60 and Over

Re: Brace yourself....
sweetman 93 Reviews 490 reads

If the OP put this on the General Discussion board he certainly would be toast by now.  Those guys just love to put you down for being a thoughtful sensitive person.  Here, it's kinder and gentler.  As for me, I guess I wouldn't kick a hot female out of bed for eating crackers or spelling/grammar errors.  But I sure would notice and I would not be impressed!

AZCalvin691309 reads

Is it just me or does poor spelling in an ad just turn you off. Even the really attractive ones it makes me take a closer look..

I'll bet you'll get a lot of heat over this one.  But it's a turn off for me, too.

Posted By: AZCalvin69
Is it just me or does poor spelling in an ad just turn you off. Even the really attractive ones it makes me take a closer look...  

If the OP put this on the General Discussion board he certainly would be toast by now.  Those guys just love to put you down for being a thoughtful sensitive person.  Here, it's kinder and gentler.  As for me, I guess I wouldn't kick a hot female out of bed for eating crackers or spelling/grammar errors.  But I sure would notice and I would not be impressed!

I agree. I don't take it seriously if a mistake is an obvious typo. I do this a lot because of some disfigured fingers that make typing a chore. I am more concerned about egregious grammatical errors that suggest lack of education. I prefer educated women and all of my favorite ladies are that. An intelligent woman with a high school  education is just fine with me. I applaud women, who for various reasons, were unable to get good schooling but try to improve later in life

Posted By: sweetman
If the OP put this on the General Discussion board he certainly would be toast by now.  Those guys just love to put you down for being a thoughtful sensitive person.  Here, it's kinder and gentler.  As for me, I guess I wouldn't kick a hot female out of bed for eating crackers or spelling/grammar errors.  But I sure would notice and I would not be impressed!

AZCalvin69302 reads

Overall some interesting comments. While this issue isn't a deal breaker it does give an indication as to the quality of women I'd like to meet.

Not that you have to be a PhD but it just detracts from a good message when I see those kinds of errors.  It shows a lack of details and thoughtfulness, both of which are attributes of good providers.

If English is not your forte, then have a friend who is edit your text for you.

Guys, this goes for you too when you communicate with a gal

I'll be the first to admit I am so horrible when it comes to grammar here on TER. I take a bit more care in my "real life". I have a college education and I'm a great conversationalist but when it comes to my ads I can be too hasty which results in errors. I would say just be a little more open minded if you can. It would be a shame to miss out on a great girl over a little grammar and spelling....afterall, will you be demonstrating either of those skills when you meet her? lol  
Hmmmmmm That being said I do ignore emails from potential clients if they sound totally stupid so I get it.  

Have a happy Valentines Day weekend xoxoxoxoxo

Posted By: EscapewithLauren
I'll be the first to admit I am so horrible when it comes to grammar here on TER. I take a bit more care in my "real life". I have a college education and I'm a great conversationalist but when it comes to my ads I can be too hasty which results in errors. I would say just be a little more open minded if you can. It would be a shame to miss out on a great girl over a little grammar and spelling....afterall, will you be demonstrating either of those skills when you meet her? lol  
 Hmmmmmm That being said I do ignore emails from potential clients if they sound totally stupid so I get it.  
 Have a happy Valentines Day weekend xoxoxoxoxo
I have horriable spelling on TER.I don't think folk's should judge a person over poor grammar.Don't underestimate dummy mite suprise you

Misspelled words, wrong word usage, and grammatical errors rob the message of class and elegance.  
These are attributes I appreciate in a provider. Not a deal breaker for me, but I notice.
Many people post as if they're texting and that might be part of the problem.

In a world of constant texting "language", I find it a turn off when a gentleman uses it when contacting me. "Use your words" LOL

I spend hours mulling over word usage and grammar, whether it's my website, or a little email. I am dyslexic, so this can be a painstaking task sometimes. I do also appreciate when someone points out a typo that I might have missed in my advertisements or website.  

I have to admit also, a gentlemen who writes me a thoughtful note of introduction, always gets pushed to the head of line, versus the guy who writes in teenager texting abbreviations. When I can tell that English is not someone's first language they do get more slack.  

Thanks for appreciating well written websites!

LasVegan397 reads

intelligent people........are/have been dyslexic.  Can not imagine seeing the literal world through an entirely different lens.........and still being as articulate as you!

Knows4fun376 reads

along with all the other attributes we use to determine best choices, I gotta say, this does rank high for me. It's an indicator...

Posted By: elainaamhurst
I spend hours mulling over word usage and grammar, whether it's my website, or a little email. I am dyslexic, so this can be a painstaking task sometimes. I do also appreciate when someone points out a typo that I might have missed in my advertisements or website.  
 I have to admit also, a gentlemen who writes me a thoughtful note of introduction, always gets pushed to the head of line, versus the guy who writes in teenager texting abbreviations. When I can tell that English is not someone's first language they do get more slack.  
 Thanks for appreciating well written websites!

AZCalvin69263 reads

If ever in Chigaco will look you up. If ever looking for sunshine in  
Phoenix let me know.

ATLDAWG351 reads

When the gal posts "Selfies" that have in the background things like an open toilet seat, dirty clothes, overall unkempt room, etc.....!!  Just screams out-"Take Me, I'm Yours"!!

Posted By: AZCalvin69
Is it just me or does poor spelling in an ad just turn you off. Even the really attractive ones it makes me take a closer look...  

And a "selfie" showing wood paneled walls....  Need I say more?

Stickythong453 reads

One of my favorites is the variety of ways hookers misspell college.

If you are going to try to convince me you are a student, spelling college correctly would seem to be a given.

I prefer the first conversation to be in email. You can learn a lot about a person based on how they write. If you can't structure a basic sentence that causes me concern. Perhaps your ability to carry on a conversation, even your basic hygiene becomes suspect. I move on.


Posted By: AZCalvin69
Is it just me or does poor spelling in an ad just turn you off. Even the really attractive ones it makes me take a closer look...  

Spelling, grammar, and even attention to selfie backgrounds say a lot to me.  But so do "gentleman" who refer to women on this site as "hookers."  Works both ways.

Posted By: Stickythong
One of my favorites is the variety of ways hookers misspell college.  
 If you are going to try to convince me you are a student, spelling college correctly would seem to be a given.  
 I prefer the first conversation to be in email. You can learn a lot about a person based on how they write. If you can't structure a basic sentence that causes me concern. Perhaps your ability to carry on a conversation, even your basic hygiene becomes suspect. I move on.  
Posted By: AZCalvin69
Is it just me or does poor spelling in an ad just turn you off. Even the really attractive ones it makes me take a closer look...  

a big turn-off for me.  While I don't expect geniuses, I do look for intelligence in the ladies I pursue.  If a lady does not know basic spelling/grammar, she drops on my list......


Now we're %#@&ing a dictionary

2horses2many465 reads

What's the big deal about sssspppeeellliiiinnnngggssss, the last time I check most of the studies and proven about the MALE SPECIES that we were a VISUAL ANIMALS, we look and search what attracts us and stick our dick in it. It's surprising or suspicious to me, what kind of guy that get's turned off by a simple scrambled letters, even HE's looking and staring at a gorgeous face, stunning body, legs that has no ending, round bottom and nice pair of melons and beautiful silky hairs and not even interested. WELL, you're in the wrong hobby. Might as well join a MENSA GROUPS, rather than reading ads on a dating sites....

Speaking of ads, I don't even read them... ooopppsss, correction, correction, correction, firsts thing first, when I shop NUMBER ONE, I look at the PHOTOS, GALLERIES, IMAGES and then straight to the NUMBERS ie, age, height, breast size and cups, donations, schedules, available hours and the review ratings....hehehehe that's it...NOT TOO concern about other things like spelling....don't get these guys, so detailed and being turned off by a fucking typo...maybe they have other issues....





Posted By: 2horses2many
What's the big deal about sssspppeeellliiiinnnngggssss, the last time I check most of the studies and proven about the MALE SPECIES that we were a VISUAL ANIMALS, we look and search what attracts us and stick our dick in it. It's surprising or suspicious to me, what kind of guy that get's turned off by a simple scrambled letters, even HE's looking and staring at a gorgeous face, stunning body, legs that has no ending, round bottom and nice pair of melons and beautiful silky hairs and not even interested. WELL, you're in the wrong hobby. Might as well join a MENSA GROUPS, rather than reading ads on a dating sites....

I once sent several corrections of spelling and grammar to an escort, and I thought my message would be interpreted as friendly and helpful.  Instead, the escort fired back and snarled that I was a snarky grammar policeman and I should mind my own business. I felt bad (not badly).

LasVegan313 reads

it will never matter to you.  While most of your spelling looked fine........your grammar is horrible; agreement between subject/verb.........tense conflicts.........countless grammatical errors.........and on and on.  Either your post is a joke or...........it is a evident your ability to make a living does not depend on your writing skill.

stucaboy305 reads

Well stated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: 2horses2many
What's the big deal about sssspppeeellliiiinnnngggssss, the last time I check most of the studies and proven about the MALE SPECIES that we were a VISUAL ANIMALS, we look and search what attracts us and stick our dick in it. It's surprising or suspicious to me, what kind of guy that get's turned off by a simple scrambled letters, even HE's looking and staring at a gorgeous face, stunning body, legs that has no ending, round bottom and nice pair of melons and beautiful silky hairs and not even interested. WELL, you're in the wrong hobby. Might as well join a MENSA GROUPS, rather than reading ads on a dating sites....

No one is forcing you to visit this board. Do you just like insulting people?

Good grief...every time I venture over here all I see is pure lunacy.

I see hookers bc they are hot, young, fun and skillful. LOL

I am not looking for Mensa members.

Send all your hot spelling impaired gals to me. I know just what to do with hem as you apparently don't. :D

And to think, in just 21 short years I will be age eligible to post here...I shudder at the thought

that she's not up to snuff on the big stuff.  She might be careless or inattentive to detail or an uneducated ignoramus or just not too bright. How might those 'qualities' impact my welfare and a date?

Even in P4P a significant part of my enjoyment derives from a certain amount of thoughtful communication. Sure, I can enjoy a purely carnal interchange but I derive much greater enjoyment when there is a certain level of mental / cultural exchange.  

Will her incall be safe and clean?

Will she keep my contact / screening info safe?  

Will she remember to wear the polar bear costume that I requested?

Will I enjoy chit chatting with her?

If any problems come up, will she panic, bail, throw kerosene on a fire?


Posted By: AZCalvin69
Is it just me or does poor spelling in an ad just turn you off. Even the really attractive ones it makes me take a closer look...  
Don't underestimate a dummy might suprise you.Sorry no one's perfect

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 7:17:20 PM

I find it difficult to criticize others spelling when it is also one of my weaknesses.

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