burt2020 20553 reads

When I saw Teresa mid-week (I've seen her on multiple ocassions now as we seem to click very well) Tania was still in Mexico City.  I got the impression Tania would return the last week in October--a little before Teresa leaves.

JR6917775 reads

Anyone seen Tania? Is she back in TJ?

check the SD review section.  she has a couple new ones listed.

I think she is due back soon but I haven't heard from her lately either.  

Tania's been on vacation.

I chatted with her several weeks ago and either she is just now getting back to TJ or will be very shortly.

I e-mailed Teresa ...her friend and partner she said that Tania will be back in a week. If I understood correctly Tania is on a recruting trip in Mexico City.

burt202020554 reads

When I saw Teresa mid-week (I've seen her on multiple ocassions now as we seem to click very well) Tania was still in Mexico City.  I got the impression Tania would return the last week in October--a little before Teresa leaves.

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