
Re:Anyone Interested in an Organized Munch in the Boston Area?confused_smile
wildlinda32 See my TER Reviews 12169 reads

What  great idea sound like fun  I know other citys do that and they   say how  great fun it is  to have them   :)

I was wondering if there would be any interest in having a munch at one of the better area pubs.

Essentially, those interested agree to meet at a designated location somewhere in the NH/MA area on a specific night at a specific time.  

Hobbyst essentially pay for the ladies drinks and anything else (food, dessert, etc). Everyone gets to mingle, make new friendships and develop some confidence in those that attend.

This is not intended to be a meat market (sorry guys), but rather a nice "meet & greet" in a public setting so folks get introduced in a "low-pressure" environment.  Most munches I have been to have a strict rule of "no-business" at the munch.  Everyone is free to set things up between themselve at anytime, but only for another location at some other time (later that evening after the munch is always great).  Ladies, it is up to you how you want to handle "future arrangements".  Guys, no one gets to pressure the ladies!  If everyone follows these guidelines, we can all enjoy ourselves.

If the response to this suggestion is positive on the board over the next week, I am willing to contact the positive responders and help everyone set up the munch.

Only friendly folks need apply! (smile)
Maybe a nice munch will help us all become a better (friendlier) community!


drdixter14365 reads

perhaps some value here; but we have had numerous posts recently about handling personal information and this seems like a too easy way to lose one's cover.

BTZed14480 reads

it would be a great idea for everyone to get together for a few drinks, hang out so everyone can meet each other there are alot of friends on these boards many never ment face to face so this could be a first

What  great idea sound like fun  I know other citys do that and they   say how  great fun it is  to have them   :)

Labguy13506 reads

Great idear, would it be on a weekend or week day?

I'd be interested in this if the time and place are right.

Sounds like a nice low-pressure setting for a brand newbian like myself. :)

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