1 in every six people have herpes. Everyone who engages in unsafe activities put their selves at risk. You sharing gives providers an option to decline seeing you. If you have not tested positive why share?
Recently I explained to two providers that it is very unlikely that I am infected with herpes. One of them did not want to meet at all, the other would not kiss on the lips. ( I was disappointed, since I wanted to meet a provider soon)
The reason I am unlikely to be infected is that I have very few partners. I meet providers 1-2 times a year , and have no other partners besides my monogamous long term.
My long term partner has oral herpes. However, she has never given me fellatio, and has not kissed me on the lips since the first year we were together. I have tested negative several times since we stopped mouth kissing. I have never had a lesion or symptoms of infection.
I think my biggest risk of being infected is from the providers I see, since they have many partners. (herpes is quite common in the general population)
I wonder if many providers restrict behavior because the client's partner is infected?
I also suspect that most clients would not tell the providers, even if they were themselves infected.
1 in every six people have herpes. Everyone who engages in unsafe activities put their selves at risk. You sharing gives providers an option to decline seeing you. If you have not tested positive why share?
What a stereotypical way of looking at the situation. You sound like you are more butt hurt one lady declined to see you and another wouldn't kiss you.
Maybe, just maybe, they were being cautious because they want to stay STI free?
I certainly was disappointed that I missed out. I was also surprised that they judged me to be higher risk than other clients. Do other clients show clean, recent test results, and have as few partners as I claimed?
I really doubt that men would be honest about being infected, or know whether there partners were infected.
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