Media & Erotic Literature

Re: A sobering and enlightening read... Just use common sense
earthshined 371 reads

For example, if you're meeting  a lady for the first time you should not be aggressive, grab her, stick you're tongue down her throat? (I'm sure some guys do this )  maybe, instead just wait for her lead. maybe she doesnt want to kiss exactly at that moment if at all that day.  

Escorts are the same as civvie women. the more relaxed they are the better response you will get from them.

shynt2452 reads

This is an interesting article I found online.  It is from "an exotic escort's diary" website and covers the topic of "Client and Escort Dynamics."

In particular, I think Topic #4 of the article is interesting.  Obviously, this is one woman's point of view, but curious what others think.  So, here goes her point of view...

4. How to Please a Prostitute/ How to have Good Sex with an Escort?

Well, in a bitter way, I could say: don’t be demanding, and don’t annoy her. Many girls complain about clients who don’t follow our ‘rules’ (or limits), such as touching places without permission. Pleasure is a very subjective question. Giving pleasure to a ‘normal’ woman is very different than a woman who is paid for sex. And to complicate the situation even more, everyone’s desires are different. A woman who gets paid for sex may not want to be ‘pleased’ by her client. Some girls strictly just want money from their client, and refuse to get sexual pleasure (and the good ones fake it). However, a small minority of us might be more accepting. The best clients are men who do not expect and are respectful.

Many of my clients are very polite and respectful men, which makes me feel comfortable to explore with them. I favor certain clients who have genuinely kind hearts, and I allow them to please me in ways that I may forbid others. I favor certain clients only because they gained my trust. I must mention that almost all clients try to give me pleasure, but certain men fail to understand the essence of pleasure. For one, some men seem to think that one sexual technique can apply to all women. This is completely wrong. Any sexual experience is very unique and cannot be performed in a uniform act. Bare in mind that all people have their own unique ways of reaching orgasm. And, unfortunately, there are women who are not interested in achieving their own orgasm . Most importantly, good sex depends on emotional and physical chemistry between the participants — chemistry is something that cannot be bought or created…it’s a rare beauty that just happens between two people. It’s best to test areas, slowly (with a willing partner, of course), and then gradually proceed.

If I must advise a client on ‘how to have a better experience with an escort’ I would suggest the following techniques clients have done with me: start by giving her a relaxing massage. I recall clients who gave me a full body massage, without touching my erogenous regions right away. Not only will it relax a woman, but it can gain her trust of his touch. Let everything occur slowly, so that she can anticipated every progression of passion. The slow-pace seduction will drive her crazy, and thus (hopefully) have her wanting more. Some of my clients were totally selfless…not tending to their sexual needs, but instead focusing on making me feel relaxed (again, it’s important not to rush!). A good lover will explore what she likes, by gently trying to kiss various parts of her body. Let her guide you to what she likes. This worked with me with certain clients, but again, it was all based on chemistry. Be mindful that desires of an individual can also change depending on their mood.

Chemistry is key, but also the mood of the hired lady is a deal-breaker. I do let sweet clients give me pleasure when I’m in the ‘mood,’ yet sometimes I loathe the idea. Although most of my clients are kind, I am not genuinely attracted to all of them. Sometimes I avoid seeing certain clients, because I know they want to spend the entire appointment in a  “Girlfriend Experience” state. This consists a romantic ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ situation where the client wants to kiss, cuddle, give me pleasure, and have sex at the very end of the appointment. The men are very sweet, which seems ideal, but it can be exhausting acting like a ‘girlfriend’ to a man I don’t love/care about. Most of my regular clients are all pleasure giving men, which means I try to avoid seeing them when my mood is bad. It’s even more difficult to see clients when I’m in love with someone else. When I am single, I find it much easier to work and enjoy clients.

"It’s even more difficult to see clients when I’m in love with someone else. When I am single, I find it much easier to work and enjoy clients."

This entire piece is very well written and even though I don't agree with every word,
this last sentence could not be more accurate (at least for me).

This is PARTIALLY why I prefer the single life. The other part is freedom :D

Going back to this statement though, being in love made my job as an escort so difficult.
I honestly don't know how women do it on a long term basis. It's nice to know it's not just me  
and it's even nicer to be single :D :D

Thanks for posting this shynt. A good read.

shynt504 reads


Check out the link... it says a lot more... curious your thoughts on it as a whole.. for example.. she starts out by saying:

I’m on a minor path of self-destruction…but I’ll explain that later. For now, I’ve decided to answer some of the numerous questions or key-words that my viewer’s google to locate my blog. Yet before I begin, I want to share some metaphors from an old film about the life of a high-class courtesan, “Pakeezah” (which translates to ‘pure heart’). In reference to herself, the courtesan says, “Prostitutes are dead bodies and the market is the graveyard…. I’m a dead body that’s lured by life again and again.” She then compared herself to a kite, a kite that is slowly cut away by the forces of wind…where only bits and fragments remain. The pain of her words….they touch me, intimately.

1. Do prostitutes like sex or money?

Money drives us to this job. As mentioned in previous posts, prostitutes should not be assumed to be a woman who loves sex. And if she does love sex, this does not imply that she loves sex with all of her clients. It is very rare for us to work for the purpose of sexual pleasure, yet the irony is we must ‘act’ like it’s natural to us. For most prostitutes, the lure of money is the appealing part of our work, not the sex. It is very important to note selling one’s body was not a ‘choice’ for most sex workers, when considering the limited amounts of choice available to people in marginalized positions.

For many sex workers, sex is the dreadful part (not in my case, but most escorts I observed aren’t quite as open sexually as I am). Many just want to get it over with as quickly as possible. A small minority of girls can enjoy particular clients and feel pleasure (as a courtesan, I do enjoy certain clients of mine as companions and sexual partners), yet again: the focus is money. I certainly have enjoyed some clients, but regardless I will not sleep/mingle with a man that I don’t love for free. The idea that prostitutes are these horny, ‘hyper-sexual’ women hardly depicts the reality. I wish more prostitutes enjoyed their work as I am often able to do, but the reality is most women doing this job are driven by real or perceived economic disparity. Women who are in touch with their sexuality (ie: horny) exist regardless of profession.

this is very well written and once again, I don't agree with every word BUT,
I will click on the link, read it all and post again :) .. tomorrow.  
Going to bed soon, with my canine "baby" :D

SoCalDreaming502 reads

It's eye opening and saddening to learn what providers struggle with in seeing clients. I'm no fool and I know it's all about the money. I have several well reviewed ladies I see on a regular basis. They always provide an excellent and convincing  GFE and seem happy to see me. Now I wonder which of them, or maybe all of them, are disgusted by me but are such pros they just suck it up and put on their game face.I won't stop hobbying but this article will always be in the back of my mind when I'm on a date. In the post coital cuddle is she screaming in her mind "  Thank god he's done! Now GTFO you bastard, I hope you die in a flaming car wreck on the way home"?

I hate it when providers presume to speak for other providers. Especially when they use words like most and usually, because the truth is they have no idea. Sure- they have their friends to go by, but as they say, birds of a feather. Funny- most of the providers that *I* know love their jobs as much as I do.  I won't extrapolate that to mean most providers in general, because I have no idea. But in my own circle, her experience/opinion is rare.  

Furthermore, if she truly feels like the kite, she needs to get the f out of this work. Don't despise the men, don't blame the work, and take some personal responsibility for being miserable with the choice you made.  

She's dead wrong about chemistry. It most certainly can be created. After 20-some-odd years in adult entertainment, I can create chemistry with anyone. A true "courtesan" should know this.  

Her stuff makes me sad for her. I hope she finds herself.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
I hate it when providers presume to speak for other providers. Especially when they use words like most and usually, because the truth is they have no idea. Sure- they have their friends to go by, but as they say, birds of a feather. Funny- most of the providers that *I* know love their jobs as much as I do.  I won't extrapolate that to mean most providers in general, because I have no idea. But in my own circle, her experience/opinion is rare.  
 Furthermore, if she truly feels like the kite, she needs to get the f out of this work. Don't despise the men, don't blame the work, and take some personal responsibility for being miserable with the choice you made.  
 She's dead wrong about chemistry. It most certainly can be created. After 20-some-odd years in adult entertainment, I can create chemistry with anyone. A true "courtesan" should know this.  
 Her stuff makes me sad for her. I hope she finds herself.

bad that I have not had viable excuses to go down to her side of FL :(

Posted By: SoCalDreaming
In the post coital cuddle is she screaming in her mind "  Thank god he's done! Now GTFO you bastard, I hope you die in a flaming car wreck on the way home"?
Only when his balls smell putrid.

For example, if you're meeting  a lady for the first time you should not be aggressive, grab her, stick you're tongue down her throat? (I'm sure some guys do this )  maybe, instead just wait for her lead. maybe she doesnt want to kiss exactly at that moment if at all that day.  

Escorts are the same as civvie women. the more relaxed they are the better response you will get from them.

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