Re:Warning: Rubi is a flake
razman13 17 Reviews 14688 reads

i had tried to see her a few days ago, waited an hour and left.  there was this one chica around but not the girl in th pic on th web site.  still want a chance to try her out.

luvisadrug18323 reads

I had two email confirmations from her to meet with her tonight for an extended session. And then she emails that she has to reduce the session time -- for no reason and much to my disatisfaction.

My guess is she got a request for a meeting from a regular and
she gets more $ from lots of short visits than extended ones.

Either way it left a bad taste in my mouth, so I refused the
reduced amount of time.

I realize that the south of the border culture is different, but
basic human consideration should hold up to a certain extent -- like sticking to commitments on confirmed appointments -- shouldn't it?

Now, now!  At least she did not leave you cooling your heels at the border!  If she had not seen you before, perhaps she was a bit scared of a long encounter.  I spent two hours with her in September and found her sweet, very, very new to this business, sexy in a girl next door kind of way and a damn good lay.  As always YMMV.

luvisadrug16814 reads

You are suggesting that I should be happy with a last minute
change of plans after two succesive email confirmations?

She didn't rip me off, but whenever someone starts changing
confirmed plans at the last minute without giving a good reason,
that suggests a lack of respect for the customer.

I'm glad you had a good time with her, but I think it is fair
to warn people that she at least be inconsistent.

ABeautifulMind16607 reads

Most respectful LUVISADRUG,

I don't belittle your pain of losing precious time -- it is my most valuable resource as well, and becoming more so as age becomes me.     However, the notion of sunken costs should be taken into consideration when dealing in this hobby.  Assume that we will be flaked-on from time to time and the calculation of our "costs" should account for that.  It's just CDB (cost of doing business) and move on with the back up plan.  In TJ, there are so many available options, a situation like you had should not ruin your day.  I suggest a good secondary option would be Luxor MP next to the Pueblo Amigo (walking distance from the border), or just head straight to La Zona.

When sampling Ruby, she is best served hot off the dance floor in Aldelita's.  I see her in the afternoons dancing away with the customers (Salsa, chumba, etc).  She is a great dancer.  She really gets into the dancing and I believe that nothings turns a woman on quite like dancing with a man.  Wait until her set is finished and take her up stairs.  If you can dance with her, the better.  My friend did not dance with her, but upon my advice, did take her up after she finished dancing fantastically with a local.  I was impressed with her skills downstairs, and my friend was impressed with her skills upstairs.  He was with her for a full 1/2 hour and said it was one of the very best fucks he has ever had.  She was sweet, complimentary, and horny as hell.  No rush.  I could only imagine what an hour session would yield.

Not to sound condescending or patronizing (and forgive me if I do), but relax man, be happy.  How can anyone ever be pissed off in TJ?   It's not possible, if you play your cards right.  And TJ  almost always deals out a very good hand.  

And yes, love is indeed a drug.  The most powerful one there is.



I have yet to see Rubi (though I intend to) but it seems that maybe you are rushing to judgment. I understand your disappointment but stuff does come up which necessitates a change in plans. Maybe it was something she could not put off. If it was because of wanting to see another client, that would not be cool but who knows?

luvisadrug15545 reads

My understanding is that TER is a place where people
can share their experiences.  Partly to know what to expect,
so as to avoid getting burned.

I work insane hours and get very little female contact.  I therefore need to make use of what little quality free time
I have as possible.  Thus it is very important to me that
a provider be reliable in scheduling.  Also, I do not
live near the border, and to me crossing the border is
an undesireable hassle.   Thus, I feel very burned when
plans get changed at the last minute from previous confirmations made days ahead.

Perhaps you have loads of free time, and you don't mind crossing
the border and getting messed around by providers?  Will I do
mind.  Please don't deny me the right to feel burned.

I would also point out that what is the point of paying higher
prices for an internet girl if you have to put up with unreliablity, when going to Adelita's is much more of a sure thing -- at least there you can be quite certain what you will be getting.

i had tried to see her a few days ago, waited an hour and left.  there was this one chica around but not the girl in th pic on th web site.  still want a chance to try her out.

Where were you waiting?  In the bar?

I have a couple of questions about your post.

You had her confirmed for an extended session which means two hours for 250 or three for 350, is this right?

You also state that you think she did this because she gets more for the shorter (one hour) appointments than the extended sessions.

If we were talking about a bar girl, who doesn't have to prepare for the next client, or take them back to the border, etc, then that might be true.

Two single hour appointments bring in $300, but take three hours of her time.  Therefore she is better off taking the three hour for $350 appointments so your premise is not valid.

At the very least, it is a break even deal if she agrees to three hours for $300.

I understand your frustration, but unfairly blasting her on this group affects her ability to earn an income.  

If she had left you on the street (which some providers have done), imagine how frustrated you would have felt then.

I would recommend that you email her and express your frustration directly to her and give her a chance to respond.

Who knows, maybe there was going to be another taxi strike and she was saving you a lot of trouble......

snafu66612579 reads

Please don't patronize me, because I can do the math, and I don't wish to reveal the details on this board.

I can honestly tell you that she had
the possiblity of making more money if she had done multiple
1 hour parties in a single night.  If you don't want to believe
me then fine.  But I am telling you the truth.

I did email her several times for an explanation but got none.

I must say that I find it appalling the criticism I have
taken on this board for revealing a flake.  While a flake is
not as bad as a rob, it's still bad in my book, because it
is a loss in opportunity time and time is money.

I didn't realize that so many of the posters on this
board were willing to get treated so poorly by providers in TJ.
You lot must have incredibly low self-esteem, and as a result,
they will continue to use and mistreat you.  TER is a forum that
could be used to improve the experience, but if you do not wish to use it as such then so be it.

Just do the rest of us a favor and be honest when you describe
your "glowing" reviews of the TJ experience, so that the rest of us can realize the poor treatment that at least some of you
are willing to put up with.

luvisadrug12434 reads

I finally got an explanation from her.  I won't go into
details, but I'm sure it's not an easy life for those girls
down there and I don't wish to make it harder for any  of them.

Nonetheless, if someone else had got the message out that some
TJ escorts can be unreliable at scheduling, it would have
saved me a lot grief and I would have relized that it was
not a good option for someone like me with little spare time.

I continue to be rather appalled at the reaction from most
of the posters on this board suggesting that it is wrong
for me to be perturbed at a lost opportunity due to an unfullfilled confirmation.

good bye

juanstijuana16327 reads

You read comments like "I understand your frustration, but unfairly blasting her on this group affects her ability to earn an income."  

This makes me sick.  Unfortunatley so many websites have lovesick mongers and guys that have agendas with different chicas in the bars or agendas with escorts.  They get very attached while the chica has so many clients.  Many, just like the guy that made the comment, try to promote the chica to gain special privilege as he has done many times in the past.

Luvisadrug, I do appreciate your honesty and feelings.  As we always say in TJ, YMMV. (your mileage may vary)  Bad experiences are just as important as good experiences.   I hope you won't get deterred from posting in the future because of a monger like this.  Your post also points out to a future client that she has done this.

If a chica gives good service she will also have plenty of good reviews as well.  Not everyone will like the same providers.  The average Mexican makes $5,000 a year.  The TJ escorts make a lot of money, (I feel they charge way more in TJ than the standard of living there) have a lot of regulars and I seriously doubt your post affects her ability to make a living.  Now that is funny.  Any of these escorts can also do fine going and working in Adelitas or Chicago Club.  I guess she'll soon be out on the streets starving. :)


-- Modified on 11/24/2003 7:05:36 PM

-- Modified on 11/24/2003 7:07:14 PM

I don't think anyone is saying you are wrong for being disappointed or even perturbed about what happened. But to declare Rubi "a flake" because she had to change the plan at the last minute is harsh, especially since she has no history of "flaking" on people.

Apparently, even after an explanation from her, you are taking it personally. Too bad. My time is very valuable. I live a long way from the border. I do not want to be stood up or dicked around when I have an appointment. But these ladies are human; they have lives outside of showing us a good time. Shit happens to everyone once in a while... probably even to you.

luvisadrug17191 reads

Of course shit happens to everyone, but if I let someone
down I try and make it up to them.  I basically got a
urgent change of schedule notice take it or leave it.

Whether that is flakey is a question of semantics.  To me that
is very flakey.  Obviously to you guys it isn't.  I don't
hold any hard feelings towards Rubi, and for you guys that
aren't bothered by such treatment, then go for it.  She's very
attractive from her pictures, and there's no end of schmucks that will put up with all kinds of poor treatment from
such a good looking gal.

I do think it's hilarious that you guys defend her so.  
All I can say is that I hope she can get herself another
career, so she doesn't have to make it with such you jokers that
defend her so.

I agree 100% with all your posts.  This is a SERVICE related business, and if you were unhappy with any portion of said service you should air your grievances.  Far too many people rush to defend the providers.  This board is meant for hobbiests to share information with one another, but it is apparent that some hobbiests get emotionally involved with their providers, and follow them blindly.

Since you don't seem to see our points, let me explain them a little bit better.  

1.  One last minute notification with time to cancel does not warrant calling any provider a flake.  If she had a trend of doing this, for no reason, that would be different.

2.  SOME escorts and SOME clients are unreliable with respect to scheduling.  That is true no matter where you are.  But suggesting that SOME of the TJ internet chicas are unreliable is not supported by the evidence you revealed.  In principle, I just don't see how you can justify calling any provider flakey for notifying you in advance (albeit same day) that her schedule has changed.

3.  You are a newbie unless I missed something.....If you have no documented reviews posted, your credibility is therefore questionable until you establish yourself.  We typically will look at a new guys reviews and compare them to others who have reviewed the same provider and make our own individual decision whether or not the new guy is a credible source or not.

4.  Personally, I am one of her reviewers, and I have had more than one appointment with Rubi and she has never acted flakey with me.

5.  Multiple hour appointments are usually reserved for returning clients, with exceptions, of course.  One reason for that is that we are not very reliable, and a three hour no show hurts them more than it hurts us.  Rosalba used to have a policy of no first time multiple hour appointments for this very reason.

I respect the fact that you don't want to stir up trouble for her, but you have already done that, contrary to what others might lead you to believe, so it would be best to resolve the issue rather than leave the blemish on her reputation.

Is there something else that you are not telling us that would make this much easier to understand?  

snafu66616324 reads

>1.  One last minute notification with time to cancel does not >warrant calling any provider a flake.  If she had a trend of >doing this, for no reason, that would be different.

Let me give you an analogy.  What happened to me was
parallel to making plans to go to Vegas after being
told you could gamble all night.  Then at the last minute
you were told that you could only gamble for some unknown shortened amount of time -- that would completely piss off most
people and they would complain.

>3.  You are a newbie unless I missed something.....If you have >no documented reviews posted, your credibility is therefore >questionable until you establish yourself.  We typically will >look at a new guys reviews and compare them to others who have >reviewed the same provider and make our own individual >decision whether or not the new guy is a credible source or >not.

You're right. I have no crediblity on TER.  I don't describe intimate details that I have with women for all to see -- that
makes me someone that you should not trust.

>5.  Multiple hour appointments are usually reserved for >returning clients, with exceptions, of course.  One reason for >that is that we are not very reliable, and a three hour no >show hurts them more than it hurts us.  Rosalba used to have a >policy of no first time multiple hour appointments for this >very reason.

She gave me 2 email confirmations for our meeting on Sat night
one on Thursday and the other on Friday.

>I respect the fact that you don't want to stir up trouble for >her, but you have already done that, contrary to what others >might lead you to believe, so it would be best to resolve the >issue rather than leave the blemish on her reputation.

I hold no hostility against Ms. Ruby whatsoever.  I wish her the
best of everything.  I will only say that anyone on a tight schedule that requires reliability may want to look elsewhere.  Otherwise, she seems like a great gal.

>Is there something else that you are not telling us that would make this much easier to understand?  

I don't know.  The responses I've gotten from the likes of
some of you have been so completely alien to my line of thinking that I have no clue as to what it would take to make
you understand.

Milkster12605 reads

First off thanks for your guys replys. It shows you guys understand how things work in TJ.

First off this is not heart surgery she is performing. In Mexico things are done a bit differently. Timing is not taken to heart as it is the the USA. To be on time in TJ is to be within 1hr of the made appointment and that goes for anything. Heck i am still waiting for the cable guy to arrive to install my cable which I ordered 3 years ago :)

I was invited to a sweet 15 birthday party a few years back and the invitation said 830 start time. Well I arrived at 845 and they were still setting up the hall and the family replied wow you are early most people will start coming around 9ish. I sorta laughed but now I am used to it.

This girl is not a flake for adjusting her time. Things happen this is not a perfect world. You should allow time for unexpected things to happen. If timing is important to you go to AB or CC and do a 1 hr session that you can control.

Good Luck

luvisadrug12084 reads

Which brings me back to the point of my earlier message:  why
should anyone bother paying extra $$ for an internet girl
in TJ.  If internet girls aren't reliable (by the American sens of the word), then why
pay the extra money when you can always go the bars and
find something for less money?

As far as I can see no one disagrees with me on this point.

I think aspuser and milkster (among others) made "our" position about as clear as it could be.

For the record, I have no problem with you or anyone posting about cancelled appts or no-shows or great service or whatever. As others have said (I believe you included), that is what TER is all about. The "issue" (in my mind, anyway) is declaring someone... any person at all... a flake because they had to change plans last minute *one time*.

As I said before, I have never seen Rubi. I don't know Rubi. I don’t defend her or any other escorts because of some emotional attachment I have to her or them. But as a person who is 1) reasonably mature and responsible and 2) reasonably understanding and flexible, I simply think you are a bit radical with the flake claim and it seems the majority here feel the same. Maybe it is just a semantical problem we are having as it seems you don't harbor any ill will towards her which is nice. In any case, I agree you would probably be much better off taking the club girl route as you can choose her and have her on the spot to suit your needs and schedule.

BTW, I wonder why you suggest that "internet girls are unreliable"? I've seen several many times and have never been stood up, had appts changed or in any way been disappointed. That seems to be the rule rather than the exception.

Anyway... have fun in TJ. You can get what you want when you want it. It's your time and your money. Enjoy. Peace.


luvisadrug14123 reads

>The "issue" (in my mind, anyway) is declaring someone... any >person at all... a flake because they had to change plans last minute *one time*.

To me that is flakey and unreliable.  Perhaps I just had
bad luck, but most people seem to say this is more the norm -- eg. one hour late, no show, change of plans, etc.

>BTW, I wonder why you suggest that "internet girls are >unreliable"?

For the exact reason that I just mentioned.  When I am
on my rare free time, I don't want to risk having confirmed
appointments changed on me.

One guy tells me it's no big deal it happens all the time. Another guy (you) said it never happened to them, but so what
if it had?  

I see it as planning a vacation to the beach and then at
the last minute being told that the beach hours have
been reduced.  It's not worth it to me to make plans if
that is going
to happen.  My free time is too limited to have to put up with
that kind of flakey inconsiderate treatment.

luvisadrug wrote in part: ".... why pay the extra money when you can always go the bars and find something for less money? As far as I can see no one disagrees with me on this point."

(This topic has been hashed over on more then one occasion and there never seems to be total agreement on the finer points of discussion. It seems to boil down to a matter of individual taste ... and everyone agreeing that TJ has something for everyone.)

Indeed, you *can* "find something for less money", but it is not necessarily the same thing that you are finding. Some guys will swear they get the same service for less money with bar girls. I say you get the accommodations and transportation and drinks and the fun for an hour with an incall girl and if you buy all that with a bar girl, you (meaning the average guy) will spend close to the same money (taxi to and from, drinks, one hour of her time and one hour room rent).

Given my understanding of your desires and needs, I would suggest the bar scene or street girl action. But some of us like to mix it up. I see internet escorts, massage house girls and bar girls... depends on how much time I have and the mood I am in. Generally I don’t care for bars... not my thing. I prefer less of a production line mentality. Yeah, I know guys get GFE service from bar girls, but it doesn't happen often for me. Incall with escorts has always been GFE for me... almost never in bars and "sometimes" in the MP's. Anyway, some of us do not find the experience the same in the different environments so that's why we may go with escorts, always or on occasion, even though it may seem we are spending more money for the same thing. There are other reasons, too (e.g. lower volume girls at incalls and MP's) but my thing for escorts is when I'm not in the mood for bars and feeling like I want a longer more GFE session.

CaPTainSaVEaHOE14591 reads

DIRTY TWATT in TJ, if one stink box fails, theres another one waiting two steps down,  MONGER ON.

BLANKS14527 reads

-- Modified on 11/26/2003 9:11:45 PM

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