
As long as you are adding fields, can you put a Like and Dislike option on post?
Advisor2008 212 Reviews 1092 reads

Most of the time I don't want to put down comments, but would willing endorse certain post, especially on picture threads

We are happy that everyone feel so passionately about the boards. Rest assured that every voice is heard.

Alright, first, can someone please come up with a better name for the position? If someone does AND we use it, we will give you 180 vip days.

We will start with what the “Cruise Director” (CD) will not be. This spot WILL NOT MODERATE the board. Customer Support will moderate these boards.

We will now cover what they will do. The CD will encourage fun, constructive conversation. The CD needs to be an ambassador who will help make the boards a welcoming place for all. Special things happen on certain days on most of the boards. The CD needs to be the official emcee of these events. Finally, the CDs (male and female) need to as point/counterpoint so that there is interesting banter (and not the drama kind) between the sexes.

We think that it is best to have one male and one female “cruise director” at the same time. We are thinking about terms of one month to start. It is easy to change on the beginning of each month. People can be the CD more than one, but not more than once in a row.

We understand that this will not be perfect. We are sure that there will changes we figure out the best balance moving forward.  But with positive, constructive feedback, we believe that the boards can be a lot of fun while still being a welcoming place to be.

.. AND above all, we have to have fun in here.

So, do we have any volunteers or nominations?

MSHSEX855 reads

I likes tha term "TER Board Facilitator"

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
We are happy that everyone feel so passionately about the boards. Rest assured that every voice is heard.

Alright, first, can someone please come up with a better name for the position? If someone does AND we use it, we will give you 180 vip days.

We will start with what the “Cruise Director” (CD) will not be. This spot WILL NOT MODERATE the board. Customer Support will moderate these boards.

We will now cover what they will do. The CD will encourage fun, constructive conversation. The CD needs to be an ambassador who will help make the boards a welcoming place for all. Special things happen on certain days on most of the boards. The CD needs to be the official emcee of these events. Finally, the CDs (male and female) need to as point/counterpoint so that there is interesting banter (and not the drama kind) between the sexes.

We think that it is best to have one male and one female “cruise director” at the same time. We are thinking about terms of one month to start. It is easy to change on the beginning of each month. People can be the CD more than one, but not more than once in a row.

We understand that this will not be perfect. We are sure that there will changes we figure out the best balance moving forward.  But with positive, constructive feedback, we believe that the boards can be a lot of fun while still being a welcoming place to be.

.. AND above all, we have to have fun in here.

So, do we have any volunteers or nominations?

Male.....WillyJ  and Advisor come to mind as respected contributers to this board

Female.....TL, Ginger Taylor, Reece and Khori

what a difference a board makes  you guys here in Alanta seem so relaxed and cool about change go to GB  board they are fired up  and check out another different point of view in Chicago also .....I think I could fall in  love with Alanta  a busy active  board with a lot of southern charm

Based on v's participation on other boards, she'll provide positive and lively geographical diversity

You know, test out some of our fun ideas in private explore new paradymns of the erotic experience before stinging in the market.  Promise to leave no erotic crevase unexplored with my cruising partner.

It is a tough assignment, but more than willing to devote extra time in exploring many cruise venues with these ladies.  Heck, I am so generous I suggest multiple ladies meet with me as we explore this erotic exposure with each others.  That's just the type of guy I am.

I appreciate the nod Brad but I think it would be best if we got some of the newer blood on the board to fill these slots. People like myself who have been around so long seem to make some uncomfortable. I actually am very tickled by the individuals that are so concerned about alias'. If you haven't abused it why would someone be weirded out by it.

I, for one, just want to go back to being a hobbyist on the board. Seeing ladies that I want to see, not feeling pressured to see certain agencies or ladies and writing a few reviews, if I so chose to continue with that. It doesn't mean I won't contribute but I am done trying to have anything to do with the politics of the board. I like the direction that admin wants to take it. More fun, friendlier people and a growing community. What's not to like? I've been a notable figure or pain in the butt, depending upon how you look at it, on TER ATL for almost 11 years. Time for the new kids to take a turn.


I honestly only want whats best for this community. You are really ALL like a great big "F" fest! lol Amongst FRIENDS! FUN! Thats what we are all here for right? Lets give it chance ladies and gents. Change CAN be good. Opinions are like "A"holes and this is IMHO. lol!!
Hugs and kisses

S_Freud1218 reads

Will the Cruise Directors have any special login/admin rights? Can they see behind the curtain to know which Alias goes with each main Alias?


None at all... BUT they will have their own private DB for the month.

As long as the past history is unavailable to the monthly TERmite in charge. Im all for it :)


Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
None at all... BUT they will have their own private DB for the month.

Step up and volunteer.  Between your experience as agency owner, organizer of meet and greets, theme day starter, troll killer etc I cannot think of many more balanced to the role.

I know you have helped me with several questions over the years and slapped me down when I deserved it.  You could do this more naturally than most.

I appreciate youre thoughts.. I dont think Any Agency Owner should be in the mix. I think it should just be hobbyists... I dunno, I'll wait and see how it works out before I put my hat in the ring :)


Do not know many ladies who are hobbiest, but would love to meet her, save us both lots of money.

Social Director
Cheer Leader
Social Scout

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
We are happy that everyone feel so passionately about the boards. Rest assured that every voice is heard.

Alright, first, can someone please come up with a better name for the position? If someone does AND we use it, we will give you 180 vip days.

We will start with what the “Cruise Director” (CD) will not be. This spot WILL NOT MODERATE the board. Customer Support will moderate these boards.

We will now cover what they will do. The CD will encourage fun, constructive conversation. The CD needs to be an ambassador who will help make the boards a welcoming place for all. Special things happen on certain days on most of the boards. The CD needs to be the official emcee of these events. Finally, the CDs (male and female) need to as point/counterpoint so that there is interesting banter (and not the drama kind) between the sexes.

We think that it is best to have one male and one female “cruise director” at the same time. We are thinking about terms of one month to start. It is easy to change on the beginning of each month. People can be the CD more than one, but not more than once in a row.

We understand that this will not be perfect. We are sure that there will changes we figure out the best balance moving forward.  But with positive, constructive feedback, we believe that the boards can be a lot of fun while still being a welcoming place to be.

.. AND above all, we have to have fun in here.

So, do we have any volunteers or nominations?

OfficerDrunk902 reads

Of course, there might be a conflict if jack and jill went up the hill both with a buck quarter and if jill came down with two fifty. (Dice joke lol)

How about "board doormen" or board greeters......Or "board social directors"

these positions are designed to drive topics no one wants to bring up or talk about.
and to be the welcome wagon for the newbs ( there is a newbs board) and uncle leo when he posts
trolling for human traffic in SS or the A.

Have at it.

For instance, do you lose the right to contribute reviews?  Is there a conflict of interest concern regarding community supported.  Ter days are nice, but I have lots already.   What are the expected time commitments, especially times of day.

If the non-moderators find activity that crosses whatever line you create, is there an escalation path to real moderators, or is this really just admin support for mods so they don't have to deal with theme day threads?  I am thinking Julie McCoy from love boat here, do I get an official TER clipboard?

I am not from Atlanta, but consider myself part of the community and while willing to invest back into the Atlanta board, there are reasons I have hesitate to ever step up as a moderator, in that I do not want to lose my freedom to write reviews and engage with the Atlanta ladies.

Moderating will be done by customer support so they will be the ones who can see whose alias is who et cetera so that concern is addressed.

I prefer Social Director versus Cruise Director.  I get the idea now and I like it.

I also encourage the idea of eliminating or placing a massive restriction on the use of aliases but I think that is the "bread and butter" train wreck morbid curiosity draw that this board is living off of.

Thanks Admin for coming on and doing some explaining. Not trying to be a smart ass here but I can't remember a time you did this before. Others have noted you usually don't. It is appreciated.

I am however wondering why this is being done. I don't see the need. Not saying it isn't good just not sure it's necessary. If it's a, "Hey, let's try this", well then OK.

If you look at the number of people contributing on in the discussion boards as compared to the number of people of visit the site each day, it is clear that it is only a small number.

Wouldn't it be great it more people participate?

Through feedback we see that many people are not comfortable joining in. This seems mostly due to feel that the board takes on at times.

There is no huge conspiracy. We are simply trying to make things better.

If you're looking for a nice and short, then "The Emcee"  "Producer" "Chaperon"

And something just a little light hearted  "The Jester" "Skipper"  "Swami"

And there's always "Head Mistress" my personal favorite.   ;)


People have been calling this the love boat, but your skipper reference nailed it.  This is Gilligan's Island, and we are about to. Go on a "three hour tour"

Wasn't there a humorous thread a couple of months ago about who did whom on the island?

So bjohnson, you going to volunteer as the "lil buddy" role to some lady as "the skipper"?

Excellent analogy my friend!!  And to answer your question, as many times as I can!!  ;0

How about the "Wise Ones"

Funny how some of you are so afraid that your alias may be found out! LOL  It would be great if you were flipped and known.  Seems that the biggist criers are the ones who claim they do not use an alias!

Krunchie960 reads

You mean like...throwing a rock into a pack of dogs and the one that howls the loudest was probably hit?  Ayup, very interestintg, and funny too.

Always Failing too.. How about this.. I gve permission for everyone of my alias's to be flipped :) :) :) So put that in yoiur pot and brew it :) :) :)


Posted By: Krunchie
You mean like...throwing a rock into a pack of dogs and the one that howls the loudest was probably hit?  Ayup, very interestintg, and funny too.  

LOL.. Try and try and fail and fail.. insults being all that you have in your repetoire :) :) theres no  true ammo... you shoot blanks. All there is, is  a desire to try and muddy the waters.. Thats is youre forte with childish glee :) .Havent gotten over the sting yet???


Krunchie950 reads

with egg all over it's face no less..hahaha.  Must have been by the rock.  Why else would it come screaming with the loudest howl when no one called it by name or even mentioned any names?   An overly dominate Top 5 poster with something to say about everything can't even let a little, infrequent Top 1,500 poster share a sentiment with Jimmy -no wonder Admin sees a need for less bullying and more participation.   Although the public self-incrimination and egg on face explosion is sort of entertaining...haha.


Because This isnt the first time as evidenced in your history minus what has been removed already by admin/source because it was deemed trouble making and offensive by the mods.. That is also in your history but only the mod can see that. You have a personal problem with me, thats ok, as I have one right back at you. I never poke you though.. I figure youre miserable enough already, I need do nothing more :) Yet you Always at every oppurtunity poke me. For someone that has no reviews, has not hobbied in years I find your pokes along with your opinions. Valueless. Now stop and leave me alone or will Will go through the history and cut and post every blatant poke and send it to the admin that removed posts from you directed to me before so... Wanna play?


I am moving to support the idea. It could help slower boards like mine. I am not sold on TER taking over modding as my experiences customer service can be slow at times and moderated members are extremely punished for slow moderating of the boards. Plus part of the mod job was explaining things related to the boards. Customer has a horrible track record with that. As an example this role out CD and it was one of the better role outs of new features as often there is none.

Now as to a name for CD, Board guides, greeters, and activity facilitators.

Thanks for the message.... and I must ask.... Have you checked out customer support lately? Response to most feedback happens within a few hours. Reviews are down to less than a day. ..AND they are communicating with reviewers on issues with reviews that have stopped the submission of the same review over and over again. And that is today.

They are heading to a point where reviews are posted within 12 hours and feedbacks will be handled within an hour.

As for the DB mod thing in this board, it should allow more people to be heard. We will be adding a "report this post" link that will help the CD and everyone else make sure that the board is ruined by someone.

Hope this helps.

MSHSEX818 reads

I think adding a "report this post" link or button to report posts (personal attacks, harassment, stalking) is an excellent idea. Its a function that is sorely missing from the TER boards. It will definitely make the TER boards a much more friendlier place and cut down on the vulgarity.

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
Thanks for the message.... and I must ask.... Have you checked out customer support lately? Response to most feedback happens within a few hours. Reviews are down to less than a day. ..AND they are communicating with reviewers on issues with reviews that have stopped the submission of the same review over and over again. And that is today.

They are heading to a point where reviews are posted within 12 hours and feedbacks will be handled within an hour.

As for the DB mod thing in this board, it should allow more people to be heard. We will be adding a "report this post" link that will help the CD and everyone else make sure that the board is ruined by someone.

Hope this helps.

Most of the time I don't want to put down comments, but would willing endorse certain post, especially on picture threads

I have had CS take over a week before. In my time here at TER 20 hours was the quickest response and 2 or three days is the norm for CS to get back. Outside the one time I PMed a mod that was sick, and having to deal with Thelovegoddess who rarely responded to PMs, I have never had to wait was 24 hours for a mod to respond. In my experiences the free help out, side of Thelovegoddess, has been quicker and more detailed in their explanations then the paid ones.

I am very skeptical about staff modding a board and responding to questions quickly. For the most part outside of this case TER CS doesn't even take the time to explain what is happening. I have a business and when I improve my offerings I make sure my customers know about it as I am proud to let them know how I have improved things for them. TER for the most part doesn't even bother to do that. We are left to find it out ourselves leading to mass confusion.

I have never had TER get back in an hour. I think I am lucky if the get back to me in a day. Please pardon the fact I am very skeptical n TER CS getting there times down to an hour. I haven't seen them even come close to that in my communications.

I am glad you will have a "report this post" link. That is a good idea. I think the CD idea can help as well but by dismissing the unpaid mods you are throwing out your best CS reps you got. And to think you didn't even inform them until after the fact.

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
We are happy that everyone feel so passionately about the boards. Rest assured that every voice is heard.

Alright, first, can someone please come up with a better name for the position? If someone does AND we use it, we will give you 180 vip days.

We will start with what the “Cruise Director” (CD) will not be. This spot WILL NOT MODERATE the board. Customer Support will moderate these boards.

We will now cover what they will do. The CD will encourage fun, constructive conversation. The CD needs to be an ambassador who will help make the boards a welcoming place for all. Special things happen on certain days on most of the boards. The CD needs to be the official emcee of these events. Finally, the CDs (male and female) need to as point/counterpoint so that there is interesting banter (and not the drama kind) between the sexes.

We think that it is best to have one male and one female “cruise director” at the same time. We are thinking about terms of one month to start. It is easy to change on the beginning of each month. People can be the CD more than one, but not more than once in a row.

We understand that this will not be perfect. We are sure that there will changes we figure out the best balance moving forward.  But with positive, constructive feedback, we believe that the boards can be a lot of fun while still being a welcoming place to be.

.. AND above all, we have to have fun in here.

So, do we have any volunteers or nominations?

Board Muse
Board facilitator

How about TER Guide or Site Guide?

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