Las Vegas

Re:I remember
CindySpice See my TER Reviews 2272 reads

" virtually all women are insecure, very moody, and a little crazy"

UMMM no I am not !!! Oh that's right I'm also not on prozac and I don't get pms ;-)

-- Modified on 11/4/2006 7:53:05 PM

JTS232734 reads

After reading the below posts ... Please do not retire!!!! One bad review vs. many perfect reviews plus I have never had the chance to meet you!!! Please keep Vegas a KianaFull place!!!

morkemork1579 reads

I'm a new hobbiest, and Kiana was also at the top of my list to see next time I am in Vegas.  She is just so hot!  Still, after reading her reviews (at least the non-VIP parts), I have a tough time with her posts below.  Seems like quite the Drama Queen.  From what I can tell, the review actually was very positive, and the fact that the guy wanted to see her again only underscores the fact that it WAS positive.

All in all, I kind of doubt that Kiana will retire anytime soon.  If she does, after reading her posts, I doubt that she'll find work as a copy editor.  All of those stray commas and the strange punctuation was giving me a headache.  Either way, with all the hotties that Vegas has to offer, I think I'll look elsewhere for my carnal pleasure.

girls in this biz are for the most part very insecure.. They might look like a playmate.. but in thier minds they are nothing more than the plain girl next door.. !  Then you add to the mix.. the insecurities of the guy that is writing the review. and you have a real mess! Especially with  all the e-mails and just the lost of the REAL EXPERIENCE with someones wording. ALSO, I think everyone here needs to take a chill pill, or just SUCK MY D**K...LOL>> that was a good one.. bchilson..( and if I have given anyone a headache with all these dots.. you can suck bchilson`s d**k....)

I meant to say.~~ "Loss".. and excuse the spelling.. bring on the headaches. !!  I`m up here behind the Redwood Curtain on this internet service that takes at least 5 mins to upload ANYTHING. yea. Logan is right, mommy needs "real" internet service..!!LOL

LJ, you are 110% spot on here.  As I've said a few times lately, I don't know Kiana (although I'm working on fixing that), so I can't speak to how frail or tough she is.  But I do know of a couple of this city's fine ladies with an insecurity or two.  And yeah, I probably have one or two myself, but it's only cuz Smarty picks on me.  Now, about Chilson's disrespect intended to the guy, but I'm gonna leave that task to someone WAAAY more capable than me.  I have no experience there whatsoever, and not looking to change that anytime soon.

Now, go hug another of mom's trees!!!

Civilian or pro doesn't matter, virtually all women are insecure, very moody, and a little crazy. We turn to pros hoping to avoid that stuff. All Kiana did was show her civilian side, something most pros keep hidden I'm sure. If she changes her mind, I'd still like to see her. Shit, she's been in my house a few times and I've never seen her once. Don't quit Kiana.

" virtually all women are insecure, very moody, and a little crazy"

UMMM no I am not !!! Oh that's right I'm also not on prozac and I don't get pms ;-)

-- Modified on 11/4/2006 7:53:05 PM

LOG THEM~  LOL>> ok , just a  ~~ "wink, wink." like Cindy would say, yea.. maybe we should all  Live and Let live~~?  
UNREAL ACIDOM~ we are finally coming together..~~ with thoughts.. ?  Just got home from the Casino.. ( my family.). and I`ll tell ya.. Its a  wierd situation.. ~~Injuns with money.?????????  LOL

I just got home from the casino as well.  They weren't Injuns, but they still got the money.

keg19692026 reads

but I'd much rather hug YOU than the trees!

Fox Hunt2465 reads

I have seen Kiana several times, each time was pure enjoyment.  I have also had several times where we tried to get together, but missed each other at the last minute.  No reason for recriminations... it happens.

With LJ. People are people..and everyone just needs to chill a bit. We all have our days..good and bad. And put all of this in Las Vegas and I can see how you can get a instant overload at times.

Guys flake on ladies as much or more often then the ladies flake on the guys!

So two people might have had a great time, maybe not. As you can see in the reviews many people have enjoyed the company of this lady...and I am sure she will continue to see guys that act like gentlemen, just like us guys will continue to see those ladies that treat us well.

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