
Re: I was offered an outcall in Vegas last year....
team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 61 reads

Vegas is one of the few places where most korgs offer outcall.  

Personally I didn't have a good experience in terms of logistics. I had a conference panel to speak on the next day and the girl was late by an hour and a half arriving late at night. I was pretty pissed.  

I also was stupid to take an escort to a room that was paid for by my company, but that's another story.

I've gotten friendly with a local LA C-org gal, we exchanged #s to cut out the booker, she texts me directly now when she's available etc. I asked if she would do outcall and she said she would.  
Anyone tried outcall with a k-girl or c-girl and would like to share experiences? Normally I only spend 30 mins with her when we do incall, but it's a pretty good GFE (got better once we exchanged #s). Anything I should expect differently (except maybe an upcharge)?

a few Kgirl outcalls in 2017-18 for a $100 upcharge, but failed for two reasons . . . . . .

1.   Due to the traffic in LA, charging a hundred for the travel time was sub-economic.  $50 went to the driver and the girl got an extra $50 as compensation for the "dead time" while she was traveling.  The girls didn't like it because they can make a lot more staying at the incall with a 15-minute break between customers.  Then they tried limiting the radius to 3 miles from the incall, and there were very few customers because if they are that close, why not just go to the incall for $100 less?

2.    They could not control security for the girls.  While there is a natural inclination to be on good behavior at an incall, the same cannot be said for a hotel room or customer's residence.  Girls were getting roughed up and some lost work time because of it.  Word spread through the Kgirl network quickly and very few girls were willing to doutcall for ear of their safety, so only the fat/ugly girls were going out, and then the reviews followed that said the outcall girls were fat/ugly.  So much for the short-lived Kgirl outcall experience.  

If there are indy Kgirls, or girls doing it on the side without going through the booker, as you describe, that's a new one on me.  You said your example was a C-org girl, not a Kgirl, so it will be interesting to see if anyone here knows iofany K-orgs going back to outcalls in SoCal.  

...which really surprised me. As you mentioned, yes, it was $100 over incall pricing. They had me meet the girl near an exit door in the casino that I had suggested since there was a landmark there that I hoped she would find. She looked terrified when I found her, lol. She was tiny, adorable, and dressed to the nines! She spoke very little English. I got to walk her (in awkward silence) thru the casino up to my room. Boy the looks we got as we weeved thru the throngs of people! I had to walk her back as well, and thankfully the return walk wasn't as awkward.  

Good times, good times :D

Vegas is one of the few places where most korgs offer outcall.  

Personally I didn't have a good experience in terms of logistics. I had a conference panel to speak on the next day and the girl was late by an hour and a half arriving late at night. I was pretty pissed.  

I also was stupid to take an escort to a room that was paid for by my company, but that's another story.

Kgirl outcalls, but having done it, I still prefer incall.  At most of the strip hotels, you need a key card now to use the room elevators, so it means you have to get dressed and go down to the lobby and bring them up.   I also prefer seeing her for the first time in lingerie (her in lingerie, not me, Lol)  rather than jeans and a t-shirt.  Some Kgirls also tone down the makeup when doing outcall so as not to draw attention to themselves upon arrival at the hotel.  For the guys that only book one hour, her time to get out of her civvie clothes and back into them at the end is on your dime.  Time starts when the door closes and she texts the booker that she is "in", same as at the incall when you are "in".

Referring to incall girls in general - i don’t think they like outcall for the economic reasons, and also i wouldn’t expect them to be as punctual in that regard either.

Anyone who has experienced the traffic on and near the strip knows that it takes longer to get ANYWHERE than you think it will.  For the girl, it's dead time, so you are right that only the girls who are having a slow day will accept an outcall in Vegas.  Even if you ask for a specific girl, she can refuse and the booker will suggest another girl who is agreeable to take the outcall.  As you might imagine, the top tier girls will usually want to stay in because they are getting a steady flow of customers, and the second tier girls will go out.  

I'll be back in LV next week and reached out to the booker that I worked with last time about availability. Since they offer a ride to & from the incall I'm gonna try that this time and forgo the outcall. Should be an interesting experience ☺️

I look forward to the review.

yep. This was the agency that restarted my kgirl adventures last year. I'm hoping this visit will be as memorable as the first one 😊

Success! I was a little intimated getting a ride to the incall but it worked out perfectly. The girl was very enthusiastic and the booker was amazing as always. Now back home to LA for local kgirl fun 😊

I'm curious - which Agency did you use? Next time your there try Blossom at ClubLoveLine. She's awesome, my current favorite in Vegas, and she does doubles so I'm pretty sure she's be up for FF action.

I also use CLL and was originally supposed to see Blossom (per the booker) when I made the appointment. He told me that she was fine with seeing me. I guess she changed her mind when she was actually called upon to fulfill her promise. She's apparently ok with another woman as long as that other women is another provider, which explains her willingness to do duos. Anyway I got Nana which was a whole other story of depravity. I found out pretty quickly what a "cat bath" was 😲😲😲

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
I also prefer seeing her for the first time in lingerie (her in lingerie, not me, Lol)  rather than jeans and a t-shirt.  Some Kgirls also tone down the makeup when doing outcall so as not to draw attention to themselves upon arrival at the hotel.
I'm the exact opposite.  I prefer seeing a girl in tee-shirt and jeans first.  It helps build anticipation.  It's also adds to the fantasy of it being a real world date, as when I meet girls for dates in the real world they show up clothed.  This is why I've made a special request of some independent provides (not Korg girls) to answer the door in a tee-shirt and jeans.  I'm not fan of makeup, so I'd enjoy the minimal make up too.

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