Re:Where's the best place to get Vitamin "V" in TJ (eom)
dawctor 10 Reviews 16783 reads

If you are looking for quantity, by all means shop around. However, going that route I believe requires a prescription if you cross back over the border with the V... if that's a concern for you.

In the market for two 100 mg tabs, I bought at the big pharmacy at the crossing... $14 each.

I've only bought some pain killers and not V in TJ but if you want a decent price, the best place for V is on the Internet.

But if you want to buy in the Zone, there's a few pharmacies on Constitution but I'm not sure if they are on 2nd or 3rd street.
I'm sure if you go into the local neighborhoods, they will be even cheaper. Don't go down and ask a Cabbie, everyone gets kick backs.

AVOID the border pharmacies at all costs since they have the higest prices anywhere. My friend bargained for some and when he went to the cash register, he ended up paying the original high price and not the one that was negotiated.

Yes, my friend is a moron. Just slightly.

If you are looking for quantity, by all means shop around. However, going that route I believe requires a prescription if you cross back over the border with the V... if that's a concern for you.

In the market for two 100 mg tabs, I bought at the big pharmacy at the crossing... $14 each.

Boji16876 reads

A provider I met (not in TJ) had some and asked me to try them and tell her if they worked.  Did they ever...for me anyways.  Picked up a bottle of Stamina-RX for myself at Condom Revolution in Costa Mesa.  I think they were 39.99 for 30 pills.  I usually take 2-4 of them per occasion.  I have also found that they work best when NOT taken with food.  About an hour before seems to work for me.  

For an added bonus, use the new Trojan Extended Pleasure'll be like the Energizer Bunny all night long!

-- you can get it with or without yohimbe.

QueerJuan19216 reads

I get mine at Castenada Pharmacy, right there at the border across from the Taxi Stand. Actually it's a generic made in Argentina for sale in Panama, it's called Vimax. Exact same ingredient, sealed bottle and coded with an expiration date. I've taken it on and off for over two years, very safe. I buy 30 at a time 100 mg, cost about 200.00 comes out to about 6 and a half bucks a piece. CUT IT into 4 25mg a piece.

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