
Re: Love, Love, Love! Your advice represents the perfect client!! I vote Cosmicangst MR. TER!!!!!!!
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 1137 reads

Sans envelope? I'd wager not.  

Posted By: Carly
When a client like that reaches out it ALWAYS puts a SMILE on my face!  
 Thank you soooo much for sharing tips every client should follow to enhance their own experience!  
 Guys forget when they don't act right , they RUIN their session!  
 When they act RIGHT, they gain and (if their pecker picked properly) will get a fabulous session!  
 I am always nicer to guys who are easy going, no drama and pleasant to be with.  
 It's a HUGE TURN-ON for us ladies!!  
 It motivates me to return that kindness!!!!  
 I want to see you cosmicangst!!  You have my vote for MR. TER!!  
 Thank YOU so much for your wisdom and taking the time!  

It is a well known fact that a large number of the guys who play around here are just completely unlikable.  And an even larger number are unlikable AND undatable.  There are good guys in this arena.  Just not all that many.  Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc etc.

Ironically, these are the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment.

What these guys really mean to say is a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with ME and b) ladies here see the ME as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with ME.  

And as for those bad appointments, I don't get that either.  Last year alone I did literally hundreds of dates with many different girls (ok, so one girl alone was probably over half of those, but still, I have seen a lot of girls)  I had maybe 3 bad experiences.  I don't understand why others have so many problems.

So here is a clue - if you are disgusting, they are NOT going to enjoy themselves with you.  If you are an asshole, they ARE going to look at you as just money (and debate whether it's worth it).  And if you are married, they are NOT going to want to date you.  This doesn't mean they don't enjoy themselves with anybody - it just means they don't enjoy themselves with you.  It doesn't mean that they look at everybody as just money, just you.  And it doesn't mean they won't form friendships or even date other clients.  Just you.

Now I'm going to share a couple of tips with those of you who fall into this category.  This is the secret to my success - this is why I've had nothing but great experiences, and I have formed tons of friendships that have transcended the hobby.   (and many ladies who I have stopped seeing, ladies who I haven’t seen in months, and some cases years, have remained my friends – passing the litmus test that another hobbiest challenged me to).

Following these simple rules will produce nothing but amazing experiences.

1) Good Hygiene!  So important.  You know how many stories I've heard about dick cheese?  Or strong odors?  And you expect a girl to go down on you?  Please, take a shower!  And watch your naughty bits again and again.  Brush, floss, use mouthwash, deodorant, maybe just a small amount of cologne (don't overdo it).  Above all - be clean and don't stink!!

2) Be nice!   Be kind.  Be considerate.  Be respectful.  Do not be abusive.  Remember, these ladies are PEOPLE!  They should be treated that way.  Guys who fall into this category often forget that.  When you treat a girl like an object, you will not get nearly as good a response from her as when you treat her like a human being.

3) Follow the rules.  Every lady has her own set of rules.  Remember, she is letting you be intimate with her.  You have to understand that she has boundaries, and every girls boundaries are different, and in order for her to be comfortable letting you in, you have to respect and live by those boundaries.    

4) Don’t waste her time!  Send her all the screening info she requested the first time.  If you don’t like her screening process, then don’t call her and move on.  Don't be late, or if you are call.  Don't blow her off.  Don’t send a million e-mails with paragraph after paragraph of nonsense.  Don’t call her incessantly.  Her time is as valuable as yours - in some cases, more so.

5) Don't get weird!  Unless she has made it known to you that she is interested, don't expect to date her.  If you do, most likely you'll end up just losing the relationship completely.  If she's interested, she'll make it known.

It is so easy.  I guarantee you if you follow these simple rules, you will have tons of great response, and you will actually feel like people like you.  Because they will.  Right now they don't.  Figure it out.  

I'm sorry to be such a dick but it just pisses me off seeing all these guys talking shit about the girls, when instead they should be thanking their lucky stars that any girl will touch them for any amount of money.  

When will people figure out that life is better when you are good to people?   This is not directed at everybody.   Just the haters

Thank you.... That's all I'm gonna say!!!! It's appreciated....

Like they are rub people the wrong way especially when they are the ones guilty of the offending behaviors because they are secretly embarrassed and must feel emasculated.

Boo-hop for them.  I'm sure they can write about it in their diaries along with their teardrop stains;)

Keep up with the helpful tips to these guys with their heads up their assets!


Thanks for trying to out some members here.  Why not just share exactly which members YOU are suggesting are "guilty of the offending behaviors"?

It was pathetic enough that cosmic had to post this drivel he did...but even more seriously pathetic is that many here know exactly what is going on.

Maybe time for you to STFU and move along?  I'm sure you have to attend to someone(s) in your life...don't you?  That's another one of those NOT so well kept secrets.

I guess you can figure out where this may end up.  Most of "us" know as well.

Posted By: giselle69
Like they are rub people the wrong way especially when they are the ones guilty of the offending behaviors because they are secretly embarrassed and must feel emasculated.  
 Boo-hop for them.  I'm sure they can write about it in their diaries along with their teardrop stains;)  
 Keep up with the helpful tips to these guys with their heads up their assets!  

Shocked...I'm absolutely shocked.

Love your posts as well  ;)

Posted By: I_run_the_table
Probably not.  

ChgoCPA = Chicago Charming Polite & Awesome

Over the fact cosmic told you he wanted no part in being friends with you?

Sweet, you are a balding, fat, hateful old man with nothing to do but pick on girls with sad lives.  Perhaps, I should move on but I find our (you not included) community enjoyable and helps to take my mind off of things.

Why don't YOU STFU and find some sort of outlet for your anger.  Oh yeah, that's right, I already spoke with her and good luck with seeing her again;)

XXX-Giselle Parker

Now you are speaking as if you ARE cosmic?  That's hysterical  :D

Ask him to share some PM's/emails with you....make sure they're the ones that he wrote discussing certain people...maybe even about YOU (hint...if he won't show you them let me know and I can dig them up)?  LOL

Are you saying that you are the "girl with sad lives"?  I guess that makes sense...I've been hearing that story for quite some time.  As for "balding, fat and hateful old man"...better ask around.  Shit, ask cosmic  ;)    

I'm getting even more interested in all of this....cosmic says one thing, and you've got a whole different story.  I can't wait to watch this implode again.  The last time was great...this promises to be epic!

And of course you spoke with "her" wouldn't lie.  Wait...yes you would and do.  Even cosmic knows.

Say hi to all your pals for me...Good luck...we're all rooting for you  :D

Posted By: giselle69
Over the fact cosmic told you he wanted no part in being friends with you?  
 Sweet, you are a balding, fat, hateful old man with nothing to do but pick on girls with sad lives.  Perhaps, I should move on but I find our (you not included) community enjoyable and helps to take my mind off of things.  
 Why don't YOU STFU and find some sort of outlet for your anger.  Oh yeah, that's right, I already spoke with her and good luck with seeing her again;)  
 XXX-Giselle Parker

I am happy to show all of my emails and PMs to Giselle any time she wants.  I have hidden nothing that I have ever did or said from her.   She can speak for me any time as we share the same opinion on this.

You are a coward - nice as can be in person, but then the real you comes out when you are behind the safety of a computer screen.   Interested in knowing what your favorite girl really thinks of you?  Probably not.  Your ego wouldn't handle it.  In fact, you would think she felt that way about everybody.   Which would also be wrong.

I'm sure she'd be impressed if you show her them yourself.  It would be a manly thing to do.  She won't be thrilled with the content, but I'm sure a few apologies and maybe a raise would help her deal with it.

If I am a coward it sure is odd that here I am posting away to refute your nonsense.  As well we could meet face to face but seems that you haven't made that attempt (again).  There is nothing that I have said publicly or privately that I haven't or wouldn't say face to face.  My position on what you are doing has been consistent since our first PM...and through this thread.

But yours is clearly all over the map.  You make comments privately that are less than polite about your situation...hence my suggesting you to share that with your paid friend Giselle.  You won't and I get upside.

As for my should know better.  I understand the dynamics here...and have forever.  Think about your comment and realize that that is exactly what I (and many others here) are trying to convey to you.

Good luck man...God only knows you are going to need it.  The invite still stands.

Posted By: cosmicangst
I am happy to show all of my emails and PMs to Giselle any time she wants.  I have hidden nothing that I have ever did or said from her.   She can speak for me any time as we share the same opinion on this.  
 You are a coward - nice as can be in person, but then the real you comes out when you are behind the safety of a computer screen.   Interested in knowing what your favorite girl really thinks of you?  Probably not.  Your ego wouldn't handle it.  In fact, you would think she felt that way about everybody.   Which would also be wrong.

She can browse through my e-mails, PMs, texts, etc, any time she wants.

And when you said "let's do lunch again", I said "sure, sounds good" and then never contacted you to do lunch because I have no interest in doing lunch with you.  You pitched me on becoming my "hobbying" consultant.  You wanted to meet with me once a month and tell me "how to do it".  Ridiculous.  As I said, ego.

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 9:45:28 PM

It is nice to hear from a gentleman what is proper and not proper when speaking to a woman let alone being intimate. We are all people here trying to enjoy ourselves and is nice when you have a gentleman like yourself appreciate that. :)


If Cosmic is right, and the vast majority of male patrons are slovenly assholes, why do the ladies continue to see them? You all preach about thorough screening, and you have your own back-channel board where you discuss the men, so it can hardly be a surprise when a client fits Cosmic's description, especially when he claims they are the pervasive majority of the men who participate in P4P. Could it be his "rant" is nothing more than a gross exaggeration of what is happening here. Otherwise, what kind of statement is he making about the ladies who continue to see these slobs? Just curious.

I may be reaching here but I always give newbies (first-timers with me) the benefit of the doubt.

Just because they have an incident report with another provider doesn't mean I won't book with them.  
I will still schedule with them depending on the infraction. I am smart enough to know that some people just don't click and I get that. I see clients one time, then never again or not again for weeks, months or years.  

My experience is guys like variety as it is their spice of life. I don't care who or how many gals they see. It's not my business. My motto is the fastest way to lose a client is to attempt to tell them how to spend their hard earned CA$H!

I have scrolled through violation databases and seen MANY clients names whom I have seen with no issue at all and would happily see again. I take everything on an individual, case by case basis. When a guy has numerous violations I most likely will pass on seeing them. What matters to me is how he acts with ME during initial contact.

I know there are some guys who can't be seen anymore because they have jacked too many girls around. They have multiple violations again and again. You can tell when they call they are trying to change things up BUT good screeners figure it out and know better.

cosmicangst's advice is by far some of the BEST advice I have seen offered on TER.
I wish TER would post it somewhere as a guideline. Providers couldn't have said it better than he did!

I vote him as the 1st MR. TER!

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 12:59:51 PM

This is an oft discussed a search.

To go into a "rant" on a local board has NOTHING to do with the topic cosmic was invoking.

He accomplished his goal(s)....the results are evident  LOL

He could have just titled his thread  'HEY EVERYONE...LOOK AT ME".  Would have accomplished the same thing.

If you're going to be taken seriously about disliking someone you've never met, nor will...YOU need to be more emphatic.

As for the Newbie board...many of "us" bitter, angry and mean posters are the very posters that assist the real newbs in the game...and on both sides of the envelope.

Maybe it's better to have those with rose colored glasses on leading the way for them?  Yep, that way all your new johns will be asking inappropriate questions, NCNS, have dick cheese, short the envelope, post narcissistic BS on local boards, and so on.

Mosey on there and maybe you'll learn a thing or two...or become a contributor to this.

And me jealous?  Ask around my dear....that couldn't be further from the truth.

Posted By: Carly

Give it a'll open up an entire world for you.

Posted By: Carly
again BORING
-- Modified on 7/16/2014 5:52:51 PM

I have no interest in feeling as if I am arguing with anyone here.
It's freakin WEIRD to me...  no gracias

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!

Do the kids at 14 use the ignore buttons?  I'm guessing that silliness stops around 13.

Adults have the option to simply not open a post....or guess what...they don't need to go on the site at all.

Consider exploring your's empowering.  

Or use the ignore button...I guess TER considers it somewhat of a tool  LOL about the "like" button.  That's a popular one too.

Posted By: Carly
I have no interest in feeling as if I am arguing with anyone here.  
 It's freakin WEIRD to me...  no gracias  
 Happy Wednesday Everyone!!

Here, let me quote just a little of it for you:

"It is a well known fact that a large number of the guys who play around here are just completely unlikable.  And an even larger number are unlikable AND undatable.  There are good guys in this arena.  Just not all that many.  Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc etc."

Is it your experience "most of the guys" (his words, not mine) are like this? You claim there are "some" bad apples, a far cry from Cosmic's stated fact. Answer honestly.

what a suck up post. As if you know firsthand any of those things about guys..their hygeine, their looks, their manners...based on what? These boards?? Whatever bro. Some of what you say is probably true, just based on the law of averages. But posting it here, as if you know firsthand, is lame to me. Unless you're a provider, as they say, you're mostly guessing based on negative-type posts

As Brooke mentioned, I know this because I know a ton of ladies who talk to me about their business, and I have heard story after story after story about the guys I am pointing out in my post.  There are a LOT of those guys out there.  It's just not cool.  Somebody has to say something.  

And if it's a suck up post, who exactly am I sucking up to?  I don't see anybody anymore except for one lady, and I don't really need "brownie points" with her.  

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 8:14:25 AM

Those who need to be told to be clean, nice, respectful, follow the rules, etc., aren't going to change and those who already know those things and act accordingly are going to resent the condescending nature of your post.  It's a lose/lose proposal.

What he said as well.  

Posted By: seeker000
Those who need to be told to be clean, nice, respectful, follow the rules, etc., aren't going to change and those who already know those things and act accordingly are going to resent the condescending nature of your post.  It's a lose/lose proposal.

especially the part about dating married clients. I've had many a married client angle to spend time outside of the business. There is no benefit for me to date a client, especially a married one. I gain nothing and lose everything, including cold hard cash and my dignity. Yuk. But truthfully, the above applies for single clients too, because my clients really don't know me or anything about my life. They only know what I tell them about my life and that's very, very little.  Provider me ≠ the real me.  

I will say that many, many clients play sexworkers as fools. Little do they know just how much information is exchanged between women via back channels. It's the same clients over and over and over again who are doing it wrong. If nothing else, this business has taught me that a leopard doesn't change its spots. When a client overstays or has bad hygiene or pushes boundaries, I can almost guarantee he's behaved the same way in the presence of other women.  

And hygiene? It seems like ball scrubbing is a lost art. I am always befuddled when a client requests to take a shower and the washcloth I provided for him goes untouched. It makes me feel like I'm living with my little brother circa 1985 when my mom would have to watch him shower to ensure he actually washed. Rinsing with body wash is not showering. It's just not.  

Clients should keep in mind that this IS a service oriented business and we ARE human beings. If anyone thinks that being disrespectful and foul smelling will get you the same level of service as a kind, freshly showered client, they could not be more wrong. I will be unfailingly polite. I will provide you the allotted time. I will provide you the expected service. But that's it.  

All in all, I am incredibly grateful that I have wonderful clients. In fact, there are times when I pinch myself because I cannot believe my good fortune. My clients are nice, clean, funny and all around decent people. I've seen them through marriages, children, divorces and second marriages and all kind of other life events. In return, they put up with me being a kooky bitch. I'm very lucky.

Handsome, witty, charming, hygienic, one of the select few the women love to be with. The rest of us, what did you call us, oh yeah, disgusting assholes, are ugly, unkempt, disrespectful, obnoxious pests who the women loathe spending time with. Thank you so much for your paternalistic guidance on how to be a better person and more palatable for the providers to spend time with.  

Just curious though, what was the sample size and methodology you used in your study of the industry. When you state it's a "well known fact" a large number of men who engage in P4P are "completely unlikable," and an even larger number are both "unlikable AND updatable," was this based on personal observation over a period of time? Would you be willing to share the data you've compiled for others to analyze as well, sort of a peer review to validate the authenticity and reliability of your factual conclusions.  

Don't get me wrong, I agree with your views on good hygiene, respectful behavior, etc. in fact, Even though I shower at the providers place before every session begins, I'm going to cite to your email and have her join me and perform all of the necessary scrubbing and lathering to insure impeccable cleanliness from now on. No, it's just I find your rather condescending, over-generalizing, and completely superior tone to be rather obnoxious. Given your off-handed comment that you had "literally hundreds of dates with many different girls" last year (c'mon, admit it, you liked pointing that out), maybe you are so immersed in the P4P game you have lost your objectivity, and can't see the forest for the trees.  But who am I to say. Please be assured though, this message motivates me to work hard so one day I can be one of the select few "good guys in this arena."

If my post doesn't apply to you, then it doesn't apply to you.  My study came from 10 years of getting close to ladies, being brought behind the veil, and seeing what really goes on from a provider's perspective.  Not just one, but many.  And I have heard the same stories, over and over and over again.  These ladies put up with tons of shit from the guys.  But they won't come out and say these things because they don't want to jeopardize their business.  I don't have the same constraint, so here it is.

So I assume you realize your "study" is completely devoid of even a shred of empirical evidence to support or corroborate your apparently biased, and quite self-serving conclusions. I don't understand why you don't see the problem with relying on anecdotal hearsay to paint a huge segment of the male P4P participants as slovenly losers. The problem with hearsay is its patent unreliability, given you have no way to challenge the veracity or competency of the individual (in this case, the women who have complained to you) making the statement. For example, if the vast majority of men who participate in this industry are as awful as you describe (once again attributing your conclusion to the complaints of others), why do the women continue to see them as clients? Or are we to believe the women refuse to see them a second time and it is the select few model clients, such as yourself, that actually support the entire industry? Your message also implies, though I admit it doesn't directly state, that providers are delicate flowers who somehow need protection. Maybe I've been extremely lucky, or I am extremely naive, but the women I have seen all appeared to be extremely confident and self-assured, always leaving the impression they were completely in control of their lives and professions, and were perfectly capable of refusing to see a client matching the description you have so indiscriminately attached to most of the males who are presumably their patrons.

hmmmmmm so you are accusing cosmic that is suppositions are not correct but the girls you have reviewed have no say so whatsoever in what you have written in their reviews about them and if that is really what happened in your session... do you somehow see the irony in what you are accusing others of doing which is what you have done in every review you have written?

I suspect if an alias was to post a comment that you would also dis that as impertinent since no reviews are attached to it?

I stopped writing reviews several years ago...and don't plan on writing them ever again.  If that invalidates a comment posted by me...oh well.  Thus how would you explain the disdain by some here towards CPA if he is of no consequence?  Seems an oxymoron  LOL

FWIW RY is spot on with his post.  His reviews are what they are.  Try comprehending what is actually written by a member here before you just put up a shill reply to try and exonerate the self-serving narcissism that cosmic has invoked.

He got exactly what his OP suggested...lot's of "oh cosmic, that's such a brilliant idea" from a few gals...and told by certain other members that this "isn't the newbie board".  He loves the drama...and so do you.

Sorry I missed both of you at the M&G.  I hear that you two made quite a splash *wink*

Posted By: cece
hmmmmmm so you are accusing cosmic that is suppositions are not correct but the girls you have reviewed have no say so whatsoever in what you have written in their reviews about them and if that is really what happened in your session... do you somehow see the irony in what you are accusing others of doing which is what you have done in every review you have written?

1. Before adding your inane commentary to this topic, actually spend some time reading the posts and understand what is being said.

2. If you agree with Cosmic, and the vast majority of client's are discourteous, rude, slovenly men, then you and every other provider has my deepest sympathy. My question remains, however. If Cosmic is being truthful, why do you continue seeing the apes?

3. If you and any other provider cherish the idea of clients becoming personal friends and experiencing OTC time, then I congratulate you for having such an open and giving heart.

4. If you take exception to any of my reviews, then please point out any and all factual inconsistencies between what I wrote, and what actually occurred. In fact, I hereby give my express consent for any of the lovely ladies that I have reviewed to discuss our session with Cece, and point out everything that is wrong. I also give any of the ladies I've ever seen my express consent to publicly call me out for any obnoxious behavior or personal habits that have offended you or caused you distress.

5. Do you understand how ridiculous you sound by somehow equating credibility and common sense to the number of reviews you've posted on a P4P web site?

6. Finally, I don't know you from Adam. I get it that the women feel attacked when one of their male promoters is called out on the board for sheer nonsense. But it's not directed at any of the providers, at least not from my perspective. There are flaws on both sides of the coin, hobbyists and providers. To pretend otherwise is sheer fantasy and denial. I just don't like broad, over-generalized statements indicting a significant portion of the male hobbyists for boorish and unkempt behavior based on purely anecdotal, uncorroborated,  unverified, and completely anonymous musings.

You all have accused cosmic that basically his post was condescending. I was merely pointing out that the reviews that many of you guys write are from only your perspective with no input whatsoever of the girls perspective of what transpired.

This reviews are not objective they are subjective mean they are of ones opinion... just like cosmic had an opinion and all of the men jumped on him for having an opinion.

In all honesty maybe all of you are jumping on him because there is truth that hit a nerve in all of you that are jumping on him. You surely do not see the women jumping on him, in fact you see most of the women agreeing with him.

I took his post as somewhat true although, this backpage girl (yea I know we are the scum of the scum)... has never had a problem with a gentlemen since there is always a place to shower and make sure we are clean to have a good time.

I honestly think that if most of you men step back... and re-read cosmics post with some objectivity with no pre-conceived notions of who is writing the post you will see there are many valid points in the post.

I also think that the men on here need to really start thinking how they are perceived on this board.

I have gone to the meet and greets, however, I am not very good at putting names and faces together but I bet I could have a really good conversation with cosmic and probably cpa would be a complainer and would not hold my interest. CPA, you have also on this board at least left me with the impression of not being a happy individual, and you are truly not happy having to pay for sex. This is how you sound to me, in my very honest opinion, and if you come across this way on this board, I am sure you come across to many of the girls in person this way.

If you don't want to have fun in this hobby then its best not to participate in this hobby. For some of us at the present time we have family issues that wont allow for us to work in corporate America given we are taking care of family members.

Please, if someone writes something like cosmic, do not take it to heart or that it was directed at you personally, sit back and see what the girls are saying and then say hey maybe there are some valid points I can incorporate into how I do things to make my sessions better.

Nobody took issue with the general theme of cleanliness and respect towards women. The complaints had to do with the condescending, narcissistic manner in which he delivered the message. To state as "well known fact" that most men who participate in P4P are assholes, and that he is one of a select few who act appropriately, is ludicrous. Nevertheless, I want to thank all of the women who responded so passionately in defending their white knight while he condemned the vast majority of their clients. It simply reinforces how fortunate I have been to see other wonderful women who don't hold us I such low regard!

For reminding me that I'm doing it all wrong.  I could go on a rant about guys who date providers, but I just don't have it in me.  Sarcasm intended.

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 8:15:58 AM

LOL, yeah, I'm one of those guys.  But that is my point exactly.  Those guys who take the standpoint that "these providers are not your friends, you are only money to them" are just plain wrong.  The reason they have that viewpoint, is because these providers are not their friends, and they are only money to them.  And these guys feel that applies to everybody.  They feel that because they have to, to maintain their own ego.  After all, why don't the girls want anything to do with them beyond their one hour appointment?  It can't be because they are unlikable!  And yeah, that was an actual PM I got from a well known, and for some odd reason, respected hobbiest.

I can't imagine that you do...but sure looks like you are so deluded now that you can't recall your own words.  You've posted them a search.

There is a reason that the gals "respect" my thoughts (both privately and publicly).  But what you are doing with yourself here (as well as privately) is sad.  And quite disrespectful to the gals out here, not to mention the dudes who have seen them.

I'd like to believe that those couple of gals (yeah, out of the hundreds you thought were your friends) who still talk with you (that are friends and not just looking for the wallet) can eventually get you to see the light.  I know they try...but you just refuse to see what "everyone...and I do mean everyone" sees.

Good luck...but you won't use or need it.  You love the drama that this brings.  That's the part of this you just don't see, or care.  But those that know you keep their distance as "they" have NO interest in this drama.  But those that cheer your efforts here also love the drama.  That's what you consider to be a friend....and that's fine.  Others tend to like no drama in their lives.

Posted By: cosmicangst
LOL, yeah, I'm one of those guys.  But that is my point exactly.  Those guys who take the standpoint that "these providers are not your friends, you are only money to them" are just plain wrong.  The reason they have that viewpoint, is because these providers are not their friends, and they are only money to them.  And these guys feel that applies to everybody.  They feel that because they have to, to maintain their own ego.  After all, why don't the girls want anything to do with them beyond their one hour appointment?  It can't be because they are unlikable!  And yeah, that was an actual PM I got from a well known, and for some odd reason, respected hobbiest.

Your comments about drama strike me as somewhat hypocritical.  You are the single most antagonistic person on the board.  You take opposing viewpoints that you yourself don't agree with just to stir the pot.  I will not deny that drama surrounds me, but don't act like you aren't out there creating your own drama on a daily basis.

Nothing I said here invalidates anything I've ever said in the past.  A few months ago, I had a crisis of faith.  And that came from the fact that you, and other like minded individuals tried hard to convince me that my friends were not my friends, and for a minute I believed you.  Thankfully I got past that.

And your view point about how the ladies view the guys is very narrow and limited.  You say the gals respect your thoughts, but is that really true?  Most gals I know wouldn't even see you, due to your board personality and reputation.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I can't imagine that you do...but sure looks like you are so deluded now that you can't recall your own words.  You've posted them a search.  
 There is a reason that the gals "respect" my thoughts (both privately and publicly).  But what you are doing with yourself here (as well as privately) is sad.  And quite disrespectful to the gals out here, not to mention the dudes who have seen them.  
 I'd like to believe that those couple of gals (yeah, out of the hundreds you thought were your friends) who still talk with you (that are friends and not just looking for the wallet) can eventually get you to see the light.  I know they try...but you just refuse to see what "everyone...and I do mean everyone" sees.  
 Good luck...but you won't use or need it.  You love the drama that this brings.  That's the part of this you just don't see, or care.  But those that know you keep their distance as "they" have NO interest in this drama.  But those that cheer your efforts here also love the drama.  That's what you consider to be a friend....and that's fine.  Others tend to like no drama in their lives.  
Posted By: cosmicangst
LOL, yeah, I'm one of those guys.  But that is my point exactly.  Those guys who take the standpoint that "these providers are not your friends, you are only money to them" are just plain wrong.  The reason they have that viewpoint, is because these providers are not their friends, and they are only money to them.  And these guys feel that applies to everybody.  They feel that because they have to, to maintain their own ego.  After all, why don't the girls want anything to do with them beyond their one hour appointment?  It can't be because they are unlikable!  And yeah, that was an actual PM I got from a well known, and for some odd reason, respected hobbiest.

Since I can't post up PM's here...I won't.  But you do recall the PM's/emails which YOU wrote regarding the issues that you now have a need to post...again.

I have no interest in who you see...or don't.  YOU know that a couple of gals are very very sad to watch you falling into the abyss.  And YOU have also acknowledged this...yet can't seem to control your actions.  I'm sure there is a psychological name for this...perhaps your shrink can tell you.

As for a gal that you know that wouldn't see me...oh well.  Sounds like more babble and lies they're telling you.  It would be fun to compare notes however  ;)    Oh wait, we have  LOL

And the gals who respect my POV and thoughts...more than you'll ever want to know.  But you knew that as well.

We've all got our fan club and anti-fan club.  In your case so long as the bucks are flowing you'll have a fan club.  Others don't pay for that.  As ChiTown said, put the wallet away and count your friends.  I even posted your retirement speech to remind you of your own words on that issue.

Posted By: cosmicangst
Your comments about drama strike me as somewhat hypocritical.  You are the single most antagonistic person on the board.  You take opposing viewpoints that you yourself don't agree with just to stir the pot.  I will not deny that drama surrounds me, but don't act like you aren't out there creating your own drama on a daily basis.  
 Nothing I said here invalidates anything I've ever said in the past.  A few months ago, I had a crisis of faith.  And that came from the fact that you, and other like minded individuals tried hard to convince me that my friends were not my friends, and for a minute I believed you.  Thankfully I got past that.  
 And your view point about how the ladies view the guys is very narrow and limited.  You say the gals respect your thoughts, but is that really true?  Most gals I know wouldn't even see you, due to your board personality and reputation.    
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I can't imagine that you do...but sure looks like you are so deluded now that you can't recall your own words.  You've posted them a search.  
  There is a reason that the gals "respect" my thoughts (both privately and publicly).  But what you are doing with yourself here (as well as privately) is sad.  And quite disrespectful to the gals out here, not to mention the dudes who have seen them.  
  I'd like to believe that those couple of gals (yeah, out of the hundreds you thought were your friends) who still talk with you (that are friends and not just looking for the wallet) can eventually get you to see the light.  I know they try...but you just refuse to see what "everyone...and I do mean everyone" sees.  
  Good luck...but you won't use or need it.  You love the drama that this brings.  That's the part of this you just don't see, or care.  But those that know you keep their distance as "they" have NO interest in this drama.  But those that cheer your efforts here also love the drama.  That's what you consider to be a friend....and that's fine.  Others tend to like no drama in their lives.  
Posted By: cosmicangst
LOL, yeah, I'm one of those guys.  But that is my point exactly.  Those guys who take the standpoint that "these providers are not your friends, you are only money to them" are just plain wrong.  The reason they have that viewpoint, is because these providers are not their friends, and they are only money to them.  And these guys feel that applies to everybody.  They feel that because they have to, to maintain their own ego.  After all, why don't the girls want anything to do with them beyond their one hour appointment?  It can't be because they are unlikable!  And yeah, that was an actual PM I got from a well known, and for some odd reason, respected hobbiest.

Once again I will say, the wallet has been put away and I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the ladies who have remained my friends.

This isn't about my issues or my relationships.  I am just sick of guys talking shit about the girls and treating them poorly and I see and hear about it all the time.  It is not right.

You do need to keep your story straight.  On both your comments.

On count ONE you're still playing (and paying).  No need to announce it to the world who the gal is, but most know and it's a poorly kept secret (see how that works).

On count TWO...unless you have your arms and legs amputated the last count you "shared with me" was "one or two"...go and pull up those chats.  I can...and so can you.

If you're sick and tired of gals babbling about their hooker to find another topic to discuss.  That's what I tend to do.  Give it a try...or perhaps there really is nothing in common for you to discuss with them?

Posted By: cosmicangst
Once again I will say, the wallet has been put away and I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the ladies who have remained my friends.  
 This isn't about my issues or my relationships.  I am just sick of guys talking shit about the girls and treating them poorly and I see and hear about it all the time.  It is not right.

Based on your past posts, you are the type that thinks that hobbying is dating. You seem like the type that is looking for love in each session. In your naive POV, you really think that all providers will love you simply because of who you are. That type of mentality is foolish and dangerous.

There is no denying that one can befriend a provider. It is simply human nature. Both parties can get along well and share mutual interests. This mutual respect and enjoying each others company can lead to a friendship.  There are plenty of good people in this hobby on both sides.

The dangerous part is when people are delusional and naive. These type of people are vulnerable and attract the unsavory characters. These poor saps get worked over and are taken advantage of. Once they are taken to the cleaners, they are discarded.  

No one is saying that you need to be an asshole to the ladies. Women haters are scum bags and need to be weeded out of the hobby. However, that hobbying is dating mentality you seem to adore is not the answer either. Providers have written a number of posts about respecting and understanding boundaries. You have to remember that this is their JOB. They are in the business to make FANTASIES come true.  

If you want to truly see if a provider is your true friend, stop paying her. You'll find out the answer real quick. If you pay someone to be your friend, it is a friendly business arrangement

What the OP believes is that what a gal(s) tells him is the undisputed truth...and only for his ears.

That's a dangerous assumption since many of the guys here have had similar "friendships", yet most get what that friendship really is all about.

I can't imagine that YOU would only tell cosmic your dirty little secrets about other johns.  Nah, you'd (as well as many of the gals) be happy to chat about cosmic to your other johns.  When anyone wants a secret not to share with anyone.  That's when it no longer is a secret.  

And keeping secrets here when one posts their life's story is far from a secret.

Posted By: I_run_the_table
I've met you.  
 You're a good guy.

I know everybody talks to everybody and I have no dirty little secrets.  My life is pretty much out there for everybody to see.

And think of it how hypocritical your OP is when taken in context with this post now.

Why in the hell would you think that any...and I mean ANY gals would babble about HER johns to you and not include YOU in that very discussion with that next john...who YOU should (and have confirmed) know that is happening.

Best to just stick to your Twitter posts on your life rather than bloviate here with the heresay you are promoting as truth.

But you have a much bigger audience here to read this drivel...and that's exactly what you are seeking.

And why gals seem to be fearful of acknowledging they "know you".  Jesus had a similar problem.

Posted By: cosmicangst
I know everybody talks to everybody and I have no dirty little secrets.  My life is pretty much out there for everybody to see.  

Littlestinker1120 reads

you like more drama then a bitch that farewell post was comical.
      All your lady friends  lol!  wait till the bejamins run out.

I do like drama...especially when it doesn't bring my life or those of the gals I know into the mix.

I think the benjamins ran out a long time ago...odd how that happens.

Do you still miss LR?

Posted By: Littlestinker
       Dude you like more drama then a bitch that farewell post was comical.  
       All your lady friends  lol!  wait till the bejamins run out.  

How exactly does anything I said there conflict with anything I've said here?   I'm not seeing it.

spartacus711312 reads

That is what I am trying to figure out here?  What's up with this post if you are exclusively with one and only one provider?  What are you a pimp now?  Please man get a life!  No-one needs a lecture from you!

Huh? How am I a pimp?  I'm not trying to get appointments for anybody.  That makes no sense at all.  

Most of you guys don't understand the reality of what the ladies here deal with on a daily basis.  Yeah, there ARE good guys that treat the ladies well and that they enjoy seeing.  But the rest NEED a lecture from somebody.

spartacus711171 reads

Think about it dude? All you've done here is any provider linked to you will make many hobbyist DNS list! Job well done!

What he said.  

Posted By: spartacus71
Think about it dude? All you've done here is any provider linked to you will make many hobbyist DNS list! Job well done!

GaGambler1193 reads

I doubt ANYONE needs a lecture from you.

Fix your own house before trying to lecture the rest of us. Or even better, go back to being "retired". I mean honestly, what kind of narcissist does it take to announce his retirement from fucking hookers?

I have been with literally thousands of different providers, and I have been on TER for over a decade and there isn't a single woman who has ever made an allegation that I was ever the least bit out of line with her, and I bet the same can be said for CPA and the vast majority of the guys here. So just who is it that you intend on lecturing with your insipid little rant?

I never approached the hobby for the purpose of dating.  In fact, I hobbied to keep myself from falling into a relationship.  I specifically tried to avoid "dating."  In every single scenario where lines have blurred it has been the provider blurring them, not me.  It has always been the lady who has invited me to lunch, or dinner, or the movies, or whatever.  It has always been the provider who initiated the friendship.  I am not one of these guys who are looking to date a lady here.  That was never my purpose or goal.  But when I was pursued, I responded.

AND I've said it many times here, I have dozens of friends who I HAVE stopped paying long ago, and guess what, they are still my friends!  I know what a real friend is, and I have many that have come from this world.  

There ARE good people on both sides, but there are tons of bad ones too.

I know the danger of what I do.  I know the risks.  But I choose to take them.  And on the exclusivity thing, that is between me and her.  

Yes, you are right that providers have written a number of posts about respecting boundaries, yet tons of guys don't.  Providers have posted about hygiene and all these things.  Guys don't listen.  Most providers will NOT post such strong words, for fear of impacting their business.  A few providers do have the courage to really speak their mind but most won't.

And yes, they are in the business of making FANTASIES a reality, but that doesn't mean they should be treated poorly no matter how fucked up a guys fantasy is.   And guys should not expect a good experience when they don't shower, aren't respectful, etc etc etc.   Review scores don't take into account the nature of the guy seeing the lady, and that impacts the experience greatly

Or so you claim in your post.  YOU respond to a gal "inviting" you for a lunch/movie as something more?  Talk about the epitome of hypocritical  LOL

So now you bloviate on the cleanliness topic to actually parade your narcissism here.

When YOU learn (again) just how far so many of these "nice gals" have taken you to the fucking cleaners I suspect you'll post another "retirement thread".  But just like when the gals post that crap it's meaningless.  It's an addiction for both of you.  For her it's the money ( are paying so that a husband/pimp won't go ballistic) and for you it's the thrill of the drama.

I don't care if that works for you/her/them.  Just don't be an asshole and pretend that somehow you've got this in the bag.  Given your proclivities to use the "victim card"...perhaps consider that you are not.  Just own it.

Posted By: cosmicangst
I never approached the hobby for the purpose of dating.  In fact, I hobbied to keep myself from falling into a relationship.  I specifically tried to avoid "dating."  In every single scenario where lines have blurred it has been the provider blurring them, not me.  It has always been the lady who has invited me to lunch, or dinner, or the movies, or whatever.  It has always been the provider who initiated the friendship.  I am not one of these guys who are looking to date a lady here.  That was never my purpose or goal.  But when I was pursued, I responded.  
 AND I've said it many times here, I have dozens of friends who I HAVE stopped paying long ago, and guess what, they are still my friends!  I know what a real friend is, and I have many that have come from this world.    
 There ARE good people on both sides, but there are tons of bad ones too.  
 I know the danger of what I do.  I know the risks.  But I choose to take them.  And on the exclusivity thing, that is between me and her.    
 Yes, you are right that providers have written a number of posts about respecting boundaries, yet tons of guys don't.  Providers have posted about hygiene and all these things.  Guys don't listen.  Most providers will NOT post such strong words, for fear of impacting their business.  A few providers do have the courage to really speak their mind but most won't.  
 And yes, they are in the business of making FANTASIES a reality, but that doesn't mean they should be treated poorly no matter how fucked up a guys fantasy is.   And guys should not expect a good experience when they don't shower, aren't respectful, etc etc etc.   Review scores don't take into account the nature of the guy seeing the lady, and that impacts the experience greatly.    

Another 'wow' from me, sorry.

I am on Respectfully's side...oh to be like you, man. Must be awesome. You P4P, then THEY start asking YOU out! For free! Are you boasting..or offering newbie advice on how to act like an adult human being? I'm starting to wonder.

"I know the danger of what I do"..."I know the risks"....Which Bond movie are you currently starring in?  

I'll stop....this train has left the tracks, most definitely....but I completely take your post on this topic for what it is ...newbie advice for a small portion of this hobby who might need to hear they should be clean and respectful. Anything more you have said is just weird

Are you really so disliked that nobody would ever spend time with you otc? Maybe if you weren't so negative and jaded, you too could find friends who expect nothing from you.  Have you tried being a nice guy who doesn't bully others?  It's never too late, you know!

XXX-Giselle Parker

I have plenty of friends. If calling out lazy asses, delusional people, and people not facing reality makes me a bully, I'm guilty as charged.  Guess you want me to enable that type of behavior. Sorry, not happening

CTP, you are one of the most universally disliked hobbiests amongst the ladies.  An appointment with you fills most women with dread.  But everybody kisses your ass.   The ladies take your appointments anyway.  Why?  They are afraid of you.  Nobody will speak up against you because you hold an obscene amount of power over the guys.  For some reason which I cannot fathom many guys think your word is gospel.  But the ladies hate you.   Why would anybody want to emulate that?

Posted By: ChiTownPimp
I have plenty of friends. If calling out lazy asses, delusional people, and people not facing reality makes me a bully, I'm guilty as charged.  Guess you want me to enable that type of behavior. Sorry, not happening.  

Some women hate CTP (or CPA..or cosmic...or anyone here), others love CTP (or CPA...or cosmic..or anyone here).  To babble that YOU somehow are they "authority" on what HookerLand thinks for anyone is even stupid for you.  You know a few gals...big fucking deal.  And what a shock that they'll tell YOU what you want to hear.

Drop the envelope and let me know how that gig is really going.  YOU and I (and most others here) know damn well that any woman (in P4P) sees you as a wallet.  That's what this is...and you can frame the friendship bullshit any way you would like.  The fact is that you are (and have been) played for a complete and utter fool.  And YOU have affirmed this...several times on these boards (and in backchannel with many many many others).

So if you want to attack those who don't buy what you're be it.  But at least man up and own that Giselle has you by the fucking short hairs.  It's one is laughing...too loud!

Better make sure that she's still a happy camper...I wouldn't want to read about her getting retribution on you (again).  Isn't P4P supposed to be about carefree fun?  Not in cosmicangst's world!!!!

You most definitely get my vote for Mr. TER of the Year.  How much is that costing?  

Posted By: cosmicangst
CTP, you are one of the most universally disliked hobbiests amongst the ladies.  An appointment with you fills most women with dread.  But everybody kisses your ass.   The ladies take your appointments anyway.  Why?  They are afraid of you.  Nobody will speak up against you because you hold an obscene amount of power over the guys.  For some reason which I cannot fathom many guys think your word is gospel.  But the ladies hate you.   Why would anybody want to emulate that?  
Posted By: ChiTownPimp
I have plenty of friends. If calling out lazy asses, delusional people, and people not facing reality makes me a bully, I'm guilty as charged.  Guess you want me to enable that type of behavior. Sorry, not happening.  

Go back to your puppet master you spineless jellyfish. I love how people resort to the "people really hate you" routine in an argument. Try something more original next time.

BTW - what obscene amount of power are you referring to? I don't have Thor's hammer or Green Lantern's power ring. I don't own TER or control any armed forces either so I'm curious what this mythical power is. I want to have this magical power now! lol

Now you're gonna take pot shots at CTP??  In my experience he's been nothing short of helpful to me and to those on the board.  Yes he bullies some board posters, but only those who readily deserve it.  He's the last guy you need to call out and try to defame publicly.  Have a modicum of respect man.

Certainly doesn't seem that cosmic has any at this moment in why would you think he would give CTP respect?

From the histrionics here cosmic has a propensity to self-loathe.  I'd venture to say he's found a perfect match to do so with.

Sure hope the bucks don't run out too soon however....I'd be concerned for his health and well-being.  Despite the criticism he's gotten here he's a nice man who's just made that left turn in spite of all the warning signs.  

He does have some friends here...just not the folks he thinks.  At least for the most part.

Posted By: seeker000
Now you're gonna take pot shots at CTP??  In my experience he's been nothing short of helpful to me and to those on the board.  Yes he bullies some board posters, but only those who readily deserve it.  He's the last guy you need to call out and try to defame publicly.  Have a modicum of respect man.

I've met some 60+ providers and have become friends with a few that I can count on one hand. Yes, it's still a business relationship but giving me the occasional OTC time, chatting with me online and talking with me when they're not getting paid while I'm literally a drop in their financial bucket means I'm more than just a trick. Would they stop chatting with me if I never saw them again? I'm sure a few would but there are also a few who I haven't seen in years that I still converse with on FB, through email, etc.

Some of you see my board posts and call me a dick. Others think I'm a nice guy. I am a nice guy but I'm also a guy who doesn't enjoy being taken advantage of. The ladies don't like being taken advantage of either so we're not any different. CA seems to be liked by the ladies so more power to him. I'm more middle of the road, some like me, others don't. Oh well, it's not any different in real life although the vast majority of my business colleagues like me and I've gotten along well with almost everyone I've ever worked with.

There's no doubt that being a clean and nice gentleman goes a long way in having great experiences. I'm not the same hobbyist I was when I started. I had a lot to learn, some of it the hard way but the important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and change our behavior. Some guys don't learn or have no intention of changing their behavior - oh well, their loss. I'm with CA for the most part - being nice, funny, and clean goes a long way in having these ladies respect and enjoy us

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
I've met some 60+ providers and have become friends with a few that I can count on one hand. Yes, it's still a business relationship but giving me the occasional OTC time, chatting with me online and talking with me when they're not getting paid while I'm literally a drop in their financial bucket means I'm more than just a trick. Would they stop chatting with me if I never saw them again? I'm sure a few would but there are also a few who I haven't seen in years that I still converse with on FB, through email, etc.  
 Some of you see my board posts and call me a dick. Others think I'm a nice guy. I am a nice guy but I'm also a guy who doesn't enjoy being taken advantage of. The ladies don't like being taken advantage of either so we're not any different. CA seems to be liked by the ladies so more power to him. I'm more middle of the road, some like me, others don't. Oh well, it's not any different in real life although the vast majority of my business colleagues like me and I've gotten along well with almost everyone I've ever worked with.  
 There's no doubt that being a clean and nice gentleman goes a long way in having great experiences. I'm not the same hobbyist I was when I started. I had a lot to learn, some of it the hard way but the important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and change our behavior. Some guys don't learn or have no intention of changing their behavior - oh well, their loss. I'm with CA for the most part - being nice, funny, and clean goes a long way in having these ladies respect and enjoy us.  

And no one is arguing any of those basic principles. It's common sense. That way of behaving is universally , without any contra arguments, the best approach to all aspects of life..having zero to with P4P. So why bother, in a 10 paragraph, complete with bullet points, diatribe write that to this community? Do you actually think any providers would disagree? Of course not...they're all 'woot woot'...duh. And the ones who don't fall into that category? Wasted energy. And the ones who are the perpetrators of these despicable acts? Maybe that belongs on the Newbie board. Sure. Newbie's need to hear all of the do and don'ts. But on this board it doesn't come across right. And for someone who sees 100's of women a year (just taking from previous posts, not knowing what's true ror not), you should know where a post like that belongs. It ain't here. IMO

Awful lot of passion and anger in this thread.  The OP hit me like it did some others, rather pointless as if you need this advice you're unlikely to heed it.  But the dude says he heard some stuff and he passed it on (albeit pretty condescendingly), but if it doesn't apply to you ignore it.  It should be obvious that being a hygienic gentlemen (which doesn't mean being a sucker or a doormat) will lead to a better does almost everywhere else.  I also think you're headed for trouble the minute you think it's anything more than a friendly business relationship; like CTP is fond of saying, "forget" the envelope sometime and see how that goes.  It's been said to death out here: everyone who has clients likes some more than others and there are some that are even loathed, though you do business with them anyway.  But when you're with clients the business side is always there...that's just the way it is.  Exceptions?  Sure, I guess...never say never, right?  But I'm betting one in ten thousand.

Make appointment, clean up, keep appointment, be nice, enjoy yourself, rinse, repeat (time permitting).  I say we all calm the $&@# down and have some fun.

Even ChiCPA is jumping on board,


Looks like everyone may need to slip back into hibernation. Bunch of grumpy bears lol

I can't wait to see the "Back by popular demand" thread.  

Didn't we just have this conversation?

And you know about thinking of posters as "grumpy"?  You need to make sure that you add they're angry and bitter as well or it just isn't true  ;)

Maybe cosmic can consider inviting RodT to the Chi board to teach him how best to play the victim card.  

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Even ChiCPA is jumping on board,  
 Looks like everyone may need to slip back into hibernation. Bunch of grumpy bears lol.  

If RodT finds his way into this thread I'm gonna track you down!  Isn't it bad enough ROGM responded in favor of the OP??

I know I would have been.

But since cosmic doesn't have a vagina I doubt that Rod will come in on his Donkey trying to save him.

Posted By: seeker000
If RodT finds his way into this thread I'm gonna track you down!  Isn't it bad enough ROGM responded in favor of the OP??

ROGM1057 reads

Posted By: cosmicangst
It is a well known fact that a large number of the guys who play around here are just completely unlikable.  And an even larger number are unlikable AND undatable.  There are good guys in this arena.  Just not all that many.  Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc etc.  
 Ironically, these are the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment.  
 What these guys really mean to say is a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with ME and b) ladies here see the ME as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with ME.    
 And as for those bad appointments, I don't get that either.  Last year alone I did literally hundreds of dates with many different girls (ok, so one girl alone was probably over half of those, but still, I have seen a lot of girls)  I had maybe 3 bad experiences.  I don't understand why others have so many problems.  
 So here is a clue - if you are disgusting, they are NOT going to enjoy themselves with you.  If you are an asshole, they ARE going to look at you as just money (and debate whether it's worth it).  And if you are married, they are NOT going to want to date you.  This doesn't mean they don't enjoy themselves with anybody - it just means they don't enjoy themselves with you.  It doesn't mean that they look at everybody as just money, just you.  And it doesn't mean they won't form friendships or even date other clients.  Just you.  
 Now I'm going to share a couple of tips with those of you who fall into this category.  This is the secret to my success - this is why I've had nothing but great experiences, and I have formed tons of friendships that have transcended the hobby.   (and many ladies who I have stopped seeing, ladies who I haven’t seen in months, and some cases years, have remained my friends – passing the litmus test that another hobbiest challenged me to).  
 Following these simple rules will produce nothing but amazing experiences.  
 1) Good Hygiene!  So important.  You know how many stories I've heard about dick cheese?  Or strong odors?  And you expect a girl to go down on you?  Please, take a shower!  And watch your naughty bits again and again.  Brush, floss, use mouthwash, deodorant, maybe just a small amount of cologne (don't overdo it).  Above all - be clean and don't stink!!  
 2) Be nice!   Be kind.  Be considerate.  Be respectful.  Do not be abusive.  Remember, these ladies are PEOPLE!  They should be treated that way.  Guys who fall into this category often forget that.  When you treat a girl like an object, you will not get nearly as good a response from her as when you treat her like a human being.  
 3) Follow the rules.  Every lady has her own set of rules.  Remember, she is letting you be intimate with her.  You have to understand that she has boundaries, and every girls boundaries are different, and in order for her to be comfortable letting you in, you have to respect and live by those boundaries.      
 4) Don’t waste her time!  Send her all the screening info she requested the first time.  If you don’t like her screening process, then don’t call her and move on.  Don't be late, or if you are call.  Don't blow her off.  Don’t send a million e-mails with paragraph after paragraph of nonsense.  Don’t call her incessantly.  Her time is as valuable as yours - in some cases, more so.  
 5) Don't get weird!  Unless she has made it known to you that she is interested, don't expect to date her.  If you do, most likely you'll end up just losing the relationship completely.  If she's interested, she'll make it known.  
 It is so easy.  I guarantee you if you follow these simple rules, you will have tons of great response, and you will actually feel like people like you.  Because they will.  Right now they don't.  Figure it out.    
 I'm sorry to be such a dick but it just pisses me off seeing all these guys talking shit about the girls, when instead they should be thanking their lucky stars that any girl will touch them for any amount of money.    
 When will people figure out that life is better when you are good to people?   This is not directed at everybody.   Just the haters.    
I agree with everything you said! Thank You!

You're her driver according to your take her to buy her supplies as well.

Sounds like a pimp if I've ever heard one.

What creeps me out is if you have to check each john out though.  Do you make sure he gets into the shower and scrubs well before they BBFS your provider?

Thanks for your support!

Hey Cosmic, is ROGM a member of your gentlemen's fraternity?

My motto has always been...

if everyone had a happy ending everyday (or several times per week)
the world would be a Happier place!

I think everyone is just being mean when all he was trying to do was give a little advice based on his provider friends complaints.  There is really nothing more or less to the post so everyone who needs their happy ending for the day needs to back off and book an appointment...

XXX-Giselle Parker

And any of his 'news' is really of note?  

Posted By: giselle69
I think everyone is just being mean when all he was trying to do was give a little advice based on his provider friends complaints.  There is really nothing more or less to the post so everyone who needs their happy ending for the day needs to back off and book an appointment...  
 XXX-Giselle Parker

There's a big difference between being grouchy and simply calling someone out for pontificating outright bullshit, and expecting people to take it as fact. The narcissism in the OP is overwhelming, as if he and the select few "appropriate" men (who he he fails to identify) are the only gents who know how to treat an escort, and the vast majority of male clients are disgusting human specimens. I also wonder what effect his blathering on about all his escort friendships and OTC time will have when future clients look to the ladies for the same thing. I'm sure they would all love those types of inquiries. Of course, who am I to say. I'm not an escort. Maybe the ladies are in this business to develop friendships and see their clients OTC because they don't have lives, friends, or families outside of this endeavor. I thought it was the opposite, but not being a part of Cosmic's group of appropriate gentlemen, I really don't know for sure.

I may be kind of a fatass but at least I scrub myself and don't act like a dick. Or at least not until someone is a dick to me, which honestly hasn't really happened to me in 10 years of this lifestyle.

When a client like that reaches out it ALWAYS puts a SMILE on my face!
Thank you soooo much for sharing tips every client should follow to enhance their own experience!

Guys forget when they don't act right , they RUIN their session!

When they act RIGHT, they gain and (if their pecker picked properly) will get a fabulous session!

I am always nicer to guys who are easy going, no drama and pleasant to be with.
It's a HUGE TURN-ON for us ladies!!
It motivates me to return that kindness!!!!

I want to see you cosmicangst!!  You have my vote for MR. TER!!

Thank YOU so much for your wisdom and taking the time

Sans envelope? I'd wager not.  

Posted By: Carly
When a client like that reaches out it ALWAYS puts a SMILE on my face!  
 Thank you soooo much for sharing tips every client should follow to enhance their own experience!  
 Guys forget when they don't act right , they RUIN their session!  
 When they act RIGHT, they gain and (if their pecker picked properly) will get a fabulous session!  
 I am always nicer to guys who are easy going, no drama and pleasant to be with.  
 It's a HUGE TURN-ON for us ladies!!  
 It motivates me to return that kindness!!!!  
 I want to see you cosmicangst!!  You have my vote for MR. TER!!  
 Thank YOU so much for your wisdom and taking the time!  

Better make that a double on the reading comprehension classes.

I do agree that no play.  Better go and tell that to cosmic...he won't want you as his friend.  Friends don't pay friends to fuck...well, that's kind of what he tells himself but still pays and thinks it's still a solid friendship.

Glad you clarified that you won't be his friend.  Maybe you'll reconsider your comments and tell him (and those who think this is that P4P is just that.

Ask someone to explain this post to you....or are you able to comprehend this one all on your own?

Posted By: Carly
no pay NO PLAY!  

That'll raise the chances that you'd actually attend the class  LOL

Was this a contest?  And here I thought it was a discussion board.

Posted By: Carly
I'll let you think you won....  

Oh wait. Now I'm confused. I thought this thread was all about OTC time for guys who treat ladies right? Wish I could get a date once in awhile.  

Posted By: Carly
no pay NO PLAY!  

you can always lick my fucking balls asswipe..

Posted By: USGrantlover
Oh wait. Now I'm confused. I thought this thread was all about OTC time for guys who treat ladies right? Wish I could get a date once in awhile.  
Posted By: Carly
no pay NO PLAY!  

morecoffee988 reads

Posted By: macdaddy1944
you can always lick my fucking balls asswipe..  
Posted By: USGrantlover
Oh wait. Now I'm confused. I thought this thread was all about OTC time for guys who treat ladies right? Wish I could get a date once in awhile.    
Posted By: Carly
no pay NO PLAY!    

Littlestinker1289 reads

Run into a nasty chick they do exist you know just like nasty guys do.
   I once had a farting contest with one of your very dear girlfriends  she put me to shame lol!  
    Guess what there were pigs in this world before you came along some you even slept with.
     And there will be pigs in this world long after your gone.

                           Go back to being retired by by now that post was comical.

about 5% that fit into that group.  Personally I try to fixate on something I really like about a particular guest so even if I am not nessisarily attracted that thing makes him more attractive to me and I can better have my fun.  But no, it is not a majority of the guys, I screen those out before visiting with them.  Not all money is good money or worth it.

Take care baby and keep your head up.  It seems to always be the same group both here and on the GD board that want to disagree with everything.  Just let it roll off.  This board is just a board and means next to nothing other then to tell what type of person a poster is by type of posts.  No big

To everyone else lighten up, get laid and have a glass or your choice adult beverage to chill.  I am and trust me it is so much better.  Night all, going to relax now

now that is what i call a an enjoyable thread..filled with just enough hate and love and spiced up with our ever popular congenial assholes..i love TER..

This thread has become so massive I can't even get through it all.  

I will point out a few things, and then I'm done with this.

1) All the ladies agreed with, and applauded what I had to say.  And many who didn't want to get involved publicly PM'd and e-mailed me thanking me for making that post.  To them I say - thank you ladies!  Thank you for the support, and all the kind words.  And thanks for the Mr. TER vote!  LOL.

2) To the guys - again I say, this wasn't meant towards everybody.  But I am PISSED off by people who don't know me trying to tell me who my friends are.   And I am PISSED off every time I hear a story from one of my friends about some asshole that treated her like shit.  Those of you who treat these ladies well, you know who you are.  Those of you who took offense at my post, you are the guys I'm talking about.

3) CPA and CTP, I really can't stand you guys.  Just sayin'

Now I'm done.  Later all!  Thanks for participating.  It was fun :-

Jack_Inhoff991 reads

Posted By: cosmicangst
This thread has become so massive I can't even get through it all.    
 I will point out a few things, and then I'm done with this.  
 1) All the ladies agreed with, and applauded what I had to say.  And many who didn't want to get involved publicly PM'd and e-mailed me thanking me for making that post.  To them I say - thank you ladies!  Thank you for the support, and all the kind words.  And thanks for the Mr. TER vote!  LOL.  
 2) To the guys - again I say, this wasn't meant towards everybody.  But I am PISSED off by people who don't know me trying to tell me who my friends are.   And I am PISSED off every time I hear a story from one of my friends about some asshole that treated her like shit.  Those of you who treat these ladies well, you know who you are.  Those of you who took offense at my post, you are the guys I'm talking about.  
 3) CPA and CTP, I really can't stand you guys.  Just sayin'  
 Now I'm done.  Later all!  Thanks for participating.  It was fun :-)  
Just shut up already. Haven't you made enough of an ass of yourself?  You got exposed for the fraud you are. Now go get bent.

I like you all...

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 12:03:09 AM

and we love you too!

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
I like you all...

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 12:03:09 AM

Your Awesome dude!!!! and I never meet you. keep up the good work

Thank you so much for pointing out what one would think are obvious rules and behaviors to live by in a community where we are physically intimate.

Also, thanks for pointing out that some hobbyists may have a bad time because of how they treat providers in general. If I sense any misogyny disrespect bullshit I don't even consider seeing someone.

The ONLY thing I do not like in this is providing even a notion that a professional relationship can turn into "dating".

Sure, it happens. But, as you've illustrated in your post, many do not know how to not get caught in the fantasy. Its totally acceptable to get to know your provider, and become friends, but in my experience, its always important to keep clear boundaries (as a general guideline) in order to prevent lines being crossed on either side

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