60 and Over

seniordenizen 361 reads

I used trimix for years with great results and no complications.  I ultimately got tired of sticking a needle in my dick.  Got a penile implant 3 years ago and it has made my sex life so wonderful.  70s

I've read a number of very positive posts about Trimix injections on this forum and decided to try it. I'm a healthy, fit 72 year old with no underlying health issues, allergies, or medications other than ED pills. I underwent successful prostate radiation 8 years ago with no immediate side affects, but over time I've had to up my Viagra/Cialis dosage to the highest recommended level. Recently, even that has not always been as effective as I'd like.

After talking to my Urologist at a nationally respected health care system, we had a session where he instructed me as I administered my first shot. Most websites recommend an initial trial dose of 5-20 units/mcgs, with 20 being the most commonly mentioned dose. I went with 20 at the recommendation of my Urologist. The good news is that it worked really well. Within 30 minutes, I was as hard as I've EVER been. Leaving the clinic in that condition was a little embarrassing, but soon I was home. Being alone, I went ahead and masturbated to see how I would last afterwards, and eventually the bad news became evident. Nothing changed. At two hours I was still hard as a rock. I tried the home remedies of Sudafed and cold pack. Still no change! Given that I had received a supposedly conservative dose, and Priapism (the hard on doesn't go away) is a side effect with harmful consequences if left untreated, I called my Urologist and eventually returned to his office. He sent me to urgent care in the same building. Long story short, I was there for over 2 hours with a fairly extensive procedure including blood draws and more injections of meds (all in my cock) to counteract the Trimix. My now slightly painful wood finally started to soften about 4 1/2 hours after the fist shot.

Because I had taken the recommended initial dose, my Urologist thinks it was a reaction to one of the Trimix compounds. I wonder if I would have been ok if I started with an even more conservative does (5 - 10 units), but after what I went through, I don't dare try again. Bottom line, Trimix seems to be usually safe and more commonly prescribed  than I thought, but if you are at all risk averse, you might consider starting with very conservative dose. You can always up it later in conjunction with your Urologist recommendations.

"...a supposedly conservative dose."  It doesn't matter that 20 units is the most common dose and the one your Dr. recommended.  Every patient is different and reacts differently to any medication.  

A conservative dose would have been the absolute minimum - 5 units.  If it didn't work, you could have increased the dose by 5 units each time until you got the desired effect - a raging hard on without priapism.  Starting you out with 20 units doesn't sound "conservative" to me and it obviously was not, considering the outcome.

The first red flag for me was when you said "nationally respected healthcare system."  That really means jack shit.  Every chain has a weak link and you may have seen Dr. W. Link.  And of course Dr. Malpractice blamed it on one of the compounds in Trimix instead of saying: "Maybe I started you out on too high a dose."  Fucking doctors!"

I am the same age as you with a similar history.  I haven't used Tri-Mix but did discuss it with my urologist. He recommended 5 units to see how it worked for me. I think that is more like the normal procedure.

on how to do your first injection to test it out, does he provide the girl or do you bring your own?  

seniordenizen362 reads

I used trimix for years with great results and no complications.  I ultimately got tired of sticking a needle in my dick.  Got a penile implant 3 years ago and it has made my sex life so wonderful.  70s

Nailit313 reads

What does that operation cost?

Same here.  I started at 20 units and work my way down to around 10 units.  Just have to experiment with the dosage.  Been at 10 units for several years now.  Works great and all my regulars have no problem with the injections.

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