Los Angeles

Don't kid yourself. There is nothing normal about you. -e-
dakine18 834 reads


Do you ever feel like the provider used to be a guy?  A transsexual?  Its the first thing that I check-throat, hands, and face.  Over the years I have had occasions where the thought is overwhelming and have to stop the session.  All it takes is one masculine trait.  Am I just paronoid or is this rational?

Posted By: Cookiehead
Posted By: micktoz
 Haha.  So you would do Caitlynn Jenner?
Haha, the first requirement is hot. And that is subjective I guess.


dakine18801 reads

Were you ever sexually abused or assaulted by a male sometime in your life?

Posted By: dakine18
Were you ever sexually abused or assaulted by a male sometime in your life?
Nope. Been in this hobby for over 10 years and found many of the ladies have one or more masculine characteristics.  I have a hard time sending the ladies away often costing me $$$$$ or more.

Well said BP. I recently had this happen to me... the woman I was with so much more muscular than I anticipated...and the first thing I thought was....did I miss something in the reviews and then... please pull off your panties so  I can get a good look. She did and I was satisfied it was a woman. Is there a telltale trait to know if someone is a TS? If  so, can anyone share?  I do think it's rude if you don't advertise yourself as a TS and you are.

Posted By: Cookiehead
 Am I just paronoid or is this rational?  

Many years ago, I had a 2 month fling, with one of the hottest girls in my  (60 unit) building.  She was easy, and very hot in the sack. Dang!  She looked like a runway model.
I'm 95% certain that she was a post operative TS.  
Slowly,  I started to notice "little things":
When her hair was messed-up, I noticed a slight receding hairline.
Despite being very slender, She had large Boney knees.  She was, in general, broad shouldered and big boned.
She had narrow hips.
She had a pretty kitty, but it just didn't "feel right"
She constantly had to lube-up.
She was tall: about 5'10"
She complained that her family was so strict and old fashioned she had to leave home.
Several of her friends looked like tranny's.
She had a very masculine tattoo, with airborne parachute wings, on one of her breast.
I found a book, in her collection from the Fort Campbell Library, issued to the masculine version of her name (think Robert Smith, instead of Roberta Smith).  
But the real kicker, for me was her over-the-top feminine gestures.  Just like a drag queen

in that situation cause I do my homework on the girl first!

to Tahiland. LOL

Posted By: Cookiehead
Do you ever feel like the provider used to be a guy?  A transsexual?  Its the first thing that I check-throat, hands, and face.  Over the years I have had occasions where the thought is overwhelming and have to stop the session.  All it takes is one masculine trait.  Am I just paronoid or is this rational?  

I, for one, come onto TER to get honest reviews and hopefully that leads to honest ads from our wonderful providers. I know I need to carefully scrutinize both the ads and the reviews because I like you Cookiehead am looking for genuine females and not a hybrid of one. There are many on here that by their responses to your post are obviously comfortable with the possibility of TS.

As much as I value my hard earned money I would think that if there was any doubt in my mind once I arrived and had paid my money I would have to leave. I don't think I could possibly even get an erection. I am a 100% male seeking female and not a hybrid female.

Cookiehead, I wouldn't worry too much about your concerns. I believe you are perfectly normal. Enjoy yourself!

Posted By: Cookiehead
Do you ever feel like the provider used to be a guy?  A transsexual?  Its the first thing that I check-throat, hands, and face.  Over the years I have had occasions where the thought is overwhelming and have to stop the session.  All it takes is one masculine trait.  Am I just paronoid or is this rational?  

dakine18888 reads

"Over the years I have had occasions where the thought is overwhelming and have to stop the session.  All it takes is one masculine trait."

No...that isn't "perfectly normal".  
When such overwhelming unsubstantiated paranoia forces someone to abruptly end a session, it isn't normal.

Yes dakine18, it is normal not to want any part of a TS. If TS were the norm they'd be born that way.  

Spain that one Lucy!!!!

dakine18750 reads

No it's YOUR normal. You certainly don't speak for me or anyone else.  
For the OP's to have such an extreme irrational reaction to someone who in most probability is NOT a TS in the first place  is not normal at all.  
But you two sound like you belong together.....maybe you both can sit around comparing possible TS notes and not scheduling any sessions......coz you never know, right?

Hanky_panky_for_me722 reads

I have to somewhat side with HACC3284 on this.  There have been a couple of occasions where the thought did cross my mind.  However, I did not end the session or anything like that.  It was just a thought that was triggered by being able to tell they had cosmetic surgery.  But heck, both genders get cosmetic surgery for other reasons so I don't know.  

But I have to agree that a TS should say so in the ad.  If not, it is somewhat false advertising plus they risk underestimating how negatively the guy would react if he did find out.  It is better for all concerned if they are honest and say so in their ad.  I would think it is safer for all concerned that way

Posted By: Cookiehead
Do you ever feel like the provider used to be a guy?  A transsexual?  Its the first thing that I check-throat, hands, and face.  Over the years I have had occasions where the thought is overwhelming and have to stop the session.  All it takes is one masculine trait.  Am I just paronoid or is this rational?  
is a DNA test.    

If you are truly 'paranoid', ask to see her elementary school pictures, high school year books, her driver's license, and birth certificate.  With plastic surgery advances and still making strides in cosmetic alteration your next encounter could very well be a man

These responses are making me sick. Seriously, guys, you LOOK for masculine traits? If I had anyone inspect my hands and throat, I would leave immediately and warn other ladies (especially TS providers) that someone has ISSUES

Posted By: TrogdorTheBurninator
These responses are making me sick. Seriously, guys, you LOOK for masculine traits? If I had anyone inspect my hands and throat, I would leave immediately and warn other ladies (especially TS providers) that someone has ISSUES.  
I apologize if I offended you in anyway.   Just to be clear, I dont make any comments about it, let alone get confrontational, and have never asked for the donation back.

Relax Cookiehead, this is a free country. You are entitled to be normal and enjoy women. The Peoples Republic of California is only making sure the non-normal are not discriminated against. I do not believe anyone has done that on this board. Everyone has simply expressed their personal preferences. We like and seek normal, natural women and others ... well you get the picture by all the replies.

...That's a man, baby!!  Well, she was born male but had sex reassignment surgery at 18 - she's 31 now.  Physically, she's been a woman for 13 years but mentally, she's been female all her life.

 I doubt she'd give your sorry ass the time of day.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...That's a man, baby!!  Well, she was born male but had sex reassignment surgery at 18 - she's 31 now.  Physically, she's been a woman for 13 years but mentally, she's been female all her life.  
  I doubt she'd give your sorry ass the time of day.
she hot

You keep on believing that. You go right ahead and enjoy your TSs and the rest of us normal folk will enjoy the beautiful natural women nature intended and produced.

bigguy30672 reads

If you are born with a dick.
Then you are a man and it's that simple.
So if a person fucks a TS they are fucking a man acting like a woman.
It does not make them a woman.  
I know a lot of people want to twist the facts but this shit is sick to me and a lot of other men.  
Some men like myself only want a real woman born that way and it's nothing wrong with that either!

Posted By: TrogdorTheBurninator
These responses are making me sick. Seriously, guys, you LOOK for masculine traits? If I had anyone inspect my hands and throat, I would leave immediately and warn other ladies (especially TS providers) that someone has ISSUES.  
-- Modified on 8/4/2015 4:50:15 PM

No, its neither rational or normal.  

Perhaps if you did some research and learned a bit about TS's you might not be so fearful and paranoid. Nothing leads to fear and bad decision making (not to mention potential violence) than ignorance about someone or something. Maybe if you understood more about TS folks you might be able to stop your irrational fear and actually enjoy a session.
Any serious TS provider who wants to not only stay alive but also procure some regulars will never try to pass themselves off as non-TS. It would just be to stupid and risky to do that.

-- Modified on 8/4/2015 7:03:38 AM

I have no idea what you are referring to in your comment. I am very happy and comfortable with myself and my pursuit of what makes me happy.  There are many things I have no interest in and therefore have not strived to become an expert. Should I be condemned for it? I venture to say you would give me a pass on not knowing much about subjects that do not interest me.

Good looking, like minded females that I can connect with are of the utmost importance to me. I have already stated that to each their own. What I do not understand is why you (collectively) are so interested in me including TS in my pursuit of happiness.

I let you be. Just make sure you let me be. At no time have I attempted to sway your likes and dislikes, unorthodox as they may be. Why do you try so hard to alter my hobby endeavors?

Hobby on everyone.

bigguy30707 reads

It's not about research but a choice in wanting to have sex with only real females born that way.
You clearly have a difference in opinion from me and others.
Just don't assume everybody should try and fuck a TS because a lot of us are not into that type of person!

Posted By: lopaw
No, its neither rational or normal.  
 Perhaps if you did some research and learned a bit about TS's you might not be so fearful and paranoid. Nothing leads to fear and bad decision making (not to mention potential violence) than ignorance about someone or something. Maybe if you understood more about TS folks you might be able to stop your irrational fear and actually enjoy a session.  
 Any serious TS provider who wants to not only stay alive but also procure some regulars will never try to pass themselves off as non-TS. It would just be to stupid and risky to do that.

-- Modified on 8/4/2015 7:03:38 AM

I mentioned research and learning a bit about TS folks so the OP might become less paranoid about his sessions. I wasn't advocating that he have a session with a TS....that is obviously not for him. But by learning a bit about others, it helps to remove some of the false images, stigmas, and stereotypes that he might have that are stopping him from having good sessions with providers who are most likely NOT TS. We all have our likes & dislikes sexually - to be so paranoid that you abruptly end a session because your mind has created some sign in your mind that your provider is a TS is indeed irrational. Perhaps with some knowledge he can learn to differentiate between real signs of post-op TS folks and the obsessive images that he seems to be creating in his head. How can anyone enjoy any type of sexual encounter if they are haunted by obsessive thoughts about a situation that most likely isn't even real?

We all need to take a deep breath.....and relax!

Bigguy30 just has the two letters "TS" on alert that he must come to any and every post discussing TS to let others know his feelings on the issue. Lolzzzz... Maybe one day he will just ignore the posts that are irrelevant to his life and focus on the ones that matter. I already had this issue with him like four months ago...

I can't imagine posting on all topics of discussion about alcohol because I don't like it. Lol.. I just ignore them.

Makes you wonder... ;)

bigguy30720 reads

It's clear you play on both sides and that is your choice.
I choose to stay on the straight side period and fuck only real woman.
So you must not feel secure in yourself if you have a issue with straight people.
This is your issue not mine.


Posted By: Alyssa Marie
Bigguy30 just has the two letters "TS" on alert that he must come to any and every post discussing TS to let others know his feelings on the issue. Lolzzzz... Maybe one day he will just ignore the posts that are irrelevant to his life and focus on the ones that matter. I already had this issue with him like four months ago...  
 I can't imagine posting on all topics of discussion about alcohol because I don't like it. Lol.. I just ignore them.  
 Makes you wonder... ;)

i dont have a problem with straight people, gay people, bisexual, people who do not want to have sex.. i do not have a problem with any two consenting adults of legal age and mental capacity wanting to have sex.

i just think its hilarious that you have to keep stating your view over and over so i will keep mocking you for doing so.  

i wouldn't make a comment about anyones choice of partners. i only make comments when you keep making them. which means, by your logic, that YOU are the insecure one. if you were secure, you wouldn't give half a sh!t and you wouldn't feel a need to always comment on it when its brought up.

bigguy30684 reads

I am sure you are all talk and no action behind closed doors anyway.
So it's one thing I am not and that's insecure baby. LOL

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
i dont have a problem with straight people, gay people, bisexual, people who do not want to have sex.. i do not have a problem with any two consenting adults of legal age and mental capacity wanting to have sex.  
 i just think its hilarious that you have to keep stating your view over and over so i will keep mocking you for doing so.  
 i wouldn't make a comment about anyones choice of partners. i only make comments when you keep making them. which means, by your logic, that YOU are the insecure one. if you were secure, you wouldn't give half a sh!t and you wouldn't feel a need to always comment on it when its brought up.

im all talk..

lol... look at my reviews that are all talk about my blowjobs. yeah, i am all talk behind closed doors. its hard to talk with someones dick in my mouth twirling that bad boy around my tongue.

at least i make you laugh. at best you make me roll my eyes.
if you would just post under your real handle then people could ignore your rude comments. like calling a ts a he. youre an asshole.

bigguy30725 reads

Just know I would have your cute little ass speaking in tongues. Lol
Also I'm  sure your blowjobs are okay but I don't think you could handle me.  
The asshole part for speaking the truth?
I guess the truth hurts baby.

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 2:40:44 AM

bigguy30752 reads

We both know your little ass could not handle me in the bedroom.
I see why you defend certain people so much.
The asshole is off base but again I expect that from you. Lol

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
the only truth is that youre an asshole.

She got man hands episode too many times LOL

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