
The content of the review seems . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 137 reads

a little suspicious to me.  I will not accept that review as real until there is corroboration from additional reviews that confirm she is the same girl as before.  You are correct, IMO, even if she has decided to go indie and has come back, she would first go to a booker she knows, and the bookers would do a blast to their contact list that she has returned and is available to see customers.   She would also text her regulars with her new phone number and tell them who to contact for a booking.  I have been a regular in the past and the pre-Covid number I had for her is no good and has not been updated.  

The photos in the link are 7-8 years old, and a pro like Mindy would know the first thing to do to launch a return is to get a fresh photoshoot.  Any decent booker would tell her that.  She would attempt a return with weak-ass, old photos like this, IMO.   The top-tier girls in SoCal update their photos every 6-12 months.  I think there is better than a 50% chance the reviewer is scamming us.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so.  

Saw a new review of Mindy7 who's one of my ATF.  Anyone else been able to schedule an appointment?  Odd that Mindy7 is not using one of the established agency as she has a large customer base when she was in LA.

and keep more of the money.

She does seem to have been quite popular so probably doesn't need to give much away in terms of agency/bookers advertising or scheduling for her.

a little suspicious to me.  I will not accept that review as real until there is corroboration from additional reviews that confirm she is the same girl as before.  You are correct, IMO, even if she has decided to go indie and has come back, she would first go to a booker she knows, and the bookers would do a blast to their contact list that she has returned and is available to see customers.   She would also text her regulars with her new phone number and tell them who to contact for a booking.  I have been a regular in the past and the pre-Covid number I had for her is no good and has not been updated.  

The photos in the link are 7-8 years old, and a pro like Mindy would know the first thing to do to launch a return is to get a fresh photoshoot.  Any decent booker would tell her that.  She would attempt a return with weak-ass, old photos like this, IMO.   The top-tier girls in SoCal update their photos every 6-12 months.  I think there is better than a 50% chance the reviewer is scamming us.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so.  

it's to reintroduce her, provide a new contact number, and emphasize she is the original.  If that's the case, the review is technically fake and more like an add.  Makes perfect sense to use the same photos she used in the past if she is the original. Having said that, I attempted to make an appointment. I text on 7/1, and offered a couple of day/times I was prepared to book, provided name, age, race and named a couple of girls/agencies, with numbers as references.  Also mentioned I'd seen Mindy years ago and provided the phone number I was using at that time.  I got crickets. Maybe because it was long holiday weekend, hope it's not a case of no Asians, or old white guys. All you wanna be bookers can offer opinions on what she would do or should do, but have any of you actually tried to book?

several of the independent girls did not work at all over this weekend.  Some go back today and others, tomorrow.  Let's hope you hear something in the next few days, and it is indeed her, returned from retirement.  

I have not tried to book, and I believe I made it clear in my post that until we get further validation that it's her, I'm not inclined to take the chance of wasting my time.   However, kudo's to you for giving it a shot, and if you are still getting crickets by this weekend, it will confirm for me that she is not back, and my suspicions will be validated.  OTOH, if you see her and confirm that it is her, you will be the local hero.  

Mindy was indie when she was at MDR.  She used an established booker to book her appointments as she had a large following.  I am also suspiciiouse of the reviewer as he has no other reviews under his belt.  Will wait to see there are other legit reviews in the coming weeks.

Wow!!! If true that is the best thing. I loved her trick pad at MDR.

It was an interesting setup just to get into the building. Appreciated the flow chart to make it easy.

Perhaps a bogus review! I have not had a response back from her booker after few attempts.

No reply yet and I texted 5 days ago.

got a response
she has covid!

immediately after that June 2023 review appeared here on TER. Got a response from the booker asking for lots and lots of personal information. Way too much info than I would ever consider giving up. I suggested several other types of perfectly reasonable screening methods (the kind that many other bookers accept) and I never received another response.

I've seen the sweet & beautiful Mindy many many times since 2014, so it's a real bummer to find out that her new booker isn't willing to be reasonable. I fear she won't get much business, and perhaps leave the hobby again, if her previous legion of fans can't see her.

What info does the booker requesting?  Any possibility the info could be used in identity thief?

Absolutely, it could be used for identify theft or blackmail or, if they get busted, now LE has all the info they need to go after the clients. Out of respect for the booker's business & privacy, I won't post the exact details here. (I'm still hoping that he/she will change course and be reasonable.) But you can imagine what's being requested. Pretty much everything that could totally F-up your life in the wrong hands. I can't imagine any veteran hobbyist being willing to undergo that type of invasive screening, unless you just don't care about potentially being publicly exposed.

If the real Mindy7 has indeed returned, it probably means that many of her best clients from the past won't be seeing her. Which is a sad thing for her and for us. I'm sure Mindy isn't reading this, but maybe the booker is. If so, I would just urge him/her to consider using other, more traditional screening options. That would be safer and better for everyone.

"Return of Mindy7" was the topic at another forum and it was suggested that the scammer may be using collected personal info to gain access to kgirl agencies that require ID, selfie, etc.  To those who unknowingly gave out their info, should beaware.  Now I'm glad I did not get a reply.

fake reviews, and knowing when something seems too good to be true, we were right to hold off the celebration until there were corroborating reviews.  There will be none . . .  that are real.    Our work on this thread is done.  LOL

Yeah, it's a real bummer, though. I was so excited when I heard that Mindy had (supposedly) returned. Of all the k-girl superstars of the past, Mindy and Kami are the two that I would kill to see again. Oh well, I guess that's the nature of an effective scam. It wouldn't work unless the scammer offered something amazing.

Glad I didn't give up my personal info. Bullet dodged.

Yeah, my manhood got deflated just like the one time I saw a kgirl completely opposite of Mindy.

if the screening is easier if you pick another girl.  If it's a "yes", you may have just exposed a B & S scheme and this booker doesn't have access to Mindy at all.  One of B & S "tools" is to not let you qualify to see her.

I'll ask, but all I've been getting lately is radio silence.

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