
Re: Crickets mean your deposit is probably gone ...
WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 3 reads

Well I am going to go with 2 wrongs don't a right, and if someone does contact me from a different email address (I do email only) and pretends to be another person and does not tell me that they got another email I will not be seeing them. I personally do not do deposits but there are way too many gals that are taking deposits and then not returning them. Deposits are to save a spot to see the provider, that is it. And if the provider has to cancel in my opinion the deposit should be returned within 24 to 48 hours. Our profession is obviously still illegal but that does not mean dishonestly needs to be woven into fabric.

This provider looks pretty good to me, but I haven’t seen any reviews. And has the dreaded “deposit”.  Does anyone know about her or seen her.  I’d love to find out more, but high price point and not ready to take the plunge on her.

Atouk5 reads

She is very active on twitter and has a no review policy. I believe she is legit. But that said I booked with her, day of she cancelled and has ghosted me ever since.  Personally I think she is a complete undependable flake but you may have a different experience.  Would love to know others experiences.

Did you get your deposit back or did she steal it?

I have not taken the leap due to her no reviews and deposit policy

Atouk4 reads

At this point she still has it.

Atouk4 reads

It was February, at the time, there was talk of returning deposit, but communication had been really good and I planned to rebook at a later date (which is why I hesitate to say steel) I hobby locally less frequently and thought it would be in April so I figured hold the deposit until I rebook, my mistake because when I tried to rebook crickets.

... looks like she'll be touring soon to NYC. Try ping her using a different number - pretend to be a new client.

Atouk2 reads

That’s my guess as well, although  I’m going to try one other way next time I can hobby here in the TC and then give up.

There's many providers who view then as booking fees these days.

Don’t do that. It’s creepy and will most likely get you BL’d.

... pretend to be someone else.  

Does not seem to me anymore creepy then  keeping what looks like a 20% deposit.
I there is another side to the story there is a forum here for her to tell why she is keeping his deposit. Sorry Vorlorn - booking fee is BS - Website says deposit.

Of course it's BS.  That doesn't mean she won't treat the money as a booking fee.

Well I am going to go with 2 wrongs don't a right, and if someone does contact me from a different email address (I do email only) and pretends to be another person and does not tell me that they got another email I will not be seeing them. I personally do not do deposits but there are way too many gals that are taking deposits and then not returning them. Deposits are to save a spot to see the provider, that is it. And if the provider has to cancel in my opinion the deposit should be returned within 24 to 48 hours. Our profession is obviously still illegal but that does not mean dishonestly needs to be woven into fabric.

Move all your savings to "She still has it" financial advisors.

Atouk3 reads

I hate to use the term steal in this case because it’s being held for a future date and I do believe she is legit, just unreliable in my case.

She is legit. She is a friend of mine.

The tone of the ad is less than inviting. Personality/character really counts, at least it does for me, and certainly at that price point.
Second, the only way a provider can prevent reviews being written is to make consistently wonderful connections with her clients. It's a rare phenomenon, especially for a newbie. So I'm waiting to see... And that would be my advice.

...there's an attractive rewrite :-)   How did that happen?  
She's listening Atouk.

...she's a hotty!  I'd love to meet her if so.  But, it all comes down to the bj for me.  Like Shakespeare penned, hat or no hat...that is the question!

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