
Give it a rest rocket
36363jensen 4 Reviews 105 reads

If I didn't say it in this thread I've said in some response recently. Yes, if they can be proven to have requested fake reviews then I would be fine with, and expect TER to, either put them on some probation or ban them entirely -- meaning no reviews for the women working at that agency.

But I am NOT going to call for that to happen on hearsay. If Fritz reported it great. If he didn't I can also get that he might not have, or be willing to share, the evidence but that is mongers tolerating such behavior.  

And yes, whether or not you want to admit it, you are berating everyone here all to often just because they don't display, to your satisfaction, the proper level of offense at some claimed transgression. This post of your is a case in point.


And no one seemed to care. Not a single "that's bad", no advise to report the issue to TER to teach the scumbags a lesson. A silence from people who otherwise quite active in DC.

This is what I mean by sweeping shit under the rug. If am org asked me to write a fake review Id make sure they'd feel sorry for years they ever asked me to. But apparently it's par for the course win NoVa. Keep shit in-house and keep girls warning money with fake reviews.

Why can't these entities earn money without trying to trick the very customers they're serving? Pathetic.

Well known for making bad assumption, Rocket strikes again

But apparently it's par for the course win NoVa
He makes the assumption based on one vague statement in a thread that was filled with confusion about when a particular girl started here in DC. The statement talks about a request to submit a review for an UNNAMED provider
several months ago
So according to Rocket, one months old allegation about an unnamed provider =
par for the course in NoVa
He even stretches his over dramatic assumption to label it a tradition! LOL
I like how no one responded to you post. Not a single condemnation. As is tradition, I guess
Once again, Rocket guessed wrong.

Hilarious. Asking a user to write a fake review is against TER terms of service. And should be reported.  

Yes, it seems par for the course because like Jensen explained, many of yall don't write bad reviews and I've constantly seen transgressions swept under the rug in your neck of the woods.

There was nothing vague about this statement. The gentleman stated very clearly who asked him to do what. Are you saying the gentleman is lying?  

Here, you are doing it again. Trying to tell me problem doesn't exist when the reported problem is clearly against TER ToS

-- Modified on 7/13/2023 2:10:22 AM

par for the course

TeamRocketDrama took ONE vague instance of a review request and without any evidence or even additional allegations tried to blow it up to a rampant “par for the course” “tradition” here in the DMV. Once again, more BS from our spazzing pest.

Here's a simple yes or no question. I bet the person working hard overtime to discredit me over me simply broadcasting other people's messages, won't bother answering this.

We are on TER. Such claims should be taken seriously. If they asked one guy, they asked other people.

-- Modified on 7/13/2023 1:18:16 PM

you should man-up and apologize to CKS for suggesting he was a booker, not that it's a dirty word, but your intent was to discredit his opinions on other matters.  Eventually, you changed lanes and showed the booker is the one who lied, but you could not show that CKS lied when he passed what the booker said onto us here.  

Your last line sounds like an assumption, not a hypothesis.  Do you see the irony and lecturing me on learning the difference.  Lol

An apology to the entire forum is in order, given all the false assumptions he’s subjected the readers here to.

I will apologize to you, someone who puts girls and orgs biz over mongers rights and honest assesments
.... Over my dead body.


I made zero false assumptions. I didn't say cks is a booker. I asked that question. He never answered me how he knows the info. So the only assumption I made afterwards in the nezt thread is that he's telling the truth and went after the bookwr lying.

I will continue to monjtor all the orgs for scumbag moves and make sure everyone hears it.

And here's my advice to anyone who puts girls and rogs biz over mongers mistreated. Stop writing reviews. Start putting up advertisements. You lack the vitamins and minerals to talk in public critical of someone with vagina, what are you doing on a board that is about evaluating services by someone with vaginas?
Should stay in ads forum and don't touch reviews. Let people who are able to offer criticism have their voice.

like, "Are you still beating your wife?"  You know it, I know it, CKS knows it, and so does everyone else here.  

No one made you Pope of this board.  Just because you ask someone a question doesn't mean they are obligated to answer.  You don't know much about what is going on in Kgirl-land from your own experience, so you are an information hound.  You collect inside info here and then post it on other sites so the dumbshits there will think you are the go-to guy for what's happening with Kgirls.  It laughable.  Lol

Lol at this nonsense. You and everyone else knows that if I were to post this alleged piece and claim it's from cgla booker every single one of org defenders would ask me this same question.

But it's a "sleazy question" lmao. It's a normal question from anyone who is skeptical of the persons veracity.  

BTW, what happened to my thread?

you now admit that you have been making assumptions, but that none of them were false.  Fair enough.  Any more admissions you want to make that you have been previously denying?  Lol

I ask again

Is it against ter tos if agency asks to make a fake review?

Notice how people are reluctant to answer this very simple question. I love asking these questions. Shows what type of people they really are.

No one is disputing TERs policy on requesting or writing fake reviews. But you want to make the case that the agency in question has in fact done that. You don't know that so your headline should have been "Monger X claims...." and then gone on to ask about violations of TER policies if that was your main point. I suspect that would largely also be ignored as no one thinks the policy is bad -- just difficult to enforce, mostly because it is often difficult to prove and becomes a case of he said - she said. Those discussions have been seen all to often on TER and generally go no where because most of the participants in the discussion lack the actual facts so are just going on opinion and emotion.

When people find questions either rather boorish or just about generalities, or just simply boring, they tend not to respond. Why must you always make a mountain out of the molehill of people not responding to you.

I never said I have some proof that the agency has in fact done this.  I'll even agree with you that I should have posted poster claims but I figured since I had a link people would deduce this. With that post seemingly gone from that thread, I guess I thought wrong. So that's something I take blame for.  


I simply think, if something is against TER ToS and is morally bad against fellow monger consumers (reviewing a girl you never saw) it deserves as much attention as possible and in-depth look. Wasn't it you not too long ago who claimed that everything is fine in NoVa?

So do you not agree? I view reports of bad actors extremely seriously and I ring the red bell "danger" each time I hear one. Even if it's false accusation, knowing such accusation exists is pretty good information-wise.  

In short, this comment deserved some thorough attention and it never got any public attention at the very least. And when I center attention on this and shed light on it - I get attacked by org defenders.

You would *think* people who argue everything is good and dandy in DC/nova would want to know about serious accusations flying the way of agencies. But everyone gets mad at the messenger.

"You would *think* people who argue everything is good and dandy in DC/nova would want to know about serious accusations flying the way of agencies. But everyone gets mad at the messenger. "

Who is claiming "everything"? Or is that just you being hyperbolic again? For what it's worth, you are tossing your own local source under that bus, unless you've decided now to be selectively nuances and want to claim "They're all pretty solid  but my top tier are . . ." as a description of the DC area agencies is somehow not in that bucket of "everything is good and dandy".  

Since the statement was made on the DC board originally I'm pretty sure those here that would be made aware of things from your post were already aware of a statement that was make a month ago.  After all the comment itself recorded 84 reads (which will very like be an under reporting on how many have read it) and the thread itself over 1200.

Yes, hyperbolic. My bad.

Right, some people saw it. But didn't comment on it.

Many people said repeatedly that there weren't a lot of bad practices in DC. You even claimed you never were canceled on, which is crazy to me.

Either way, one would think that that such a transgression should be discussed and/or reported.

But it hasn't. And thus comes my hypotheses that people simply don't care as much about transgressions(even if they're anti ter) as much as they care about pussy. This isn't illogical in itself, but to me it simply reinforces my belief that many people in the nova circle dont give two shits if other clients are getting fucked.


Because when it comes to discussing advertising agencies and girls there's tons of threads with usual suspects in there. When it came to discussing transgressions, first people told me there are very little. And when I find some transgressions in your own forum there is no discussions or anything. Just basically ignored post.


So what does that tell me? That the first time I was told that it doesn't happen much in nova by you and others, it probably was the same way. Maybe not reported by your group with klient whom the girls want to impress badly, but maybe reported by others. And perhaps similar reports were falling on deaf ears.

If this accusation was conveniently ignored, how many other accusations were ignored similarly? And I'm not even going to talk about how many accusations were thwarted by org defenders shills and those who think sellers pockets are more important than integrity and honesty.

In case it disappears, I'll let you know up front that I reported this thread. I don't have a P&P rule to cite, but this shit is WRONG.
You have one barely coherent user who has since done nothing to clear this up (I'm incl. his last message) and HE'S the one you want to go with? This isn't about monger vs agency to you, this is irrational. Where are the other fucking mongers who were slighted who should be all over this and the other thread and bashing them with "me too, me too"??? Those mutherfuckers don't exist!
Stop defaming Sweet Angels. Fritz is clearly fucked up. More to the point, Frits really fucked up and can't get humble enough to end this.

First, if you read the Review Submission Guidelines it's pretty clear that all reviews submitted have to be for sessions that actually took place (except rip off session, like giving a deposit and then getting ghosted). The Guidelines also mention that those found  violating TERs rules should expect some disciplinary action by TER, up to and including being banned from TER. One might think that for an agency that could mean all reviews of providers working for them might be removed. The Review FAQ also has some relevant clauses.

Second, your characterization of Fritz is wrong and undeserved. He's been around quite a while but is not as active as many here. But he is not one of the people that seems to always be verbally attacking others or agencies or providers.  As for rocket, his goal is not to defame SA, his post was entirely about berating all the DMV mongers who failed to display the proper level of offense from Fritz's claim and make a big public commotion about the situation.

I believe that would be most I could hope for... if I allowed myself to hope for anything. I've just never seen anything like this that lasted more than a few hours at most.
I hear you on Fritz. Did you look at his last post in the other thread? It is, at least partially, incoherent. And that was him coming to his own defense. On top of which, his two assertions, serious in nature (although one a lot more than the other) are all I know of him. I could make a persuasive argument that that's all that matters in this case.  
He started a process of causing harm to an agency.* What he's doing now by not copping to it or, at least, help us understand how he did the right thing, maybe help us understand, w/o violating any agreements, how everybody is still here (as you alluded to), and what made him think he was the intended audience for this reported call? This stinks to high heaven.
*In fact, they may be enjoying a huge increase in business from the publicity. When guys read those reviews, it's going to put SA in their bullseye for there next event!

Agree this thread should be closed and/or deleted.

Disagree re your assessment on Fritz’s comments.
1. In a month old thread about another Sweet Angel’s review, Fritz mentioned that SEVERAL MONTHS AGO, he had been asked to write a review for a provider he hadn’t seen. It’s not Fritz’s fault TeamRocket_____ thought that this was a sign of the end times and that we should all be howling for salvation.
2. Fritz then clarified that nothing was offered in exchange for said review, and reiterated that he didn’t write said review.  Fritz gave no indication that the ask from Sweet Angels was a transgression that rose to the level of him submitting a report to our admins here.

I don’t see any fault here on Fritz’s part. He saw a thread, dropped a fairly benign comment and left it at that. It was Rocket that rolls in month’s after the incident happened and decided to stir the pot.

"As for rocket, his goal is not to defame SA, his post was entirely about berating all the DMV mongers who failed to display the proper level of offense from Fritz's claim and make a big public commotion about the situation."

I did not want to berate anyone besides the agency. And I didn't want to berate the agency either, I wanted to show how they were said to do something well against TER rules. Something that they can be kicked off the site for.

And as I believe agencies don't stop shitty practice that maximize them money unless they're given a strong incentive (well-being of clients and honesty is not good enough it seems), they should be kicked off so they learn a lesson.

It's funny that you admit that fritz is likely telling the truth.

So if you actually gave a shit about integrity of reviews and not the girls pocket, do you agree that they should at least be reported?


Damn right I want a big public commotion. Because you dudes who defend orgs forever, first said shitty practices don't happen and claim I make them up. Even though I used many truthful stories of people who I trust 100%. Wait until someone from ter has issues was what people said. Well, I see someone on ter report an egregious ask that should be prohibited. What I do see? Lukewarm nothing in response.

Maybe it's time to admit publicly that you don't really give a shit about TER rules or client well-being and integrity of reviews (which should be fucking sacred and any shill attempting to disturb this should be tarred and feathered), you just want the boat to not be rocked and provided keep getting money. No matter the practices.

If I didn't say it in this thread I've said in some response recently. Yes, if they can be proven to have requested fake reviews then I would be fine with, and expect TER to, either put them on some probation or ban them entirely -- meaning no reviews for the women working at that agency.

But I am NOT going to call for that to happen on hearsay. If Fritz reported it great. If he didn't I can also get that he might not have, or be willing to share, the evidence but that is mongers tolerating such behavior.  

And yes, whether or not you want to admit it, you are berating everyone here all to often just because they don't display, to your satisfaction, the proper level of offense at some claimed transgression. This post of your is a case in point.

All people had to do was not claim they care about fellow mongers and whether they're getting transgressed on.  

But they have.

So when an accusation of transgression happens I expect some discussion.  

Did it happen? No.  

Action speak louder than words do. Sweeping bad behavior under the rug, l keeping mum about bad experiences that could impact the girl and org pockets arguing that no review is just as good as bad review, and ignoring transgressions. A known vip client exposing pii of a monger because of his filming a girl.  

Is that berating people in NoVa? Well, I'm just stating facts. From how it looks, at least optics wise, PUBLICLY, many NoVa folks on this board are hesitant to accept anything that would implicate the seller and yet seem to have little care for other mongers. Tell me I'm wrong. The time you said SA can pack up and move back to la, is the first time you said something critical PUBLICLY about a particular agency/girl in 3+ years I've been posting on here. If there were *some*bad actors in NoVa in kgirl space, which you do agree with, well where are the public discussions about them? Same place as most negative reviews?  


I expect if people are taking accusations seriously to at least ask fritz if he had given ter a heads up. If people cared. It's like when cdl said he was b&sd and yet he never named the girls, never told ter about the bookers unacceptable behavior. Or how when he heard from another booker how any review of 7 and below would be cause of bl, he never reported this to ter.  

Why pretend like ter rules and honest reviews are important then, if you're not reporting these and just sweeping them under the rug ? Cdl probably STILL has those emails from ahc.

Fritz merely telling them they asked him to write a fake review would probably not be enough to sanction the agency without some corroborating third party evidence.  If he submitted evidence like an email or text message he received stating this, that might be different.

A few years ago, a Vegas Kgirl org was banned by TER for posting on their website that they would give discounts for good reviews.  That's not hearsay because it's right there on the website in black and white where TER can verify it.

Worth to note when CLL was bаnned (let's mention these names publicly shall we?) on here, the website didn't have anything.

The only time CLL had an offer of money for reviews was behind a password wall, for a very brief period of time, like maybe half a year or maybe even a year before they got actually bаnned.

So TER would actually have needed someone provide an assist in form of a saved site or screenshot, something I don't think would be plausible. Because archiving sites don't really work on content behind password. And screenshots can be photoshopped.

Since you mentioned CLL, I've been seeing one of their KGirls (Blossom) on a regular basis for a while. I don't know about their earlier issues (I read it when it happened but no personal knowledge), but I can tell you that the booker (Kevin) responds immediately and is very easy to work with, screening was a breeze as a TER VIP, their location is clean and very convenient, and Blossom is one of the best KGirls I've ever seen from a service perspective (IMO she's pretty too). Personally, I'm glad they are back in the good graces of TER, and I wish the other site would lift its restrictions.
And, before anyone asks I was not asked to post this nor was I offered any benefits. I just appreciate good service and that's what I've received at CLL/Blossom so when rocket mentioned them by name I felt compelled to respond.

Rh, I think we both enjoy service kgirls. Thanks for the rec. I am still holding out hope to see Phoebe.

Edit: since we're talking about CLL, remember when you told me how you thought some reviewers were shills for them and we agreed? Those were the times!

-- Modified on 7/18/2023 10:52:04 AM

According to Blossom she's never worked anywhere in the USA except Vegas. She's been here for at least 6 months and says she loves it here and doesn't plan on leaving. So I don't think you've seen her in the Bay.
As for Phoebe, I don't know where she is now but she hasn't been to Vegas for a long time. She's good, but Blossom does everything Phoebe does, plus she's 5'8" and loves high heels so when I'm with her she's 6', and she's way prettier than Phoebe with little or no plastic surgery. Service wise the only difference is Phoebe asked me to spit in her mouth, and Blossom hasn't.

You choose to throw a monger under the bus instead of an org. Shame on you. And shame on you reporting a thread that deals with someone reporting an anti-TER transgression.

Shame on you simply assuming just because other mongers didnt step up,Fritz is "fucked up". I guess when a girl reports that she was violаted you also ask her where are the others, right?

I simply shined the light on an accusation that was lost in the dark corners of the DC board. If this threаd gets removed I will make one in the DC section.

This is a serious issue and an accusation.

followme95 reads

Just because you asked X number of  hours ago does not mean people are reluctant to answer.
Evet think that the many people are not on TER 24/7 . maybe some people do not log in very often.

So calm down and get off your high horse, pretend protector of whatever you imagination has you protecting there Walter rocket-twunt Mitty

And really what kind of stupid question is that. of course it is against TER tos/rules/policy for and agency or indy provider or anyone to ask another to write a fake review good or bad. Just like it should be against the rules for a person to falsely accuse and try to smear another of crossing many lines. That is beyond the pale and crossing a line  

Particularly, it seems, when and long-timer says something stupid like, "They texted me (receipt) and asked me to write a review for a girl I hadn't seen (fraud)."
But that wasn't the original post over on the DC board. It was challenged by people trying to figure out what and who he was talking about. That's the right course of action. When it got resolved, that was well documented, even by a "closure" post by the OP.
What you seem to be talking about it the stupid and malevolently specious post I paraphrased above from Fitz. He says he has receipts of attempted fraud from an established agency, which he names. And nobody else has gotten these requests from this agency?!? (I noticed you touched on that angle.)
Then some other a-hole chimes in that the agency in question B&Sed him once, and so they're on his shitlist. K-girl agencies, from what I've read here, do that all the time. That's not my experience even remotely (not incl. PSed pics).
Otherwise, your condemnation of DC mongers is fucked. Some of it is even unintelligible. Get a grip. Stop drinking or whatever it is.

Who cares what the original post was?

A post inside a thread has merits on its own.
It's irrelevant what the original post was. In this case I'm talking about a specific post by someone.

"What you seem to be talking about it the stupid and malevolently specious post I paraphrased above from Fitz. He says he has receipts of attempted fraud from an established agency, which he names. And nobody else has gotten these requests from this agency?!? (I noticed you touched on that angle.)

Yes I'm talking about this specific post. It's a post describing anti-ter and anti-consumer behavior. Cks also knows what post I'm talking about, because I was quite clear. He's just playing dumb

" Otherwise, your condemnation of DC mongers is fucked. Some of it is even unintelligible. Get a grip. Stop drinking or whatever it is."

I don't really have a condemnation of DC mongers. It's more of a lament they tend to turn a very blind eye to transgressions. All the time. And obviously it isn't all inclusive. Some posters do want the dirt exposed.

One poster continues to deny ANY org or escort wrongdoings, constantly assigning blame to mongers. Even in markets like bay area, where they have zero knowledge. Another poster does that too, and if confronted with an obvious transgression, refuses to condemn an org and just says shit like "just move on" or "walk away". The fuck? Why not expose the org so next time they think twice? CLL in Vegas I bet learned their lesson when they were banned on here and on another board.

Yet you trash a monger who has been posting and reviewing on TER for NINE YEARS.  You couldn't even get his handle right - it's not "Fitz." It's "Fritz" short for "Fritzmurphy."

You called Fritzmurphy's post "...stupid and malevolently specious..."  Why?  What basis do you have for calling his post  "...stupid and malevolently specious...?"

Since you are obviously a Newbie to TER, I'll educate you before you cast baseless aspersions again.  You can research a poster's previous posts to check if his current post is "...stupid and malevolently specious..."  Seven months ago there was a thread on the DC board about the top tier agencies in the area.  At that time, Fritzmurphy posted that one of his Top Tier agencies was "sweetangels."  Obviously something happened to change his opinion of SWEET ANGELS since that post.  Fritzmurphy's experience with SWEET ANGELS made him change his mind about the agency.  That renders YOUR opinion of his post stupid and malevolently specious.

Your post is also stupid and malevolently specious because you claim to be paraphrasing Fritzmurphy's post but you are in fact LYING about what he posted.  Where in his post does it say that SWEET ANGELS "texted" Fritzmurphy?  Where in his post does he say that "he has receipts of attempted fraud from an established agency, which he names?"  He never claimed to have "receipts" from SWEET ANGELS.  BTW, why are you afraid to mention SWEET ANGELS?  Why do you call it "...an established agency...?

You also called "kyungjean" an "a-hole."  Why?  Because he had the audacity to post that he had a bad experience with SWEET ANGELS?  It is YOU who are the "a-hole" for insulting another poster simply because he describes a negative experience he had with SWEET ANGELS.

-- Modified on 7/13/2023 7:19:35 PM

Posted By: BigPapasan

 You also called "kyungjean" an "a-hole."  Why?  Because he had the audacity to post that he had a bad experience with SWEET ANGELS?  It is YOU who are the "a-hole" for insulting another poster simply because he describes a negative experience he had with SWEET ANGELS.
-- Modified on 7/13/2023 7:19:35 PM
I would assume he called me an a-hole because of these 2 posts. I may be an a-hole for posting them, but I still stand by their content. And I did say "with all due respect" lol!



I think it was those two posts that led to the a-hole comment, not the Sweet Angels comment, as BipPapsan surmised. Leave to him to over analyze a discussion.

It was the latter of the two (I didn't recall the first) *combined* with his a-hole comment about an agency, any agency, he has almost no experience with (according to him).

Dear Mr. Self-important: I recalled the latter, but not the former. Alone, just a jerk comment. Along with your ridiculous post about SA, you indeed appear to me to be an a-hole. That could change, weird shit happens all the time.

Mr. Inanity,

I don't have much experience with that agency because the level of "bait-and-switch" I experienced with their pics immediately after their "all star opening act" opened the curtain was extreme for NoVa agencies, even in these bad days (as compared to the good old days). I think you have no idea about the good old days, and little idea about these days. But that is a-ok! We are a kumbaya crowd!  

So given how bad their bait-and-switch BS was, why would I give them another chance, particularly when I don't care for the straight-outta-Ktown BBFS gals?

Glad you liked them, hope you become less inane!

If you perceive me as having trashed somebody because I pointed out *and characterized* their comments, then so be it. I'm not sure what all to make of your post, but I'll give it a try:

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: vigerous - you've been posting and reviewing on TER for about four months...
Yet you trash a monger who has been posting and reviewing on TER for NINE YEARS.  You couldn't even get his handle right - it's not "Fitz." It's "Fritz" short for "Fritzmurphy."
Right there is a BIG problem for me: he's been posting here longer than I and that makes him unassailable, by me at least? Really?! Well, just like I called his comment stupid, I'm calling this dumb. Either that, or stop objecting to the stupid shit a lot of other people say, as well. They deserve the same deference, or lack thereof as I would contend. His longevity here and your obvious sense of fraternity with him curries him no favor with me. I take him at face value.
Re: "Fitz": Fitzmurphey is not an unknown name where I'm from and I never noticed his play on it... adding the 'r.' I read what I thought I saw (it'll be hard to shake now that 'Fitz' is burnished in my mind).
Posted By: BigPapasan
You called Fritzmurphy's post "...stupid and malevolently specious..."  Why?  What basis do you have for calling his post  "...stupid and malevolently specious...?"  
 Since you are obviously a Newbie to TER, I'll educate you before you cast baseless aspersions again.  You can research a poster's previous posts to check if his current post is "...stupid and malevolently specious..."  Seven months ago there was a thread on the DC board about the top tier agencies in the area.  At that time, Fritzmurphy posted that one of his Top Tier agencies was "sweetangels."  Obviously something happened to change his opinion of SWEET ANGELS since that post.  Fritzmurphy's experience with SWEET ANGELS made him change his mind about the agency.  That renders YOUR opinion of his post stupid and malevolently specious.
Let's start with what  he said in that thread, all of it baseless (since that's a word you seem to like):
1. "... it’s a fake review and the fake reviewer included the NOVA area on the location of the review. --Unsupported
2. "I was approached by this agency a few months ago to submit reviews of a girl I hadn’t seen. Needles to say I didn’t comply as I want this site to be an honest resource but unfortunately it’s filled with fake reviews and shills." --Unsupported
Yes, I'd say both of those were stupid. Also worth pointing out: Those are the ONLY two comments from him in that thread, despite having a lot to answer for after making those remarks/attacks.
Posted By: BigPapasan
You also called "kyungjean" an "a-hole."  Why?  Because he had the audacity to post that he had a bad experience with SWEET ANGELS?  It is YOU who are the "a-hole" for insulting another poster simply because he describes a negative experience he had with SWEET ANGELS.
Again, but in this case casting aspersions on an agency based on a single experience, is way way stupid and and the nature of which makes him an a-hole (which is not an irreversible condition, I might add).
It's pretty clear to some of us that "Fritz" either made his *story* up from whole cloth for effect (which it appears he has run from since he didn't get the effect he was expecting), or it was a mistake by the agency where they got the wrong person when they contacted him -- they wanted a previous customer to write a review of a girl that person had seen. And think about it, considering all the shit about writing fake reviews of late, what they did was take the honest and honorable approach, it seems.  
It was probably a girl who they wanted to have show up on the Escort Reviews page after she'd gone for some length without a review. They wanted to hasten it along. THEY DID NOT, according to the now discredited Fritz post, ask for a good review or a bad review... THEY JUST ASKED FOR A REVEIW, if it's to be believed at all. His silence leads me to believe it didn't happen in the first place and he twisted some story to take a jab at SA.
Let me say this (it was going to be a PM), I was impressed with your takedown skills in response to a reply to an early post of mine (one of my first) . It was somebody who was an unknown quantity to me at the time, and you took him down Fact by Fact. It took a while for me to refer to each of your references, but it was an interesting read. It was an impressive display of a combo of mad research skills and what appears to be a steel trap for a memory. I've seen you do the same thing in reaction to other posts of his. I'm honestly as impressed with your seemingly endless recall ability as I am with the willingness of many to overlook his lack of reliably truthful posts. You left nothing to the imagination, which I respect. If you're going to take me to task for what I've written, I wish you would use the same approach (without all the animosity you have for him).
But here, you're protection (not 'defense,' because you offer no defense) of Fritz and kyung seem out of character to me. It doesn't matter that Fritz said a nice thing about SA once, and I don't know why you keep harping on it. You're clearly smart enough to see its irrelevance. In fact, if it is relevant, I would posit that it's because he said something nice once that, when he felt scorned by AS, he turned around and told this lie (my opinion is unchanged), to get back at them. I stand by my comments. And if you stuck to the facts, you would too. Why? Because I supported each of my claims with facts, unlike they who are shooting from the hip. And that's a fact!

It's certainly possible that Fritz made the story up out of whole cloth because he was upset that Sweet Angels raised their prices.  But it's just as possible that he got that request (not receipt) from Sweet Angels while he was still a big fan of the agency.  He kept it to himself but when he was no longer enamored with the agency, he revealed their request.

Plausible. I think my hypothesis is more likely. In any case, I'm convinced it's fiction, if only because we don't have mongers coming out of the woodworks to say (can I say it?), "me too."

This was the entirety of his post:
"I was approached by this agency a few months ago to submit reviews of a girl I hadn’t seen. Needles to say I didn’t comply as I want this site to be an honest resource but unfortunately it’s filled with fake reviews and shills. "

I suppose that might have changed his opinion but also note he makes no statement regarding disconnecting from the agency or if he will continue using it. I do applaud him for not writing a fake review (giving benefit of any doubt here). That said, it seems he has more to say about others here and the board in general, basically implying that many others here are in fact writing the fake reviews -- not clear if his intent there is to suggest they do so at the request of SA.me or other agencies or if that is just a general complaint.

However, (again, giving the benefit of any doubt) if he is continuing to support the agency then he is just as much a part of the problem as the agency or any of those he claims are writing fake reviews. Certainly his choice, and I don't know what the truth of any of this is with respect to Fritz, nor am I making any accusations in any direction, but anyone that knowingly supports an agency they know is a bad actor should not be put on some pro-monger, hero pedestal.

I will agree with you that one should, generally, not try demonizing others because one disagrees with what they have to say. But I do think everyone should take claims made here with some grain of salt and base their response to the claims on how reputable the poster is based on knowledge of prior posts and behavior on the board -- as well as any direct knowledge/experience the reader might have about the specific subject at hand.

The fact that the local board didn't get their panties all tied up in a knot might actually have been because:
1) The person making the claim is not the most well known poster so many don't know how to assess the claim
2) It was just assumed that something that happen a while back was already reported to TER -- and apparently either did not find the offered evidence sufficient/convincing or just doesn't care so more bandwagon posting was not going to change anything.
3) It was in fact not relevant to the topic thread (which is also a TER policy/T&S, right.) AND was clearly something that occurred in the past.  

But clearly you, rocket, from your seat over on the west coast know with certainty the facts able the claim and everything that is going on in everyone's mind here.  

We all know some agencies are really bad actors, we all know some agencies occasionally do bad/stupid things they should not and we all know some agencies just make mistakes (and NO, that is not a claim that an agency that ask for fake reviews just made some mistake as I am sure you would like to twist my words into). Each deserves to be dealt with as each person chooses.

My personal take on the situation, within the recognition that others are adults and can, will, and should make their own choices, is that this particular expansion agency from the west coast, should pack it's bags and go back to LA. We don't need or want that BS coming here.  But, as I've said, seem like enough mongers here like what they are getting and willing to accept such behaviors. Not much I can do about that. But just attacking an agency based on one person's accusation when no one actually has verified the accusation was in fact true is also wrong.  

Shifting the discussion to the general point about some obviously wrong, by definition, action without ever qualifying that as a general point is even worse. It's bias and prejudice plain and simple -- if you want to talk about the policy do so without pointing fingers in some  type of guilty until proven innocent (without ever making an effort to prove the facts one way or another so accused are always guilty). That seems like it will be a boring discussion. If you want to have a discussion about the reaction to the claim made the TER policy have little to do with the discussion until one establishes the truth state of the claim.

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Water is wet
We all know some agencies are really bad actors, we all know some agencies occasionally do bad/stupid things they should not and we all know some agencies just make mistakes (and NO, that is not a claim that an agency that ask for fake reviews just made some mistake as I am sure you would like to twist my words into). Each deserves to be dealt with as each person chooses.    
 My personal take on the situation, within the recognition that others are adults and can, will, and should make their own choices, is that this particular expansion agency from the west coast, should pack it's bags and go back to LA. We don't need or want that BS coming here.  But, as I've said, seem like enough mongers here like what they are getting and willing to accept such behaviors. Not much I can do about that. But just attacking an agency based on one person's accusation when no one actually has verified the accusation was in fact true is also wrong.  
 Shifting the discussion to the general point about some obviously wrong, by definition, action without ever qualifying that as a general point is even worse. It's bias and prejudice plain and simple -- if you want to talk about the policy do so without pointing fingers in some  type of guilty until proven innocent (without ever making an effort to prove the facts one way or another so accused are always guilty). That seems like it will be a boring discussion. If you want to have a discussion about the reaction to the claim made the TER policy have little to do with the discussion until one establishes the truth state of the claim.
Talk about confusing... Did you just go from pointing out it could have been a mistake by the agency (as I suspect), to attacking SA without any experience with them or having read their reviews ("they should pack they're bags"??), to returning to the salient problem with the original thread and this one: they've made SA guilty until proven innocent. It's like watching a ping-pong match.
BTW, depending on how you like your sex, they appear to be, based on MY recent experience and having read a bunch of reviews from guys in our area, a clear winning choice. Even the scores their girls are given is something to be envied. SMH.

But it's a good first step I guess. Don't know what is it about not naming names explicitly, maybe it's against your religion or whatnot.

And for the record I have nothing particularly against sa (your division), I even see Hani aka Sun there, whom I really liked when she was here.  

But truth and respecting clients >> pussy.


Anyway, back to you post. It's just not too long ago you claimed that nova didn't have many bad actors and everything is handled and watched internally. I just found a serious accusation that was ignored. You'd think people would be more proactive.  

Which goes largely in hand with my research and what my informants tell me. The transgressions still happened, people just turned blind eye to them and dealt with them internally. This is why it's important to let the imperfections of the agency   slip to the public. Otherwise ego of people running orgs starts to bloat and they think they can do no wrong.

What I have said is that I don't support them with money. That is true even if they might at times have good  talent coming through.

I've been very clear that all businesses make mistakes, included in responses directly to your posts, but I don't expect perfection and if its corrected fairly quickly, the agencies does seem genuinely sorry for the event and such things are very much the exception rather than the norm I don't have a public fit and try blaming them for something.

As for your "good first step" you can go fuck your self and the poor horse you keep riding in on. I am not looking for your approval nor do I think your approach to any of this produces any improvement, helps other mongers or makes "consumer" better off. So save your condensation for someone else that cares to listen to your crap.  

Edit - sorry I need to give you a fucking map or something. The agency has already been mentioned in multiple threads you've been going on about: Sweet Angels. Should I spell it slowly for you? I don't think anyone else was confused about which agency I was talking about.

-- Modified on 7/14/2023 7:23:01 PM

Please reread my post. I said "many bad actors".

I know you're not looking for my approval, I just appreciated you being candid publicly. Don't need to tell me to fuck myself.   We've had a good convo, no need for insults. I'm an asshole and everyone knows it.

I don't get why "consumers" is in quotation marks but whatever. You don't believe in my methods and I don't believe in yours. We both know it too.

Yes, my mistake on the many v any read.

But your post was very condescending and deserved a very harsh response. I do actually think you could add value to the forum and have better than average intelligence but every time I want to give you another change to engage in reasonable discussions you keep demanding I "see the light" and buy into your entire position. I think you're wrong on many things.

Case in point, until a few days ago one would have though no good agencies exist in the BA but you mentioned one you cannot access that seems to get good talent, and seems to be good in terms of it's advertisement. That was a revelation for me as from what I hear from you such a place cannot exist. Okay, at least one does.

It's fine that you want to call out specific instances of completely misleading ads, rebrands or even crappy customer service (that I have never experiences -- what happens here is if you cross whatever line they just don't respond anymore). But you also seem to keep giving your money to the very organization that you take such offense with. That is simply enabling them and making YOU part of the problem. On the other hand, I stop going to those places, even if I have not other alternative. Can you see why I think you're a bit hypocritical or why I can be upset why you want to accuse me of being some type of agency toady?

Perhaps you need to try taking some steps in my direction.

Fair enough, sorry about condescending tone. I was actually truly happy that you called them out publicly. And not in the "you see the light" or "I won" way. I don't really expect either of us to change our opinions. It was more of a I can't believe he actually did it thing. So, props given.  

In terms of good agencies, I think we need to define what good means. If one goes by talent, I believe we have at least a couple. The one I cannot get in is tough to evaluate, but from people I hear it's good talent. The other one I'm in is lately on a heater imo. Overall I don't think our talent is that far behind LA.  

But just having talent is not good enough imo. It's also imperative you treat customers well, otherwise you end up with the soup nаzi from Seinfeld.  And pretty much all agencies in the bay engage in advertising fake pics etc.  

Now, for example, I can't say specifically something bad about the second agency. The po is lightning fast, typically gives me a slot I'm asking for 90% of time and afair there was no cancelation issues with them in particular. But as they got bigger because of the said talent, I start hearing things from reliable people. A bl for one cancelation after dozen upon dozens of sessions, raido silence when asking to book specific girls, only can see one girl after seeing someone else, etc etc.  

Now, I could just be happy and like what I'm given, considering I was with this agency from almost day one and they have good talent. But I cannot just see fellow dudes in groups, in public being pissed at the agency... and not support them.
Thatd be selfish. This hobby isn't just about fucking girls to me. It's about talking with others about it and trying to make things better for everyone. I fuck far less p4p than I spend on forums, groups etc with fellow mongers. I know most people in my shoes would look at me and say are u retarded dude. Enjoy your priveleged position and we envy you. But Snoop Dogg, Kurupt and Nate Dogg taught me it ain't fun if the homies can't have none.  

"Can you see why I think you're a bit hypocritical or why I can be upset why you want to accuse me of being some type of agency toady?

I can see why. But kgirls are still best value out here. They have best service on average. Notwithstanding a wave of stds going on right now, they offer bare for anyone who is willing, and also I can be anonymous.  


This is why I always pointed out this isn't just about kgirls. I just know the kitchen most with kgirls. The kgirls are best of the bunch imo. The rest of agencies are even worse for most part. I just want improved issues. I want orgs that respect the customers time and handle issues competently.  

And I think speaking about them in public and giving negative reinforcements a better plan. Yes, they will not like that. But you got a better chance of some response as opposed to doing nothing. We don't agree on that part, I know.

And yes, me giving them them money can be considered hypocritical. I get it.  

Edit: and I get very unhappy when grievances many trusted folks express, are dismissed and twisted on this board by those who ALWAYS defend orgs. In many cases, trusted folks are blamed by same contingent here and orgs are whitewashed to polish. This is really what grinds my gears and makes me really pissed.  

Cheers and happy Friday.

-- Modified on 7/14/2023 6:30:49 PM


Sorry for laughing but I've never seen you this fired up!

We all should let the sht slide, right? But that is not as much fun as letting it rip, is it?

Yes that did set me off. I find rocket frustrating in that I have some respect for him on certain levels but he pushes things too far and too often has misrepresented what I have said in his quest to win arguments or push his agenda. But I do think we should give people second and third chances -- I know I both need and appreciate such opportunities.  

But seems like with rocket that is not a good plan so I think I need to follow some of the other's approach of simply stopping any engagement with him. I think that is something of a lose-lose outcome but the alternative seems to be worse.

I suppose it's clear that I have not quite mastered the teachings in _Being Peace_, though I must confess I think the style of writing and teaching a bit difficult for me. I do like the book, even if I find it difficult. Thanks for the pointer.

-- Modified on 7/14/2023 9:26:37 PM

This poster is 💯 % accurate as I personally was asked to leave / wrote fake reviews of a few SAG ladies. For anyone to contest the truth was of his post is either a shill or complete moran. When I was approached I played along and asked “what’s in it for me?” As expected not a damn thing. What all of you have forgotten is that they need us, w/out is they have no business. The pussy shouldn’t be running the game but rather industry standard and quality service. Shills Jane fucked this industry and TER as a whole. Why give bad/false intel and fuck us all? This isn’t a cheap hobby.

It won't let me go to Sweet Angels website.  So there's that.  And as far as "complete moran" goes:

is infected?  I just want to make sure the girl is not infected.  (Injected is okay, infected is not!!!)   Lol

So you say. Anyone can say anything but that is just words. I'm not calling you a liar but since I don't know you and don't have some sense of who you are of how honest you may be I have not good basis for judging the truth state. As such I should probably not make comments other than to state "I cannot determine the truth of the claim". I would also suggest I doubt anyone here is taking exception to you but rather rocket's using your post to push his own agenda.  

I can state factually to the world that you did in fact make that statement as I can point to the very post you wrote and everyone can verify the fact objectively for themselves. Rocket cannot state factually that the agency did in fact do what you say they did -- he has nothing but your word on that. That is hearsay pure and simple. Given that only one person here knows for a fact if some violation of TER policy occurred making a big public outcry about something that may or may not have happened is pretty low value. Everyone here agrees with the TER policy on fake reviews. If you have evidence of your claim I certainly hope you took the right action and reported it to TER.

Now THIS is some juicy drama....  

But is it legit?  

Well, I guess it's time to spend my Saturday night reading every comment in a thread about potentially fake online reviews of Korean escorts. What a life. LOL

should be spending your Saturday night doing shots with an off-duty Kgirl.  Lol

Bro, why you hating?  Seems as if you’re trying to compete with them and trying to discredit sweet Angels.  I can tell you first hand that I have see a lot of their girls and they have never asked to write a review.  Seems like you work for another agency and have your Own agenda.  

Lol, what is this nonsense?

I don't work for any agency. I don't do any agency, po, or girl any favors and I don't accept them. I'd rather cut my balls off and quit the hobby than ever work for an agency or have any conflict of interest. The concept of deceiving anyone to make a buck is just disgusting  

Integrity and honesty towards mongers >>>>>>>> anything else.  

I'm not trying to discredit anyone. I simply broadcast any messages by disgruntled customers so they (messages) have higher visibility.

Just because you haven't been asked to write reviews does not mean others have not. But who am I to plead to logic with someone who thinks I work for a competing agency. While residing in the bay. Lol.

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