Legal Corner

maybe they are just trying to keep terrorists away?
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 568 reads


ThePeopleRule2582 reads

About the site linked below:

Many cities do not submit their data for mapping at this site.  (However, note that the site says it will be improved, so would be wise to check again in the future.) If the city you are interested in is not listed, use Google to search on "city name" and "crime mapping" to ascertain if the city has its own site.

It is cumbersome to navigate the site on a laptop.  I imagine that it might be very difficult to do so on a so-called “smart phone”.

Steps in using site:

1) click on state

2) scroll through list of cities and click on the one in which you are interested

3) click on “crime types” at upper left

4) click on “clear all”

5) click on box under “sc” (sex crimes)

6) reset the default dates of the past week to the past several months

7) once map pops up, click on arrow to right of screen to enlarge the map

8) click on the “sc” symbols on the map to find out what type of sex crime was committed, location, date, and time.  Some cities specify “prostitution”, some only list “sex crime”, which would include sexual assault.

Note: it appears some agencies intentionally list prostitution arrests as another category, for the obvious reason.  As an example, all of the sex crimes listed around the Las Vegas Strip use the term “indecent exposure”.  Same with Glendale AZ.

When a hotel is being considered for incall, look for that address. Guys: if a provider is using a residence for incall, check that area.

Below are examples of available information:

A)  Schaumburg IL, near O’Hare:

3/10/16 3pm 1200 block of N Roselle Rd prostitution
4/4/16 4:30pm Kristin Cir prostitution

B) San Diego CA:

1/8/16 6:48pm 500 block of Hotel Circle North prostitution
3/28/16 11:30pm 800 block of Hotel Circle South prostitution

Useful Information, Not Bullshi

And yet you don't think LE has got a Trojan horse collecting IP addys

That might be what the site is for or it might be a legitimate effort to consolidate the reporting. I suspect it's one of those YMMV depending on where you live but the count police where I live have a crime statistics report that's required by law (I believe) the is published as a public service to keep the local community informed. Even if IP addresses are evaluated (they will be logged but that's easy to get around) just how would they know why someone is checking the information?

ThePeopleRule799 reads seem to be getting old very quickly.

and time accelerates faster and faster.

Make hay while the sun shines you guys

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