60 and Over

You are so kind xoxo beep bop di do doo dop lol(eom)teeth_smile
jaydalee See my TER Reviews 561 reads


I have been doing 90 minutes, seems to work out well for me since I'm pretty much a one-shot guy these days, and my typical rate for that is about 500 - 650.  I was kind of surprised to see several folk post that they standard go no less than two hours.  Wonder if that is a representative sample.

How about the rest of you over-60s ?  How long are your usual sessions?

Hmmm, maybe I should experiment on myself at home and see if two hours would yield multiple goals......

pops.  It is rare that I can get a 2nd shot on goal but myself and my lady friends enjoy making the attempt.

Unless I'm strapped for time, I usually do 2 hours or more.

I share some of the same characteristics ("one and done"). Normally one hour is sufficient for my needs (forgive the selfishness).

I will book two hours on a first date, when the provider is someone who really intrigues me. I have yet to repeat a two hour date with the same person  - again, more a sign of who I am than a reflection on these wonderful ladies.

I would never last two hours with myself - I am way too boring ;-)

I, too, am generally a one and done guy.  I book my sessions for an hour, and that is usually sufficient enough for me.  Other than a few overnighters, I have only booked one session longer than an hour and that was a 3-hour date.  For the second hour we went and got something to eat, and then went back to the room for another hour of play.  It was my birthday present from me to me with at that time my favorite local provider.


but as Swim said, I treated myself to a three hour session at my home with my ATF last year.  It was expensive and it was fun, and I still only came one time.  But we got lube and cunt juice on most of the furniture in the house, even the tall bar chairs in the kitchen.  I'll leave you to figure that out!

...do at least 2. I enjoy taking my time, talking, and aft play ( opposite of foreplay).

I have done a few 90 minutes and a 3 hour that was a light lunch first and two hours of fun.

Whether I pop more than once isn't the issue (and I'm usually one and done). My budget determines my time.  

I pass on the two hour minimum ladies.

I'd say that it is about a toss up for me. No second pops for me either way. My lady friend may have more than one.
 I might make lunch or we might go out for lunch or dinner and then play time. It may be socializing for an hour and sexualizing for an hour. OK so I made up that word. 8o)

Depending on the lady I'm likely one pop but there are a few of my favs that can get a 2nd from me. I find my fans are typically generous with their time and allow me the 2nd chance.  Must be why they are favs!!

on a first date. However, I've taken advantage of specials on ocassion to spend more time on a first date

Posted By: dani987x
I have been doing 90 minutes, seems to work out well for me since I'm pretty much a one-shot guy these days, and my typical rate for that is about 500 - 650.  I was kind of surprised to see several folk post that they standard go no less than two hours.  Wonder if that is a representative sample.  
 How about the rest of you over-60s ?  How long are your usual sessions?  
 Hmmm, maybe I should experiment on myself at home and see if two hours would yield multiple goals......

89Springer633 reads

A couple of times I went four, and once went five (the last hour was OTC).

If I'm seeing someone for the first time, I'll ask if I can get two hours with the option of going for three if things are going well. There's only been one time when I didn't ask to continue for three.

I hate to keep repeating this, but I'm divorced just two years now after being with the same woman for 45 years. I'm uncomfortable at first (although getting looser), so I like a little time to chat.

It also takes me a long time to come, which is part age, part ED meds. At the session I had last week with a new provider, she talked so much (I couldn't get her to stop) that we had less than an hour for sex. The two hour buzzer went off, and I still hadn't come. She didn't do three hours without food (yeah, that one), so I left without coming.

Another factor is that, for almost all of my meetings, I have to drive to another state, and I spend the entire weekend travelling for that one session. Being gone 30 to 36 hours for a two-hour session doesn't make much sense. It doesn't even make much sense for a three-hour session, but that's usually what my budget is with travel. (~$1500).

I like to just run my hands over her, play with her ass and boobs, feel her hands, kiss, cuddle and lot of other things non-sexual.  

I've asked to go from three to four hours a couple of times when I was really enjoying myself.  

If I was in a city with some really good providers, I could see doing just one or two hours. I've often thought about just sticking to my area, and doing one hour "blow-and-go" sessions. If you saw what's available in my area, though, you'd probably puke.

...I would have to say 90 minutes to 2 hours for me these days.   That gives time for a nice get to know you chat, and a couple of unrushed rounds with some snuggling and pillow talk in between.  Of late, it seems like 60 minutes is too quick to really connect with someone new.  This was exactly the case last week & I asked my companion to allow me to extend the visit to 90 minutes.  I guess experience has taught me to relax and enjoy the lady's company and not focus on goals.  For multiple partners, I allow 1/2 hour per lady which sounds kind of coldly analytical but thats just how its working out.

BTW the key to multiple orgasms is separating orgasm from ejaculation.  When the male trains himself to control ejaculation then multiple orgasms are possible.  The recovery period approach works but ejaculation control is way more fun IMHO.

I'm not getting it. Are you indicating that you orgasm without cumming? I missed that class !! Is this a tantra thing? Thanks for any info.

Orgasm and ejaculation are not synonymous, and it is possible to train yourself to experience orgasms repeatedly without ejaculation.

A good tantrika is able to teach this to you.  Another popular name for it is edging whereby she brings you to the brink of ejaculation, then lets you relax and calm down for a few minutes before building you up again.  This process allows you to become familiar with the muscles and mental states you need to be at the orgasm place but not ejaculate.

You can also do this by yourself through masturbation.  It takes some practice, but hell, it's fun.  Beats yoga, I'll tell you what.

mrfisher, thank you.  I am only just now studying the Daoist and Tantric approaches.   I have a Daoist book by Mantak Chia I have not started yet that promises the same result. I do like yoga though :)

I learned how to do this 30 years ago after reading this book:

Any man can: The multiple orgasmic technique for every loving man by Dr  William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian

If you shop around you can still find it in paperback & hard back at reasonable prices.  It can be a little dry in spots but they lay out the techniques.

The first step is believing it is possible to use your brain to control your muscles before involuntary muscle spasms occur.  Then with patient self training (or with a partner) you learn to separate ejaculation and orgasm (scrap that word cumming).  You cannot learn this in a weekend but once learned to some extent it becomes unconscious.  I tend to have little ones first (some dry, some leak a bit of semen) then finish with a big one.   Often I get a sort of sexual high which is pure bliss.

Your playmate is very important as well.  I associate with ladies who understand sexuality & whose focus is not to get me off as quickly as possible.  See my reviews for an idea of the type of superior, loving, intelligent females who are my playmates.  Once you are  multi-orgasmic your focus will shift to shared pleasure.  Thus I choose partners who are interested in creating a shared sensual experience rather than a quick release.  The sex is amazing.

I also made lifestyle choices in terms of minimizing alcohol and other recreational substance use (with zero tobacco),  maintaining a proper diet & exercise.  All these contribute to great sex.  Search for mrfisher's posts on this topic.  He has laid it out very well.

Note to the Ladies: Its not like you hammer your partner to death trying to score goals, its achievable with a “normal” amount of activity.  Woman on top is the best position so you have control too.  My personal experience was that I quickly changed my perception of the woman from someone I needed to gratify myself during sex to the person who is an equal partner in pleasure.

that translates simply into "get close to cumming and then back off".  

Not that it's necessarily related, but I do have a home remedy for blue balls.  Sit on an ice gel pack pressed against your scrotum.  The kind of gel pack sold at drugstores for icing sprains.  This is also a great way to keep the boys from going into overdrive from anticipation the night before a big meet!

...you orgasm with out ejaculating.  It is not getting close & backing off.

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 7:09:26 AM

I wonder if Paul and Ringo are still there?  Seriously, that is some information, I had no idea. Thanks all for the info

to get my one shot in-About 5 years ago, I could get off 2 shots, but those days are gone and I'm a one trick pony    8-)    Happy weekend, All

I enjoy the company of older gents so must guys I see are between the ages of 45-70.
Majority of the times gents will book at the very least a minimum of 90min or more.
I don't have a 2hr minimum I do still offer a 1hr rate but not that many gents book hour appts even if we are meeting for the first time.
I just had a gent in his 60s book an appt for a clock-free date which was over 8hrs we had fun doing some public time and enjoyed ourselves in private as well.
Alot of older gents I see enjoy dinner dates which are one of my favorites so I guess it depends on the guys.
Some like multi-hr dates and some find an hour is more their pace.
Nothing wrong with that everyone does what works best for them:)

I am sure both can agree on a great time together and focus on just making the good times last!!! I say just tell me what you wish for and I will try to makes wishes come true! Have fun

I find that my older gents tend to like 90 min-2 hours or more dates.  Obviously I enjoy going out dining, seeing a movie, dancing, going to a show, shopping.  Dating is just that...as for the desert time.  There is way more to sensuality in our older years that the famous quest for "the pop/s."  Detest that term...getting to really know someone intellectually and having the time to sensually explore/touch takes more down time; hence, the longer appointment.

I do believe in being open to the needs of my friends, so I still do hour dates and even at times hh ones when asked.  I think most providers just want to offer the best experience they can...no one walking away disappointed because the hh or hour was not as sensual or erotic as the mind was seeking.

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