
That's a fair appraisal. But OP has 200+ reads...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1084 reads

...and no one dared to gainsay his post or chastise him for lumping all K-girls together as good and all non K-girls as bad.

On the L.A. board non K indie girls were viciously attacked by the K-boys.  That's a fact.  I guarantee you that neither I nor anyone else would treat K-girls that horribly if they choose to post.

Lets see how that stacks up, most of the K-dolls are super hot, give great service and have great prices and are really nice. The non dolls are usually business like way over priced and not GFE. So the verdict is in the K-dolls win hands down.

I found my fave k-girl and no one has matched her yet in all areas.  But she moved and I can't find her, bummer.

...to our font of knowledge.  Neither does deliberately trashing ALL non K-girls.  It only serves to roil up the division between hobbyists.  It is a totally unnecessary post and a glimpse into the true heart of the OP

RealityBites988 reads

Yes from what I have read there are great K-dolls. There is also great non k-dolls. Good and bad in everything, should be about individual.  

The divide between them are almost always because of the way fans and non fans react on the boards. It isn't the girls at all. Still going on with separate boards!

Now if you guys like them so much, it would be great for some of them to pop on here and partake. I am guessing they will once they feel safe. Seriously girls don't like attacks, no matter who they are. From what I can see, k-girls stay off of the TER boards to avoid the issues (being stuck between lovers and haters).

I don't see k-girls, but if you want them to be on the boards.... ask them to be. Maybe they don't know about the board yet. I do believe that some go on other boards.

From what I heard, it is great to get such good service. No attitude is a plus. I would think it is hard to talk with them however. I am a biggie on conversation. Each their own.

...and no one dared to gainsay his post or chastise him for lumping all K-girls together as good and all non K-girls as bad.

On the L.A. board non K indie girls were viciously attacked by the K-boys.  That's a fact.  I guarantee you that neither I nor anyone else would treat K-girls that horribly if they choose to post.

Twice now in this thread you have accused the poster of lumping ALL non-K girls together and labeling them as bad. He did nothing of the kind and the quickest of reads would prove that to even the most partisan poster. He said "usually" implying often, not all, and if that's his opinion or his experience the who are you to say he's right or wrong?

You have a bad habit of interjecting your own bias into other people's posts. You obviously have issues with guys who like to promote Kgirls. Why? If they aren't your cup of tea that's fine, but when you harass posters instead of minding your own affairs you come of as bitter and/or over protective.  

I'm going to go check the TS board, the pornstar board, and the over 60 board and see if you shit talk them for prefering to see people you don't particularly endorse. If I see you have the. I'll come back and say I was wrong.  


Posted By: BigPapasan
...and no one dared to gainsay his post or chastise him for lumping all K-girls together as good and all non K-girls as bad.

On the L.A. board non K indie girls were viciously attacked by the K-boys.  That's a fact.  I guarantee you that neither I nor anyone else would treat K-girls that horribly if they choose to post.

-- Modified on 7/26/2013 10:05:25 AM

That is truly hilarious coming from you, the chief roiler.

...once yelled out to Truman: "Give 'em hell, Harry!"  He replied: "I don't give them hell.  I just tell the truth and they THINK it's hell!"

No, we have already established that you are Cliff Clavin .... Though I have no doubt that you are as OLD as Harry Truman!

you are so bias..it is like getting an opinion about an Iphone from a Blackberry user of course he says bad things about it.
As far as GFE, to me none of the k-gal at 250 is..My understanding is that with a girlfriend you can have a conversation, good luck having one with them and it has nothing to do with knowing the language because even those who know are as interesting as a wall.
Besides, not all k-gals charge 250 ..so what do you have to say about those who charge 500, 600, 700 or more?
is a Bentley overpriced? no it is not ...they are only overpriced if you do not have the money to buy it..I do not bash anyone, any girls out there decide what segment of the market to target and most non-kgal do not target the bottom feeders like you.

Most K-girls in NY are at least $350/hr.  Many are $400 and a few are even $500.  And, yes, it's ridiculous to make a blanket statement like the OP.  I have one K-girl who's one of my top regulars, so I do appreciate the variety.

john0127991 reads

Just curious. Are there K girls who charge 500 or more in LA?

There are a few (not many) who change considerably more than $500/hr

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