
Re:wmm you refering to me?? this was NOT an APT. if you mean me below will refresh your memory
sparks 5 Reviews 5995 reads

and to top if off I never had an appointment arranged with Madison so how could she have stood me up or thought I meant her. Madison, what is the matter with you.
take my info off the board

I got stood up tonight by one of MNs finest tonight. I'm hoping to salvage the night.
[email protected]

Who may I ask did this terrible deed, especially on a Friday night when a man needs it the most?

It probably isn't fair of me to say her name, especially considering I haven't heard a reason yet......  I'm being polite :)
I think I've settled my problem and found another possibility, but I'm still open....

Sparks, good call on your part to not name the lady in question until you have all the information.

peachs8469 reads

There could be a myriad of reasons for the no-show,so always best to be prudent giving the benefit of doubt. In best case, provider will reward you for your inconvenience and discretion!

Madison of Mpls9973 reads

Hi Madison,
you can reach me at [phone number edited by STAFF] if you are available

--- Madison Mpls wrote:
Hi I havent heard back so I will delete your

Mike  wrote:Hi Madison,
I sent in a contact form a few days ago regarding
saturday evening, dec. 13. I'm hoping you are
avaialable. I hope to hear from you so I can make


Madison Mpls wrote:
Hi Mike please take a look at my schedule on my
below for dates when I am avail. Also I take all
apts through my site form. XX Thanks OO

Mike wrote:Hi Madison,

I will be traveling to the twin cities on Nov 14
few days and again in mid december. I would love
meet you. I have just read several reviews on TBD.
Since I am coming twice to MN I'd love to meet you
my first trip making opportunity to get together
you again on my second trip. I'd prefer a few hour
session if you have the time available.

Please write soon.

Moonray8699 reads

1) He didn't even name the provider.
2) It sounded like he’d already resolved the situation, and he wasn't even talking about you, and even if he was, none of us would have known!
3) Even if he had mentioned your name (NOT your real name, BTW, but just the Alias you work under), that is no grounds for posting personal information about him in this public forum!  It would certainly been within your rights to call him out and tell him he's full of shit; but posting personal info?  Would it be OK for a hobbyist to post your home address here if he sees you discussing the behavior of some unnamed hobbyist he thinks, just possibly, could be him?

Did I mention before that price is not the only issue the local guys are having with our leading local providers?  Indiscretion, and invasion of privacy are HUGE issues too!

TheLastWord7942 reads


Personal info posted just because somebody posted about a blown appt.!!!!!!!!


I guess I just don't get it. How may times does this have to happen before people realize what a NO NO it is? Who in their right mind would ever schedule with her after reading this? It just blows my mind.

-- Modified on 12/15/2003 8:52:06 AM

Frickin Crazy6878 reads

What?!?!?! Posting a hobbyist's contact info on a public board?  You have got to be kidding me.

This is an absolute, black-and-white transgression.  There's no gray area here, you stepped over a line that cannot EVER be stepped over.  I cannot believe that SRV or the site admins will let this stand...  If I knew their phone numbers and not just their e-mails, I'd have called them already.

Madison's name was never mentioned or even implied by the poster.  I'm not sure that posting a guy's contact info would ever be appropriate, but even if there was a circumstance where it was, this sure isn't it.

This is the fourth time in the last six months where I've seen first hand, with my own eyes and ears, very high-profile, well-known local providers misusing or publishing a hobbyist's personal information.

I challenge any and all hobbyists to absolutely blacklist any provider who does this.  No ifs, no ands, no buts, no retractions or rationalizations.  This kind of damaging vindictiveness hurts all of us and shouldn't be tolerated.  The career, the family, the repuatation you save may very well be your own.

what an ass....  I wasn't referring to you in my post and I certainly never implied it was you or said your name. you suck and I hope people wise up and ignore you from now on. you request personal info before even making a contact and now you use it in a public forum.  you suck!!!

I was nothing but polite to you via email and in now way did anything to cause you to pull this shit.

-- Modified on 12/15/2003 7:59:21 AM

and to top if off I never had an appointment arranged with Madison so how could she have stood me up or thought I meant her. Madison, what is the matter with you.
take my info off the board

This is bad, bad, bad.

Perhaps we can take a lesson from this - if you give providers your personal info, you are, unfortunately, taking a chance that what happened to sparks will happen to you.  And if you think some local providers don't keep the info, wait until they call you at work or at home.  

I'd like to see the providers respond to what happened to sparks and to this issue.  

Also mod, please take down Madison's post.

That has to be the most indiscreet thing I have ever heard of - posting a guys correspondence WITH PHONE NUMBER on an open board.  I have enough problems without some diva posting me personal crap all over!

FRED6669730 reads

This morning I was wishing I had taken up a career in hacking so that I could edit her post for her. I even wondered if she had done copy and paste in such a flurry that she did not realize his number was attached. Hardly seems like the Madison we know, but hopefully this never happens again.

One the brighter side at least we know she will never call your home or work, she will not threaten to have reviews pulled, she doesn not use illegal substances, and does not have a database.

Godfather #17885 reads

Like the old saying goes, what comes around goes around and you will get your justice in the end.  LIke I mentioned to Sparks ealier, He did his post with tact and courtesy unlike the recently banned "A"list provider.  Kind of like she signed her own death warrant.

She definetly crossed the line posting a hobbyist contact info on a public board.

Keep your head up sparks, you are on the right page!

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