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Rochelle is sick and cant make it ....but Molly arrives on Thursday!
sexy1jill See Agency Profile 217 reads


Good morning everyone,
For visitors this week, the hot MILF Tori is here till tomorrow night. Hurry up and catch her before she leaves!
Everyone's favorite Bryanna is also here.
Friday the popular cutie Rochelle arrives for 3 days only.
Tomorrow, up and coming ATF Anneke arrives for her second visit. Last time she was here you guys couldn't get enough of her. Call early as she is sure to book up quick.
You all kept asking me and asking me when she will be back, well Sunday Alivia arrives!!

Now for the local lovelies. Have you seen our little black Barbie doll Gabriella? If not, don't wait! She is fast on the way to becoming another ATF!!!
Beautiful Brazilian Sarah will be in late in the week along with our hot nurse Rebecca and maybe the ever elusive Jamie.

Have a great week, play nice and stay safe!
Jill :-)  

Always immitated, but never duplicated. RSG serving the hobbiests of Boston for over a decade.(and over 175 TER reviews to prove it.) Now accepting new clients as well as sober, reliable ladies to represent.

Over many years, I've has the pleasure of dancing with many of your ladies, some were, some are and some will remain my ATFs(B), but Alivia is RAVISHING. With profound respect to my current RSG friends!

If stunning is you're cup of tea ..... be forewarned ....

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