Also consider that Metro LE canvasses casinos to get rid of pimps which indicates this is a problem.
Are they all ripoffs or are there good ones. Where to look for them?
if you have to ask that shows not ready to play the vegas games, and trust me more games there than anywhere else ! ... so i would strongly suggest avoiding .. too many quality dependable ladies there compared to any other city in the country
So many well known, well established independent reliable girls here on TER. For most of us all it takes is a little planning.
Why take the chance of a girl robbing you, having a pimp or worse
There's a widow who is suing a Las Vegas hotel over her husband’s fentanyl OD death after he was robbed by prostitute.
There's more rob stories that aren't talked about or published. But do wanna be "that guy"?
Look, guys gonna do what guys do, it's what they do when they go to Vegas.
I wouldn't recommend it, especially if you're new to it. I know guys get caught up on that hot girl who gives you a wink and a smile when you pass each other in the casino...and she has you melting.
But you do you....good luck
when approached by 2 girls at random ... run .. no matter how hot they are ..... while one is massaging your neck and telling you how they want to fuck you bare back in your room ... the other one is slipping your wallet out of your pants.
not kidding .. very common vegas scam
I figured as much. The scenario is exciting, but like most things the reality rarely lives up to the fantasy
As much as everyone on here bashes casino girls, there are in fact several well-reviewed providers in vegas that walk the casinos. Before I lived here, I'd visit a few times a year and I never had a bad experience with a casino girl, but then again, I was careful and not blasted out of my mind making decisions with only my dick.
Like I said; there are good ones and bad ones. You probably aren't going to get much help on this local board because it's pretty much a campfire for all the local girls trying to find visiting customers
Check out the "casino girls" thread over on the USAsexguide site. More info and relevant to what you are looking for.
But the percentages aren't with the average Joe visiting. Especially if he thinks 200 will give him a good time.
If she's all dolled up, nice dress or outfit. make is done well and she's wearing sandals. I find that to be funny. in my way.
I know she's planning on doing alot of walking and cruising but I just find it...funny. She looses points if her feet are dirty as shit and I won't waste my time talking to her.
I read an article about that case. The widow claims that her husband was a devoted church-going family man, describing him like a saint. Yet he was hanging out in the casino bar in the middle of the night chatting up a prostitute and took her up to his room of his free will.
She alleges that the resort (Venetian/Palazzo) was negligent in not informing him that he was being followed by a pimp. I’m thinking they didn’t notice the pimp following them. Robberies and murders are bad for business and they do actually try to keep the pimps out of there.
How many men come to town for cnventions and decide he is going to partake in finding a lady to spend time with?
The wife suing the casino putting her and her family in the spotlight with this lawsuit...i don't know.
Her husband was obviously not getting what he needed at home. He should NOT have lost his life but when you take illegal drugs from an unknown person quite dangerous.
What I do not understand is the hotel sec knowing the p was following and seeing this and not doing nothing.
I know people who have been 86'd that were not even known. But someone known is allowed to stay in the establishment on private property?
Story that happened to me....
Especially talking about "doubles".... and I was lucky and the bartender was my SAVIOR...
was at the bar. Two smoke shows came up to me. Started chatting with them and even bought them a drink like a gentleman.... mistake #1 it made me their "mark".... after awhile like mentioned one starts to divert my attention by rubbing my shoulders and takes my eye away from my drink.... other one slips something into it.
Thank god bartender noticed and said to me.... You need a refresher and as I was about to grab and finish it... he took it from me.... Which he had not done all night and gave a quick glance to the other lady.... I picked up his hint..... a few minutes later Security was escorting those two out the door. As a former Bartender i was upset I didn't pick up on this game.... but my little head took over and I should have known better than leave my glass unattended and not in my hand the whole time.
Word to the wise..... be careful out there.
i.e. me
I was at a table playing and I was up. Two beautiful young blonds sat next to me playing the minimum. I was ripped but had my shit together enough to know something was up. Girl next to me started a conversation sweet as could be. Dealer kept looking at me and the pit boss walked over. A few minutes lady security arrived and escorted these two ladies away from the table. No pussy is worth that risk to me lol.
I’m curious…which casino?
Also consider that Metro LE canvasses casinos to get rid of pimps which indicates this is a problem.
you dont want to contact one of the TER ladies .. or its late and they are already booked for the evening .. try your luck at a strip club ... i would say one out of 3 of the ladies are open to a room call .. but you have to approach topic slowly and with respect .. typical figure 600 to 800 .. i have to admit i have had great luck doing that .. oh if she says pay me a lot here and then i will meet . forget it .. the girls that will meet don't require a lot in the club . you will be the bonus for the night.
He has good experience and knows of what he speaks!
Just spent a few days in Vegas and had a casino girl for the first time. I don’t frequent Vegas too often so playing the field here is new to me. I was approached by a few different ladies while enjoying a beer at the casino bar late one night. None of them interested me until this gorgeous 4’11” chick pulled up. We hit it off, went upstairs and had a great time. I kept my eyes peeled the whole time for anything suspicious as far as her behavior was concerned but all went well & would totally do her again if I had the chance. There are certainly some good ones out there.
But you just had a positive casino girl experience. That flies in the face around here where everyone wants to tell you to avoid them and stick to a "well-reviewed" local girl.
Good work!
And don’t forget to be a good boy and do the “deposit” lol
How would you?
Feel free to add anything I missed
Be honest now.
Hmm, not sure if I should run through categories of performance but a few stand out details; she was a fit 4’11” AA girl who was genuinely pretty. Her ass was my favorite, really soft and squishy but perfectly shaped, not the firm/muscular type some dudes like. No kissing. My only negative would be that I was taking too long to finish so after at least 25 minutes of rough lazydog and doggy we had to stop. She was getting sore so she tried to finish me off with her hand but just wasn’t in the cards. I was okay with it though.
One thing about the casino I stayed at that I hated at 1st but appreciated later was they had a security guard posted at the elevator entrance. No one allowed unless you had a room key card that scanned on the kiosk, no shady peeps to follow us up to the room if she were to be a scammer involved with a pimp.
And I might sound crude but… did she blow you? And what did you $gift her??
My guess is that this might sound sound like a rare but typical meet with a CG.She probably stayed 20-30 minutes
Lucky you lived to tell about it👏👏👏
She did. It was fine, nothing to write home about. Her asking $ was 500 but we agreed on 300. With small talk, getting undressed & then dressed I’d say total time in room was about 35 minutes. She was really cute when we were getting to know each other at the bar, no pressure to head upstairs like the 1st few girls.
It’s funny the 1st chick was so insistent, claimed to make content on OF. She was pretty rough around the edges but luckily another dude sat down 3 chairs over after pressuring me for about 15 minutes. She headed straight to him & within 10 minutes they left together….and came back down together in less then a half hour & continued drinking. I learned it’s okay to say no, be selective if it doesn’t feel right. Chances are another one will show up before you can take 2 swigs of your beer anyway.
This is the crazy thing about this board. I don't think it's rare to meet a decent CG. Either some folks really suck at being observant and closing the deal, or they just suck at making judgement calls.
Sadly, it's on the negative reports that people tend to pay attention to. I don't think picking up a CG is nearly as dangerous as some of you make it out to be.
Hate to ruin your sense of security but often times in these situations a pimp would also have a room and therefore a key card so no problem getting past security to follow you if that was the intent.
I simply said a pimp could have a room in a hotel, therefore a keycard.
Sadly many sex workers are under the control of pimps. And many are forced to work in various locations, not just in casinos.
Not sure what your point is?
Valid point, I certainly didn’t think of that.
Since this thread seems to be getting a good amount of traffic, question to all: is the cg route considered more risky than the street girls? Reason I ask is I that I had a street girl the night before I met the cg and it was awesome! She was a solid 9 in looks with a trim physique but a poppin ass. Maybe I’m just lucky because all I hear are the horror stories from these two demographics.
I don’t know. Rarely do guys come and post they were robbed. You need to be careful with all these women in my opinion. Independent,agency,cg,walkers,bar flies etc. it’s all good till it isn’t.
Define street girl in your scenario please?