60 and Over

This is a "self test" that I conduct on a regular basis
GaGambler 220 reads

It's a well known fact that having to pee too often is a sign on an enlarged prostate. Well I can drink at least a six pack of beer before needing to pee and on a hot day I have been known to down a full twelve pack before having to go. I think I am on pretty safe ground where it comes to my prostate. lol

And to those of you are just dying to point out to me how dangerous and unscientific my method is. I cheerfully invite you to Go Fuck Yourselves!!! lol

Or is it the 4 yo in me....getting geek up and excited.
I normally do outcall to my hotel. I always wait for my date at the bar (it's a Vegas thing, security). I'm usually anxious and the adrenaline is beginning to rush through. Here's the deal..as I'm waiting I find myself taking a piss every 5-10 minutes...really. And it ain't the kind to put out a fires. I know I have a prostate issue, had the surgery for enlarged prostate in 2010. So I know it's acting up again.
Keeping in mind the whole prostate thing, anyone else have this...issue?
Oh, after we meet...I'm all good....so maybe it's the 4 yo in me?

GaGambler255 reads

and NO, I have never had any kind of issue like you are experiencing, except on the rare occasions where I drink a bunch of beer. lol

I mean this in all sincerity, you have been fucking hookers for decades, most likely you have seen several hundred different women at a minimum, more likely a thousand or more, I can't see how this can be nerves. I know this is a case of "do as I say, not as I do" but my advice is to go back to the doctor. I think you already know what the issue is and you are just asking for a "nudge" in the right direction. So here is your nudge, Go get checked out. I am sure you want to still be fucking when you are 75, if you don't fix this now, your chances of still fucking a decade from now will go down exponentially. Go see a doctor, and do it soon. I'd like to still be arguing with you ten years from now.

Deep down inside, I know what it is..The ol prostate acting up again, add a dash of the 4 yo in me who just gets all excited like it XMAS eve....Will have it checked out
Again, thanks....not done chasing your ass...lol

GaGambler233 reads

You most definitely don't get rid of me that easily. I plan on sticking around plenty long enough to piss on the graves of some of our mutual "friends" lol

When you’re calm and relaxed, your bladder gradually fills up with urine from the kidneys. Throughout the day, your body sends signals to your brain that either say, “Hey, it’s time to go to the bathroom!” or “We’re all good, you can hold it a bit longer.”  

So when you feel anxious, your body’s fear response can be triggered, overwhelming your bladder’s mechanisms for retaining urine, causing you to want to urinate.

I'm 71 and have never had any prostrate issues that I'm aware of. One thing I have been observing over time however is that when I have to pee I REALLY have to pee. I can't hold it like I used to.  

I'm thinking this is a normal part of aging and not really worried about it. Haven't seen a provider for a while but I remember when I did I also found myself taking frequent bathroom trips. Heck, I may have even done that when I was much younger.

Prostate expansion is a normal part of aging.  It just effects people differently.  Having to pee urgently could be a sign of prostate growth.  

My PCP, during my annual, asks me how often I need to get up at night to pee. Since it’s (thankfully still) almost never, he’s pretty much not worrying about prostate. (He does the blood check too.)  Saves me from having to go through that special checkup moment...  #61 and still ticking...

I’m 65 and consider myself in great physical condition. I drink coffee in the morning and then urinate it out. I drink lots of water and urinate as I normally do. But when I drink Jack Daniels and Diet Coke it seems like I need to urinate ALL the time even after I urinate.

Some alcohol causes men to have frequent urination.

I can't drink beer without having to get up and pee every 10-15 minutes. It was a real pain when fishing at a crowded lake.  

You might want to see your urologist.

GaGambler221 reads

It's a well known fact that having to pee too often is a sign on an enlarged prostate. Well I can drink at least a six pack of beer before needing to pee and on a hot day I have been known to down a full twelve pack before having to go. I think I am on pretty safe ground where it comes to my prostate. lol

And to those of you are just dying to point out to me how dangerous and unscientific my method is. I cheerfully invite you to Go Fuck Yourselves!!! lol

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