60 and Over

Seems all agree
vince59 15 Reviews 5314 reads

Glad to see that everybody feels the same as me. But of course it isn't gonna stop. But at least the  men on this board seem to be in agreement on this subject. I guess we will just have to keep overlooking the guys that don't know what discression means. but then again if the ladies see these reviews and see that things she asked to keep private were not. Then I would say the guy that wrote such a review will either not be seeing her again or at the very least not be permitted to again enjoy whatever private items he posted in the review.

Every so often when i read a review I notice that the reviewer has written about something that he and the provider have done together that she clearly does not usually do with all clients. Such as go to dinner, stay overnight, go on a weekend trip, play with toys, go to casino, whatever. My question is : Why would a guy put something in his review that the lady has told him she don't do with everybody. I mean this may be true or not but either way it should not be added in a review. Because this can lead to the lady losing potential clients. As there will be guys that think she should readily do these things with them also. To my way of thinking. If a lady tells me she don't usually do something with someone else that she has done with me. Then I will definately NOT add that in a review. To me that is the biggest part of what we mean when we say being discreet. I think thats just common sense. Was just wondering what others think about this.

Escorting someone to an event, dinner or overnight are all in my opinion a plus for a review but I have to
agree with you sometimes gentlemen offer way too much information that should be kept between the two.

I have a policy of sending the review to the provider before submission in case I have said something that she normally does not do, or reveals too much information.  In one case I mentioned a variation on the two call system, not realizing that it could lead to discovery of the building her in-call was in.  She alerted me, and I sanitized the review omitting the offending detail.  It seems only reasonable to give the lady a chance to disagree.

Not for reasons of subterfuge or shilling; but a lady could have a dozen valid reasons for NOT mentioning something.

with someone else. I'm only concerned with what she does with me. As long as she delivers as advertised according to what's in her ad, I'm happy.

in a review so that not every Tom, Dick, and Harry think that they are entitled to that treatment when she wants to reserve that on a case by case basis.

I presume the casino trips, etc. you are referring to were "off the clock" time that a provider chose to bestow on a client because she enjoyed being with the person, as opposed to just paid time that the client chose to spend with the provider.

You are correct that mentioning such OTC time is verbotten without the express consent of the provider.

I think sometimes its just the way the guy writes.  My first review on here, was last summer and we were at a hotel with an indoor pool, so swimming was part of our session.

The reviewer's writing style is "we did this and then we did this. And then this happened, and then that happened, etc"  Seriously minute by minute of the entire two hours we were together.  The review reads a bit surreal because of his writing style.  He is a very nice guy but his writing style can be a bit too detailed and informative but I dont think he knows how to write any other way.

So when I see a review that goes on ad nauseum about the date and what he did with the provider that wasn't actually something she does with every client, I figure thats just the way the guy writes.

Thats correct Mr. Fisher. Am talking about OTC encounters. Or things that I know she doesn't offer to everyone.

When I read that on any ladies review I think "oh god". This has to be a very big problem for some ladies who advertise on BackPage or Eros.  Why can't a man just write " saw her at a nice private incall ". Things are just to public these days and becoming harder to hide.

I think every lady has a friend who reads all her reviews. I have one who really does ask about my reviews from time to time and I will tell him every man I see is different and special. I also will say how uncomfortable it makes me having him ask what I do with someone else. It's find when your talking dirty during sex but much different when they ask and expect an answer during a normal conversation. Tends to be a big turn off for me.

Kisses Haley

I agree with you Haley, If he knows you are a provider. He really shouldn't be asking you for this info. Really none of his concern. besides he's better off not knowing.

....there was a small period of time when I did a few incall appts in my apartment (probably never do it again) and when a regular client mentioned it in a review I almost died. Granted, I didn't say not to mention it but eh. It's not all the guy's fault tho I mean yeah the guys should have some discretion and think about what they're writing but at the same time it might be a good idea to not do things you wouldn't want in a review.

leaving something we did out of the review. I will ask if there is anything we did that she doesn't want in the review. Whether she just did it with me or not isn't the issue it may simply be a YMMV service and she doesn't want everyone expecting it.
Not mentioning location information other than saying "her easy to find, in a nice safe area in call" just makes sense.  I really don't understand ads that have maps etc. HuH?!

Some guys will say the provider shouldn't have anything to say about what goes in the review. I agree if the situation was a scam of some sort or her service was sub par. But in the case of everything being as promised there is no reason not to honor her wishes. Additionally discretion is beneficial to both parties.

Not everything needs to be in a review.  As a reviewer I need to be honest but I dont have to tell all.  There are things that may or may not happen that belong to me and me alone.  Sometimes I even have trouble writting wha I do write.  And I always offer the review to the lady before I submit. Many refuse and say, I trust you.  Other seldom have any changes and just enjoy reading it.  And for the ladies that trust me,  If I have a question I will email her and simply ask.  I have never had anything important to the hobbiest removed, but like said before maybe the location got a bit more general.

would be addressed on another board as opposed to this 60 and older board!!!!

One of the observations that I can make from the active participants on this board, both ladies and gents, is a sense of decorum that is demonstrated here.  I am also impressed with the regional differences that  come through...very subtle differences but differences none the less.  

This hobby and my own attitude towards it has changed over time. Has this change been for the better? I hope so!!

...that on other boards you would get the guys that would pronounce how what they put in the review is no one's business it has been discussed on other boards (GD or Atlanta, not sure) and many agreed with what was said here. All agree that too much info about the location is not good. Most say they are fine with leaving something out of the review if the lady requests it because we all know ( or we should) that there is a lot of YMMV in this arena and it should be recognized. Many will even state that if the lady requests No review be done they are ok with that as long as everything was as promised. The discussion would certainly have been more "colorful" and the objectors would have been vociferous.

I appreciate the tone of this board. Thanks to all you have contributed to it.

Yes, I think that we all appreciate the very "mature" and civil tone of the discussions on this board. That's after all why we are here, isn't it?

I've seen it over and over, and on many levels amongst hobbyists. Mostly benign; but like innate female 'cattiness' it can sometimes prove problematic.  

 Guys are largely predisposed to brag about their coital conquests. If a gal has been conquered scores of times the male ego demands that it got far better spoils than the rest.

Except for the obvious exceptions; why do you think when a gal gets two or more exceptional, congruent reviews; a pattern soon forms?  
No guy wants to publish that his GF, SO, Wife or hooker gave him less service than the guy(s) before him. And some boneheads just don't know when to shut the fuck up!

G24262 reads

for using too much discretion in the juicy details section, so I never submitted another review.

This is still an illegal activity and LE is always fairly active in my area.  Too many guys in the hobby are clueless dumbfucks that make it more dangerous for all of us- men and women alike.

-- Modified on 3/19/2012 2:44:06 PM

thats one of the reasons I really don't want reviews. I would rather the gentlemen just go to my website and place a review merely saying they had a good time. The juicy details are better kept between us.

IMO what I do with you doesn't mean I do that with everyone else. Each person is different to me and our time will always be based on our connection.

Glad to see that everybody feels the same as me. But of course it isn't gonna stop. But at least the  men on this board seem to be in agreement on this subject. I guess we will just have to keep overlooking the guys that don't know what discression means. but then again if the ladies see these reviews and see that things she asked to keep private were not. Then I would say the guy that wrote such a review will either not be seeing her again or at the very least not be permitted to again enjoy whatever private items he posted in the review.

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