
Re:Why is business so slow here? The cold? Recent activity by downtown?
BobJohnson30 8 Reviews 7072 reads

Can't mmmmmm mmmmove.  Freezing.  I never go out in this weather.

inquirytoyou9763 reads

I saw something about this on the other board, but what do you TER folks think?  Does the cold here affect business?  Or are shakeups going down?  What gives?

Can't mmmmmm mmmmove.  Freezing.  I never go out in this weather.

Tammie9466 reads

I don't think the cold affects business as much as holiday spending.  The "need" is there all year around.  It's other factors that can cause a drop in business.  After-holiday season crunch is usually number one, followed by tax season.  The summer sees a slow down in some spots because school is out.  There are other things that increase and decrease the flow of numbers, but just know that that just as things get bad, they do get better.

Best of luck to you

When it's slow like this I keep busy catching up on all the things I don't normally get a chance to, reading, shopping (for more books!), etc.

Spent the night on the couch flipping between The Apprentice and American Idol, then Newlyweds (damn, that girl is dense!) and it was GREAT.

Reality's my mindless it puts you in a trance...OOOOOOOOHHHHHHMMMMM  :)

Enjoy the breather, things will be back the the normal whirlwind soon enough and then it's no more Reality TV for me!

Bubblebath and it's off to bed with me!

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