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two kinds of edgingregular_smile
asiantantric 163 Reviews 5123 reads

One is where the guy is bought close to the peak and kept there by reducing stimulation. If stimulation is kept at the same level or increased the guy would ejaculate. So stimulation is reduced by reducing speed, pressure and changing points of contact. This is a more difficult technique.

The other is bringing the guy to the edge and then backing off and then starting again. This is much easier.

Some ladies are able to intutively tell when men are close and make changes or back off to prevent ejaculation. In fact the more times a guy goes to the same girl the better she knows his body. Other ladies ask the guy if they are close. This is fine too, but the only down side is it interrupts the guy's pleasure trip.

If you are in Chicago, I can teach you.

who has experienced this and what about it makes it so great for you?

It prolongs the enjoyment of the sexual high, and done properly I can enjoy multiple orgasms without ejaculation.

It is one of the main practices of tantra.

But have no idea who to have train me lol

Tell Corynna that mrfisher sent you.

You might like to learn Elysiumâ„¢ by Bondassage ... an excruciatingly slow "Klixen"-style sensual massage with silk restraints and sensory focusing tools.

I'm training people at my studio in Santa Cruz ...



I am going to have to look into having you train me :)

If you massage the lower back & work your way down slowly you can gauge when to back off.
Edging can be done with practice, just remember slow rhythmic movements then slowly back off.
Took me a few tries but I think I got my technique down.
I have been told that what I do is similar to tantra, but I think so.

Posted By: ladyjae09

I have been told that what I do is similar to tantra, but I think so.
Sorry, meant to say "I do not think my technique is similiar to tantra."
I have wanted to learn Tantra, but it looks extensive :(
Anyone have experience or a regular gal they see for Tantra?

other tantrikas when they come to my town.

See my post above for a link to goddesstemple, a site run by a tantrika that offers lessons.  The site itself has a lot of worthwhile information also.

One is where the guy is bought close to the peak and kept there by reducing stimulation. If stimulation is kept at the same level or increased the guy would ejaculate. So stimulation is reduced by reducing speed, pressure and changing points of contact. This is a more difficult technique.

The other is bringing the guy to the edge and then backing off and then starting again. This is much easier.

Some ladies are able to intutively tell when men are close and make changes or back off to prevent ejaculation. In fact the more times a guy goes to the same girl the better she knows his body. Other ladies ask the guy if they are close. This is fine too, but the only down side is it interrupts the guy's pleasure trip.

If you are in Chicago, I can teach you.

jjj13815 reads

found a massage gal that does it - never experienced it as things are usually a rush to the finish with many bodyrubs ;  the experience was phenominal indeed!

Meganrae in Denver did a great job of this for me.  I'm not sure she would label it as edging but she took me to the brink and then backed off again and again, sort of like the second tantric technique mentioned above.  I love this, I think, because it is so self-indulgent.  You're the focus.  It really does enhance the pleasure and when you finally do come it's explosive.  But it's also not your everyday wham bam thank you maam, so maybe I'm also reacting to the novelty.

yes most real tantra providers are very good at this technique; but also if you are close some will smack your cock, not harshly but quick and it actually backs you off the cliff; sort of speak...they also incorporate the breathing so the guy can help prolong his build up by breathing thru it, longer you build up the better more intense feelings of bliss

jaystevenswi2113 reads

I know it's been awhile since the last post, but I came across it, and thought I'd throw my 2cents in.
Abbie Angel in Milwaukee, WI does a phenomenal job of what you call edging.  She is more tantra, though, because she has me deep breathing along with it.  It's an amazing experience.  She has me hooked.  Everyone should try it at least once.

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