60 and Over

Working Outside the US
Anneke See my TER Reviews 5369 reads

I've been on the other side of this experience. For several years I've traveled and worked in London and Ireland, (Dublin, Cork and Belfast). Occasionally I return. When the dollar weakens. Otherwise I'd have to consider it a paid vacation. The profits go down drastically when the dollar is strong. Still a paid vacation in London is not a bad thing.

Why did I go to all that trouble and expense? For the very reasons stated elsewhere in this thread. NO hassle from law enforcement. And lots of business.  In London, no hassle period. Even in the hotels if you are discreet. Ireland is a different story as the press is sensational about prostitution although it's highly unlikely Garda will prosecute or the laws will change. The hotels  and landlords are vigilant about girls using them to host. They will kick you out.  I know from personal experience.

The Dutch, God bless them. That's my ancestry and when I visited Amsterdam I understood why I'm the way I am. Yes, they are conservative themselves but tolerant and unthreatened by others' life choices as long as the "others" color within the lines. Great swing clubs there too. I looked into working in the Netherlands. No can do. One has to be a citizen or registered legally to do so. And that second step isn't easy to achieve. My friend Lauren and I went to the Prostitute's Union shop where they patiently explained the legalities.

After working in Europe it was a shock to come back to reality in the USA. And scary. My friend Lauren rarely works here. She's in Ireland almost exclusively as she's skittish about the screening and the possibility of arrest. I don't blame her. I've been here long enough on TER and a provider almost the identical amount of time so years of experience in screening have taught me how to be safe.

But I'm thinking about Australia. Even if it's a paid vacation. I'd love to see what those Aussie boys are like and the thought of working without fear of arrest makes for lots of extra fun.

Your Very Naughty Girlfriend,

It never fails to amuse and mystify me how other countries look at working ladies while in this country they are treated so poorly. I wanted to share this website of a madam in the UK who has written a few books on the subject of taking care of business.

Kisses Haley

-- Modified on 3/9/2012 11:36:16 PM

This story opens up the entire issue of not only legality but also morality. One impacts on the other.
Our society has already been approving and accepting of sex before marriage and even sex outside marriage for a long time. That is reflected not only in common practice on college campuses but by the openness with with sex is treated in the movies and on TV, Sex and the City being only one many, many, many examples.
It is no longer considered inconsistent by many who consider themselves to be moral people, and even individuals  with strong religious values, to be at the same time open towards sex, even with multiple partners. If not on the first date, intimacy by the third or fourth or fifth date is more the rule than the exception.  We, on both sides of the gender divide in this "hobby" have  in one way or another made the decision to be open about sex in the conduct of our lives and probably do not see our actions as being immoral . ( I may be wrong on this last point - perhaps there are those who do acknowledge that what they are doing is morally wrong but rationalize their actions in other ways).
Having said that, should the law still be so puritanical and out of step as to make crimina all forms of l P4P which is to a certain extent an extension of  the same value of open sex which so much of our society appears to be willing to accept? Most of us who are reading this would undoubtedly say no, that it is time for our lawmakers to reexamine the penal codes and make them more reflective of the realities. I would venture to say that for some elected officials, this would eliminate their own culpability at breaking the law. I somehow think that there are plenty of men  in government, who not only take advantage of their cute interns and secrectaries, but who also seek the services of "high class" escorts while at the same time taking  the moral high road, refusing to consider revising legislation which would not only be more consistent with  the prevailing moral standards but which would also make their own actions legal.
Sorry for the long essay .... But I assume that this something that at least some of us are thinking about. And I am sure that there are many who will respectfully (afterall, this is the 60+ board) disagree with all or part of what I have said.
Have a great weekend.

A couple of years ago I was travelling back and forth to Australia on business on a semi-regular basis, and discovered that it's legal there. The rules of how it's regulated vary by state (there's only 6 states) mostly as it relates to how they can advertise and whether they allow brothels (more than one or two ladies working out of one location), but the ladies and the clients can participate without fear of LE problems. It's where I got my start in the hobby, and I met some truly wonderful providers. It's so much easier when the ladies don't have to get all wrapped up in getting references or trying to read guys minds to make sure that they aren't LE or just plain nuts, and the guys can ask direct questions about what is included and what it will cost, and not worry about whether it's actually a scam. There's no dancing around with coded talk and putting money down with both parties pretending that it's not there when you are establishing a new client/provider relationship.

I've only relatively recently gotten back into the hobby over here, having just discovered this and other on-line boards about 6 months ago. Without these boards, particularly and specifically TER, I would not have taken the chance. But fortunately, I have once again been able to meet some wonderful ladies and have some truly outstanding experiences. But it would be so much easier if we just treated adults like adults and let them make their own choices without others imposing their own sense of morality on people who don't really share their views.

By the way, I just crossed the big double nickel, so I'm a little shy of official entry into the 60 and over set. But I hope that I can have an honorary membership for now as I just love the input from the ladies who regularly contribute, both their opinions/ideas and their pictures (of course). The guys have some really interesting opinions and ideas as well, but please, for the love of god, nobody get the idea that they want to start a thread with us contributing pictures - guys, let's see those tighty whities [SHUDDER].

Everybody stay safe.

largely very conservative morally & religiously, but they value individual freedom over nearly all other values.  So in what is basically a very staid & religous country, there is openly legal prostitution, with licensing & health checks, wide-open marijuana smoking in the brown cafes in Amsterdam, etc.  Yet I get ehe impression that the vast majority of the citizens would never think of partaking.  Works out very well for the tourists; the red-light district in Amsterdam is amazing, with providers sitting in their street-side window rooms dressed scantily & showing off their attributes to any & all passersby.  Quite a scene!

I've been on the other side of this experience. For several years I've traveled and worked in London and Ireland, (Dublin, Cork and Belfast). Occasionally I return. When the dollar weakens. Otherwise I'd have to consider it a paid vacation. The profits go down drastically when the dollar is strong. Still a paid vacation in London is not a bad thing.

Why did I go to all that trouble and expense? For the very reasons stated elsewhere in this thread. NO hassle from law enforcement. And lots of business.  In London, no hassle period. Even in the hotels if you are discreet. Ireland is a different story as the press is sensational about prostitution although it's highly unlikely Garda will prosecute or the laws will change. The hotels  and landlords are vigilant about girls using them to host. They will kick you out.  I know from personal experience.

The Dutch, God bless them. That's my ancestry and when I visited Amsterdam I understood why I'm the way I am. Yes, they are conservative themselves but tolerant and unthreatened by others' life choices as long as the "others" color within the lines. Great swing clubs there too. I looked into working in the Netherlands. No can do. One has to be a citizen or registered legally to do so. And that second step isn't easy to achieve. My friend Lauren and I went to the Prostitute's Union shop where they patiently explained the legalities.

After working in Europe it was a shock to come back to reality in the USA. And scary. My friend Lauren rarely works here. She's in Ireland almost exclusively as she's skittish about the screening and the possibility of arrest. I don't blame her. I've been here long enough on TER and a provider almost the identical amount of time so years of experience in screening have taught me how to be safe.

But I'm thinking about Australia. Even if it's a paid vacation. I'd love to see what those Aussie boys are like and the thought of working without fear of arrest makes for lots of extra fun.

Your Very Naughty Girlfriend,

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