
Re: Azzie Osborne or Azzie Asborne?
Nnoway 13 Reviews 3 reads

Assie Asborne would take it even a step farther, wouldn't it? lol

Townman677 reads

There a new k-girl that just popped up on BI schedule; never heard of her! I thought I heard of all the k-girls in America :))) but... Azzie?! I hope her last name is not Osbourne lol Any idea anyone? Maybe she is a former BTT girl that visited us under some other name before? The scant info available on ter doesn't seem to point to anything particular and make me think that there might be another ter profile of her out there. Can't even make out if her boobs are natural or MM.  

Anyone anything?

I am posting 5 hours after your post. There is NO Azzie on the BI web site. Maybe I have the wrong BI. If you want help, don't make it hard for us to help. Post better info or an actual, working link.
The Profile you posted is for Azzie from LA (with no current links - she is probably no longer on those [deleted] websites). You should post your Q to K-Girl or LA or the Bellevue, WA (Seattle?) boards and ask THEM if they can correlate your Boston Azzie to LA / Bellevue Azzie. Post a link for them so they can SEE who you are asking about.
You can PM any of the 9 guys who have reviewed LA Azzie and ask them for info. Include a link. Maybe, "Yeah, she told me she was going to tour the East Coast during the warm weather and some back to LA when it gets cold in the East. ... But the photos you linked aren't the LA Azzie I reviewed." kind of stuff.
Which BI? Post her ACTIVE link.

Posted By: Townman

There a new k-girl that just popped up on BI schedule; never heard of her! I thought I heard of all the k-girls in America :))) but... Azzie?! I hope her last name is not Osbourne lol Any idea anyone? Maybe she is a former BTT girl that visited us under some other name before? The scant info available on ter doesn't seem to point to anything particular and make me think that there might be another ter profile of her out there. Can't even make out if her boobs are natural or MM.  
 Anyone anything?
EDIT: Added Bellevue to cities.

-- Modified on 6/27/2024 7:58:43 AM

I did PM those guys. So far nada. You know how it is. People review, get their 15 days, then 15 days later can't PM no more until they write another review.  

She is on BI schedule as of this upcoming Monday, July 1st.  

Btw, love the Asborne! You should get Maya to slap it behind Azzie, it might get your ass a discount [pun intended] (notice I didn't say 'get a discount on your ass' lmao)

When I first checked BI at OP=t0 + 5 hours, there was no Azzie-K. An hour later, Azzie-K was on the main page but did not yet have her own page with extra photos. Clicking "View" redirected to some other page. NOW, she has her own page with info and photos. (But the "View" button from the main "Escorts" still goes to the home page, not her profile page.)
Azzie Osborne was your idea. I just "corrected" it to Azzie Asborne to keep the alliteration intact.

Posted By: Nnoway
Re: Azzie Osborne or Azzie Asborne?
I did PM those guys. So far nada. You know how it is. People review, get their 15 days, then 15 days later can't PM no more until they write another review.  
 She is on BI schedule as of this upcoming Monday, July 1st.    
 Btw, love the Asborne! You should get Maya to slap it behind Azzie, it might get your ass a discount [pun intended] (notice I didn't say 'get a discount on your ass' lmao)

-- Modified on 6/27/2024 11:52:20 PM

Assie Asborne would take it even a step farther, wouldn't it? lol

OK. I had to look it up.
Ozzie Osborn - pro baseball player
Ozzy Osbourne - English musician  
Using the "A for O" switcheroo, she would be either Azzie Asborn or Azzy Asbourne. Since she is already Azzie, that rules out the musician switcheroo to Azzy and she must be the baseball pitcher switcheroo Azzie Azborn (no e).  
Although I get your physiology inspired "Assie" change, that eliminates the "Assie" baseball or musician connection.
That leaves Azzie Azborn (no e).  
Not that anybody else will bother to look it up.

Posted By: Nnoway
Re: Azzie Osborne or Azzie Asborne?
Assie Asborne would take it even a step farther, wouldn't it? lol
I hope that if anyone here in Boston meets Azzie that they can write a review and update the "Don't Know"s in her Profile with Y/N info.

Azzie-k  at BI - page is in progress

Looks like those pics are used for Moon currently in Las Vegas.

Although there is a major tits discrepancy between the two profiles.

Google image also hit on one of the pictures linking to SAG profile named Sophi but it was a dead link and didn't show up on internet archive.  Too many Sophi/Sophie/Sofi profiles to tell.

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