
Opportunity Denied
ODA_Holder 49 reads

I’ve had a Kgirl friend invite me to meet outside after a second visit; we started outside chat messaging direct after the first visit where I felt I should get the # to know when she is in town again.   I had to deny her offer as it felt too personal.  We have since built a good relationship outside by just messaging back and forth.  I must admit that after seeing her 2 more times the Hot and Passionate sex simmered a bit but she did feed me some porridge and kimchi pancake Hah!  I feel like I really leveled up on this whole hobby after this! She says she hasn’t made a meal for any other clients.  This is the 3rd provider that has served me like this??? Has anyone else had this type to service???  
So if she is inviting me to meet outside I would feel obligated to go .4 or even .5

How much to you think you should gift a kgirl if you are seeing her outside at a hotel that you arranged?

Thanks for your input...

Interesting! You have been able to arrange a K-girl outside the agency? Never thought to try, but I would offer 5 roses as that the standard, it seems, with Indys.

1234S432155 reads

Flowers die, chocolate make the girls fat, the top 2 useless gifts when girls working
Outside work, maybe ok but I’d suggest anything expensive w/ a gift receipt

ODA_Holder50 reads

I’ve had a Kgirl friend invite me to meet outside after a second visit; we started outside chat messaging direct after the first visit where I felt I should get the # to know when she is in town again.   I had to deny her offer as it felt too personal.  We have since built a good relationship outside by just messaging back and forth.  I must admit that after seeing her 2 more times the Hot and Passionate sex simmered a bit but she did feed me some porridge and kimchi pancake Hah!  I feel like I really leveled up on this whole hobby after this! She says she hasn’t made a meal for any other clients.  This is the 3rd provider that has served me like this??? Has anyone else had this type to service???  
So if she is inviting me to meet outside I would feel obligated to go .4 or even .5

She must be the sister to the Kgirl that once told me I was the ONLY ONE she ever went bareback with.  

Just remember that when your entire "relationship" consists of messaging, to her, it's not a relationship.  It's marketing to get you to the next level which appears to be a paid outside meeting.  Why not just ask her if she is inviting you to be her boyfriend, or is she just moving her business with you to another location, and if so, will the rate be the same?  You should learn everything you need to know about what to expect from her answer.  It will probably be a little more to cover the cost of the hotel room, unless she wants YOU to get the hotel room.  It will be less if you let HER get the room because she will be able to use it with the other guys (and prorate the cost) the same day who are stepping up to the same level you are who have also been messaging her.  

Based on my own experience, if you are not first to see her at the hotel, you might want to take your own towel for the shower to make sure you get a dry one.  Kgirls that are venturing out to hotels are not very good at the details in the beginning.  Lol

ODA_Holder47 reads

Well she did send a meme calling me her boyfriend… but again I am not an available man and that’s why I am not interested to see her outside weather it’s a legit me and she thing or me plus… just too risky on my end. I enjoy the quick in and out no strings attached and both parties are satisfied.
The side messaging is just a buffer to get me through each day and break up the monotony of daily grind.  I do send her a little crypto here and there for that which of course she enjoys and happily receives.

She wanted to meet me at her apartment, and after we had a wonderful session, she opened the oven door and took out a big crock of some chicken dish that was truly scrumptious.  

The only other experience with her that came sort of close was a huge meal that she and her cohorts at the AMP prepared for each other to mark some holiday to which she invited me to partake (The only client to have been invited.) in the back room of their spa.   That consisted of some items that they prepared there, and others that must have been prepared at the restaurant that lay below their second floor location.

What fond memories those are.

The question that needs to be asked is why is she willing to see you outside her normal working venue. Is it so that she can avoid paying her booker/agency their normal percentage? Or is it because she’s looking for a sugar daddy or a boyfriend?
When you use the term “gift” it generally implies no obligation. Is that the case here? Whatever you do, be careful. These things can become a slippery slope.

She can charge the same rate, but doesn't have to share it with the org or booker, since she is setting it up herself.  She is on a slippery slope of her own.  If the agency finds out she is taking their customers who they book for her and high jacking them to cut out the org.  She will be blacklisted.  

There was a girl that did this in OC where she worked for many months and had very good reviews.  She got caught and was blacklisted in OC along with a few of the customers who agreed to meet her on the outside.  Customers were only BL'd from THAT org, but she was persona non grata in all of OC.  

Then 3 months later she showed up in LA under a new name, and was then coasting along on good reviews again until she did the same thing again.  In fact, I think you are one who saw her while in LA before she got banned again.  After that, she was finished in SoCal and settled in the Bay Area using the same name as in LA.   I only saw her once in the BA after texting her directly that I was in town, and she cleared me with her new booker to see her and did NOT suggest I see her on the outside.  She must have learned from her mistakes. The last name she used in the BA until she retired was Davi.  Many of the BA guys who have been around awhile probably saw her.  She would be mid-40's by now.  

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