Las Vegas

Re:I want a Rolls Royceregular_smile
loramaze See my TER Reviews 1484 reads

you're too funny!!!

Don't worry, I'm not complaining about anything new.  Actually this time I need the guys' opinion.  Sorry but I have the wrong plumbing, which isn't a bad thing, except in regards of figuring out what  appeals to you guys sometimes. Believe it or not when I stopped and thought about some of the feedback I received about my current text on my ad at eros, from my last post up here, I actually took it into consideration while working on generating content for my soon to be launched site and crafting the text.

Somethings I wrote were not conveyed the way I intended them to be and now see the need to clarify these fuzzy areas... Sorry about that.  I'm working on hammering out the new text as we speak, when a bright idea dawned on me which I would really like the guys feedback on...

instead of naming the various appointment lengths in a so obviously incriminating fashion... how about using the names of various exotic cars instead??? Wouldn't that be more discreet???

After all if one looks at the way man designed the curves of an exotic car, it's almost like a woman's body.  Soft, smooth, unbroken, sleek, seductive, some men are more into cars than sex, or at least cars run a close second to it.  So i thought it would a good idea, not to mention less obvious what a gent were talking about if when he  requested to see me he could say, "I would like to test drive a "jaguar" on this day and time" or just say the name of the car instead of length of appointment incriminating himself via e-mail....

What do you guys  think???

Thoughtful take on the subject Lora but I think it could come across as being vague.  For instance if you use a Chevy for $$$$ and Corvette $$$$$ I would guess you meant one hour and two hours respectively. But some people like it spelled out for fear of some clever rouse pulled off on them or just because they are thick(honest the truth can hurt-lol)! Ive seen a lot of websites and talked to a number of people on the subject. Everyone generally comes down on the side of clarity. Creativity is fine and appreciated but always get your message across so that your intended audience will not be confused for they will "move on" unless they think they have truly found Venus.
Two other things that may help: 1) no music(not necssary and may cause serious problems for the listener) 2) the faster website the better!
Hope this helps Lora. Have to say Im impressed with your interest in doing this right! Best of luck to you.

For example, my boss REALLY wants an Aston Martin.  Not to say that he'd be disappointed if you showed up instead, but he would really be expecting the car.

PokerGent1189 reads

For the price of a Ford!!!!

What's wrong with your plumbing??

I didn't mean that there was anything wrong with my plumbing. I rather enjoy being female to be quite honest.   What I meant by that comment, was that due to having a different plumbing than men, it can be difficult when it comes to deciphering the opinion of males I have no idea due to not having the same head attached to my body!!!  lol. ;)...

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