the cities since 2018, at different venues and hotels. They have rules that don't pertain to this board—that's why it happens.  

By TER policy, I cannot post the link. Advertising personal side businesses or advertisements for other businesses is strictly prohibited. Is the following OK?

This is an outline of it if anybody is interested in this: 21+ 2-night, immersive experience of kink. Join us for an alternative lifestyle event that provides an upscale, safe place to express yourself freely and explore non-traditional desires. From the moment you enter the hotel, be transported into an indulgence of sensual pleasures that include everything from a ballroom dungeon, pool dungeon, performances, classes, swingers' suite, and more.

You can DM me if you are interested.

I want to get naughty parties on my calendar. PM me local events.

I remember back in the day we had some awesome ones! I miss those!

Atouk23 reads

While I would love to attend a naughty party, I also know I’d be that guy awkwardly standing in the corner missing all the fun eventually leaving around 9:00 depressed.

cleavers23 reads

I'm no expert in local (I will not go to a local one). Even the  MGs the board here, it is rare, and nationally, too. Two states that I would avoid because of the past are Minnesota and Arizona. Both guys and gals got into serious trouble for what was going on.  

But there are some, and one of the best takes place in a few different cities in Florida. I think they had one six months ago. Ladies from MN have shown up, but they come from all over the country for this. A companion who wants to go to it and get admitted is more accessible than a guy. If a guy thinks giving personal info is out, you might not get in through security... it's pretty lengthy. But if a guy is a client of one of the companions, she can vouch for you. They have a list of companions on their site. There is a mix of female, trans, and Mistress providers, whichever is your thing. It was worth it. It was the best few weeks...ever.  

This is FL (a lot of top-end), so plan your finances. Jennie, you can have a travel friend...

-- Modified on 8/1/2024 9:08:24 AM

...they took things to a whole new level of debauchery.  I didn't feel bad for how they got pinched either.  

Stiflers_mom24 reads

There's that one and other local ones that turned out poorly. The one you mentioned: People make so many mistakes when they think through the little guy. Also, it comes down to this: People talk too much, and when they get caught, they fall for giving all their info out...like their profiles to all their online groups. Some of those guy's personal info were released in that group you mentioned.  

There have been MGs in other areas, and they didn't require personal info from the guys. Even the person who put those together mentioned they would not do it anymore for several reasons, including the lack of companions here.

cleavers28 reads

I wish no harm to both clients and companions. Locally, far too many have been screwed over by this. I know of a few guys who lost more than legal issues. It was either a legal matter, then their SO finds out, or their SO  finds out another way. I've had some things said to me, like, "I don't want my kids to find out about this part of my life."

Then several companions that are "screwed" over. Even if they don't get arrested, "they" will still try to get something with lies. Even if you get caught but not arrested, they will work against each other to see who flips on another. That lady got so scared by this that she quit and disappeared. I was told by reliable sources that they knew that certain people were following them, even with her kids in her car.

Regarding debauchery, probably over 50% of us have been guilty of excessive indulgence...my peak was around 30 years ago...porn stars/travelers help me with that itch. A hunting friend had a massive sex addiction; he was having fun once or twice a week, and he would have anywhere from 2-3+ companions come over every time. The funny thing about time was that he never used the internet for this. He had a lot of paper with names/numbers on it, and it had much lower rates, too. When "C" was alive and lived here, he had a date/dinner every night...M-F. He was the only one who supplied me with much help/knowledge about local companions...I could go on...

I was much more active 20-30 years ago myself and actually got closer than I would have cared too with the group.  It was at the time something I saw as a missed opportunity.  I knew a few of the ladies very well and loved the fast pass idea that was created.  When shit hit the fan, there was great relief that I wasn't in the circle.  One of the things I had heard but was never able to verify (nor tried) was that one or two of the organizers were "hitting" their own supply but at no charge...more of an earned commission but not in money but sex.  If the gal came into town, they had to go to the office first to get their run sheets but those only came out after they paid the tax.  

If that was the case, I stand by my earlier opinion that they deserved what they got.  They went over the line.  

cleavers23 reads

I should have said the ones that harm the ladies should "leave." Lately, there has been one that I know of who passed their background check but ended up physically harming the lady, and she is still going through PTSD.

A lot of what was said about them was, at the last, exaggerated, if not outright false.  They were caught mostly because they were careless.

Back in the good old days I attended two different parties.  They were run by the ladies.  they were by invitation only.  Once invited you had to be approved by another lady.  Once cleared you were given the location.  Parties were great as you would expect.

I knew of 3 and went to 2 of them about 10 years back. The girls who ran them and got them together are long gone. I know some ladies have tried to start them back up recently but just too much work. I know some ladies will have get together with other providers alot, like 10 girls, but no guys are allowed.

Oh, I'll toss your tarantula, baby ;) No need to wait until the party either(PM for the link).

I want a review...you want me to toss your tarantula... PM me for the opportunity of a lifetime.

IJMiggs32 reads

You should know better too! Do you really think you will continue to operate under these “public conditions” very long before attracting attention from LE and Uncle Sam? I would advise you move to Las Vegas for your own good.

IslaMojito32 reads

Images of Hillary Holiday and Trinity Lake; both thinking they were untouchable and could do whatever they wanted without impunity.  Fuck around and find out.
“The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed.”

Stiflers_mom22 reads

Most of that was out of control. Some people didn't know it was not her doing. It was very dark, and some local media had print and live coverage (her name was never mentioned). LE could never have enough evidence to put him away. I remember that he still saw companionship. It's like a Bundy mirror.

IslaMojito21 reads

Hilary was in the documentary American Courtesans (circ. 2013) which was about escorts/sex workers. She also used the name Hilary Holiday but I don’t recall if there was any mention that she mainly worked in Mpls.

IJMiggs20 reads

Many of these new local girls that want to be social media queens and 40 year-old porn stars are unpredictable and frankly dangerous!

I don’t get as naughty but I’d love to come help keep a safe space - holler if u think I’d make a fun fit !!

Same here! I couldn't agree more having a safe space is very essential! I would like to have some fun as well! :)

lol, if you want to push that boundary, I'd love to help!

cleavers31 reads

I first thought the OP was talking about the old MG that was around, but it's not. I'm almost positive that some of the vendors are going to be at this kink party. I got info from the nudist place north of the cities and a few vendors. In the past, I went to a few kinks around town. This one has been happening in the cities since 2018, at different venues and hotels. They have rules that don't pertain to this board—that's why it happens.  

By TER policy, I cannot post the link. Advertising personal side businesses or advertisements for other businesses is strictly prohibited. Is the following OK?

This is an outline of it if anybody is interested in this: 21+ 2-night, immersive experience of kink. Join us for an alternative lifestyle event that provides an upscale, safe place to express yourself freely and explore non-traditional desires. From the moment you enter the hotel, be transported into an indulgence of sensual pleasures that include everything from a ballroom dungeon, pool dungeon, performances, classes, swingers' suite, and more.

You can DM me if you are interested.

There were two different groups. One got “pinched” and rolled onto the other as there was crossover of clients in both groups.
Those parties were amazing but were so much work and required trust and discreet clients and providers.
At that time, there were only a few ladies who had  that kind of  trust and integrity to pull those off.
I really miss those times but we can’t go back.

Sassyred (is still around)

Anyone in considering this type of gathering might seriously think about including the likes  of Sassy or others who were active at that time in the planning.  Safety and discretion is paramount.

-- Modified on 8/23/2024 6:26:35 PM

Another thing I would recommend is not discussing a M&G on this board.  Do so via DMs and other back channel mechanisms as LE can easily see what is discussed here.

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