
Re: p411 I'm still screening
MaggieLinn2 See my TER Reviews 83 reads

Rs2k does ads!? I have been in this business since 2017 and I thought they took down their ad part because of Seosta fosta law! I'll have to check it out.

Hi ladies! I am new to the hobby but curious to know what you ladies think. I have been getting declined the ability to see providers based on not having either RS2K or P411. Which one should I go towards and why? Or are there providers out there that don’t require this screening?

I_Forgot241 reads

You're new to the hobby with 15 reviews going back almost 4years? Okayyyyyyy.

I meant to getting a verification. I have used agencies in the past but have been on a hiatus for the past 18 months and seems to me that you have to be verified now.

I have RS2K because it was cheaper but I think that P411 is more recognized/ nationally accepted.  
Seems like RS2k is accepted more in the Midwest

Both but I would say rs2k is more popular.  Also, we can screen you in other ways and once you are screened and use our service, you are welcome to use us as a reference.  Our girls change regularly because we handle a lot of traveling girls.  Check us out!

sl_nms170 reads

I have RS2K/RS-AVS and it got me started in this scene. It definitely seems to be used more around here than the rest of the country, so if you travel you should probably lean towards P411. If you stay local though it's a good option and doesn't have recurring cost. Some don't like that your identifier with them contains your actual name instead of some handle.

RS-AVS can get you in the door with a good amount of independents and some agencies. However I've encountered many (including some of the popular agencies in Chicago) that don't accept it and want to do their own separate screening. Some would accept P411 instead, and some wouldn't accept any verification service.

So getting either is a good idea, but don't expect it to work across the board.

I screen in many ways but P411 other Rs2k  is easiest. If you do not wish to give personal info I can always meet u in public first to screen you. Unfortunately screening is a must though with most legit women. Value it as going both ways. If you are asked for screening info you are in good hands. Best of luck :)

Your information I’m given from P411 is not sufficient for me. I personally will ask for more. I still have absolutely no idea who you actually are or what you do, or a way to further contact.  I don’t want my cousin showing up for an appointment.  I also do not want to see people in my personal networks and I do scan for that information the best I can.  

P411 does provide some good information as to what you like and have preference towards in your sessions but it is just a piece of the puzzle.  Given my service is much more limited then others I make sure the client knows where my boundaries are.  P411 is good if you are still willing to provide information to the provider but many requests and inquiries Gentleman are not.

Oh well, we don’t have to take every appointment request. Power of the pussy as I say.    

From a business standpoint RS2K puts providers & our needs, safety first.  I’ve herd various feedback on P411.

Even if a provider doesn’t have an active add on RS2K we can pay a small fee to still use the service & they are extremely prompt.  

Just my .02 and reading through some responses is why most of us don’t just take provider referrals either.

Alyssa Tantra

here at home then RS-AVS is your best bet.  It is a 10$ non-refundable application fee, 65$ 1 time membership fee(charged only if you pass verification) and only 15$ to edit your information if your phone changes or you move.  Also if you happen to see someone unsavory and end up as a client busted, you let them know and they will add a password to your account so that your info and identity as a hobbyist is protected(LE would be unable to use your info to try and bust ladies which would also damage your rep).  They really try their bet to protect both the guest and the provider as best as they are able.

P-411 has bad more breaches then a hose that was run over by a lawn mower so many of us will not accept P-411 on it's own and will ask for your full info as well(full name, city, phone) so they can run their own descrete screening, may even ask for employment.  Having current ok's for me is important on P411 for me, since I only use it to pick references, same with TER(only use white lists to pick a reference).  COST is also a huge factor and while it is accepted nationwide, it also is 175$yr and have to keep it going every year just to use it.  Again, I personally would never use P411 on it's own, and trust it only as a place to pick a reference and nothing more(well aside from free advertising) but this is just my personal opinion and you know what they say about those

Your references are too old and most indies don't typically accept references from to many agencies(most that I would are closed now, think MTA is the only 1 I would now) anyway.  

In the end it comes down to cost, and if you plan to do your hobbying here or over the US.  Maybe check out both sites and see where you might be tossing more $ at.  Or if you would rather toss your $ at the ladies and stay local go RS...

A few of us do offer work verify's but may be picky on it, I know I can't verify those who are a 1 man self owned business.  So even there are some limits on work verify's.  No meet up's for me, many ladies have been busted this way, as have many men, so personally I would not suggest this type of booking(ladies, your website/posts is enough to haul your butt in the charges may not stick but....) not to mention that guys have watched the girl get in car and stalked her via the address listed to her vehicle.  Be careful!!

ROGM169 reads

No on both. In fact no on any pre-screening site. I don't use any pre-screening site. There are more than enough providers that don't require a verification site to see a client.

Both are valuable tools to help you see any lady you choose.

Posted By: shaun.deley

Hi ladies! I am new to the hobby but curious to know what you ladies think. I have been getting declined the ability to see providers based on not having either RS2K or P411. Which one should I go towards and why? Or are there providers out there that don’t require this screening?

to play the most.  If you're mainly in Chicago RS2K is most popular, otherwise I'd say P411.

Correct Vivian!
RS2K is a must have for Chicago,  but not as popular elsewhere.
By the way Cathy from RS.AVS (as it is now called) is a pleasure to work with.

If you rather get a little more clear idea of what measure I take for screening , visit my website, go under reservations and there you’ll see it!!! (:  

Personally, I like P411 the most because it shows a lot of the ladies who have given an okay to the gent I intend on seeing. From there one I can chose which reference I’d like to contact. TER whitelist... I really like as well! Never been disappointed with Rs-Avs either (:

Mommascomin175 reads

just not worth it and your info isn't really safe anymore as the owner went to jail for a related charge and there are more ladies that accept p411 over rs2k, especially if the lady is touring, she definitely won't accept rs2k as its mainly chicago based, whereas p411 is nationwide.

RS2k is worth to ME!
Speak for yourself
Feel completely safe and people get verified within a minutes

not for anything else, her info and the info of the guests filed has not been compromised.  That is over now.  Much more trustworthy then any other screening service I have ever used.

You do know that verifications thorough P411 have led to more clients arrested by far, then RS and RS has been around at least 3-4 times as long?  P411 encourages us to check ID's and ask for more info , most of us do.  

Not getting into a pissing match here, but RS has always been top notch and will continue to do that as well as protect us all as much as they can

Mommascomin196 reads

taxes on money she received from running her website. also, we don't have the full details of what information what shared and what actually happened, because she has no incentive to tell us, nor should she. nobody knows the real truth about what information was released and what wasn't, and if that website is under special surveillance or not.

"You do know that verification thorough P411 have led to more clients arrested by far, then RS and RS has been around at least 3-4 times as long?  P411 encourages us to check ID's and ask for more info , most of us do.   "

again, how do you know exactly how many? you're assuming every arrest was made public knowledge and shared. and p411 is generally a bigger site with many more members than rs2k, natural logic will tell you that having more members makes it more likely it'll also have more arrests. you can't compare one and the other when one is 4 times as big.

and please don't think i like or fully support p411. i don't even trust gina, her priorities are money based, and the safety of the ladies who use her site isn't important to her. if i was a hobbyist i wouldn't use either site, but the question is which is better, and i say for his purposes, p411 wins.

and has been around less then 1/2 the time, you sure can compare them.  And TBH it scares me that we may not have seen all the times that P411 has lead to busts since as you say we don't see every time someone is busted because of it.  P411 itself has admitted to breaches and revoked memberships after the damage was done.  I think that is just the nature of a membership site, there are always going to be people that try to get in with bad intentions.  However I know of no less then 3 events where the reason for the bust was quoted in the news release as being through a P411 account.  These were events, not private meetings and 20+ went down each time.

As far as RS, money in and money out was the info provided.  I advertise there and am more likely to have my info looked at since it is more $ in then you all's.  Have I been contacted?  No.  Besides you can bet the same if not more will happen if P411 ever has a mishap in taxes, which can happen at any  time.  Plus because we don't HAVE to pay to advertise there, it will not cause ladies harm, just the gents that keep throwing money at it.

Almost every Agency has been audited, when there are large sums involved people are more likely for it to happen and almost every advertising platform and verification platform as well.  They have to prove each dime they took in, and names associated with those funds.  If you are a hobbiest it is sure that your name has probably run in front of the IRS at least a time or 2.  They don't care about people paying for SEX, they care about fleecing your pockets.  The IRS has not led to a charge where it was not some sort of tax evasion, because they don't care about the rest and have no ability via our laws to try to use any other knowledge for an arrest.  They are a tax organization, and much like a Dr, we are protected from anything aside from tax issues

Ok, to wound up.  Want my coffee but certainly do not need it.  Just think about it....

RS2K was a one time fee which I paid like 10 years ago, and I've never had a provider refuse to accept it as screening, so it'd definitely be my recommendation as a hobbyist.

Of course from a provider's perspective I can see why they might prefer P411 since it requires renewal every so often

I joined RS2K back in 2005, because an agency I wanted to use required it.  I had reservations at first, but then never regretted my decision.  It made scheduling all future appointments a breeze.

Its awesome, works almost every time.  

Yes I do accept RS2K but P411 is my favorite

Welcome, and hello from Atlanta! :) I, myself, am new  to rs2k and have posted for my upcoming visit to  Chicago this upcoming week. I had heard great things and signing up is pretty easy. I’ll piggyback off of your post and hope some of the ladies and gents can give
Me some advice, too!  

P411 I can honestly say has been pretty good to me. I haven’t read all of the responses here, but I’m sure someone has mentioned that some ladies do not require these sites to pass screening. Just do your research, and you’ll be fine!

Okay, I went digging around in past threads and saw this one. The information is a bit old, so I wanted to get an update with RS2K having new ownership.  

I was a lifetime member with RS2k, but now I have to make a choice to join RS2K again or go with P411. P411 is a bit more expensive, which makes me lean towards RS2k. It looks like both of them are accepted by many ladies in the Chicagoland area. I don't plan on doing any traveling.  

What do you think the pros and the cons are between the two services?

God I hope you all still accept RS2K.  I am coming back to Chicago Friday and paid big money for a traveling ad and a banner. Had no idea it was free for us. I'm also on P411. Hope to meet some of you all!

As for P411 I'm still screening you with the last 2-4 providers you have  seen with in a year .
I just ask if she will see him again .. Okays can be given just to get the 5points,  we can use for a visiting ad  
And look back sometime ago in Denver there was a big bust off P411 and some men do share act's  

I use RS2K for a ad , but not had them screen for me , but I have noticed a lot moe providers on RS now then there was 6mo's ago ..

I think no matter what site you are a member of with a handle / review sites , screening still needs to be done  
just that he does reviews does not mean he is safe , for my screening reviews are just a tool along with p411
Meeting in person is not screening  in my book who knows if he/ you/she maybe LE , just my 2cent's on it  ..  

I have a ad on Rs right now ...  If I didn't know how to screen I would have RS do it for me ..

Rs2k does ads!? I have been in this business since 2017 and I thought they took down their ad part because of Seosta fosta law! I'll have to check it out.

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