Yeah, it took me 28 years to realize I live next door to....
orphanato 16991 reads
posted adult version of Disneyland.

I fell for the filthy TJ story hook line and sinker (pun intended).  It took a bunch of vacations in Cancun before I woke up and smelled the coffee right under my nose.

And to think that I took German instead of Spanish in High, was that ever a big mistake.

I had even driven to Rosarito and Ensenada a handfull of times back then, but never had a clue at all to what I was missing.
I even rode in the Tecate-Ensenada bicycle race one time and still never realized that Hussongs was not the only place to go in Ensenada.

Sometimes you just cannot see the forest for the trees, even when it is right in front of you.  Happy hunting!!!

After spending some time reading the SD board I felt sorry for all the suckers trying to deal w/ being a monger there.  I was lucky enough to discover the pleasures of TJ and will never go back to playing this game in San Diego.  The hassle of LE, getting ripped off "taking one for the team" and 200-300 bucks an hour can get to you.  I know it ain't paradise, but TJ's a much better place to be a monger than SD-FOR SURE!

QueerJuan16929 reads

I got a whole bunch of friends that won't go down there no matter how hard I try to convince em of the benefits. " No Bluto, were aaaafraid to go with you.......... Waaaaaaaa !! Finally, I gave up, more for me. "If God hadn't meant for them to be sheared he would not have made them sheep."

If you keep telling enough people:

When you go to TJ and the place is jammed, you're cussing at how there's too many guys, you might think back and remember this post....HA!

Tell everyone, TJ is DANGEROUS!

Sessions are cut short, you get ripped off from everyone, from the waiters to the chicas and the street parasites are everywhere. It's a danger just to walk around the Zone, with all the potholes and the stench from the garbage and filth that sits in the streets!

orphanato16992 reads adult version of Disneyland.

I fell for the filthy TJ story hook line and sinker (pun intended).  It took a bunch of vacations in Cancun before I woke up and smelled the coffee right under my nose.

And to think that I took German instead of Spanish in High, was that ever a big mistake.

I had even driven to Rosarito and Ensenada a handfull of times back then, but never had a clue at all to what I was missing.
I even rode in the Tecate-Ensenada bicycle race one time and still never realized that Hussongs was not the only place to go in Ensenada.

Sometimes you just cannot see the forest for the trees, even when it is right in front of you.  Happy hunting!!!

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