60 and Over

My mom loved to use that technique to teach us things
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 6909 reads

At a young age I went to the corner store with my few cents and to buy penny candy. While there I put some extra candy in my pocket and then paid for a few pieces. My parents knew the owner of the store for many years and this man watched me grow up.

I went home to eat all my candy and my mother saw me. She knew I didn't have the money to pay for all that and marched me straight back to the store to return what I didn't eat all ready. The man saw me take the candy and agreed to let me work off the few pieces I ate by sweeping the floor.

A few days pass and my dad bought me new crayons for school which was a big deal since it was a box of 64. I left them in my desk for a few days and one morning when I lifted the top to my desk they were gone. I was so upset and when I went home and told my mom she made note of my stealing the candy. She said now you know how it feels. "Never do anything to someone that you wouldn't want done to you" I thought about that and even as a young child I understood what my mom meant.

Kisses Haley

Maybe they were funny. Maybe they were meant to teach a lesson. Do you have any?

Here's one.
A bird was preparing to fly south for the winter. He had not been very attentive to signs and actually waited a little longer than he should. It was already cold and difficult to find food when he began his journey. He struggled but became disoriented. Hungry, freezing, and having a hard time flapping his wings he fell to the ground. Shivering and trembling he walked a ways and attempted to fly once more. He was able to take off and fly a little further when he could go on no longer and plummeted to the ground. By happenstance he fell in a pile of shit. It was warm and wet. He found that the warmth was reviving him. He began to feel that he might be able to continue. Especially if he could find food. He became so cheerful and began flapping his wings and chirping to his hearts content. All at once a wolf sprang upon him and ate him.
There is a moral to this story of course. What is it? Why, if you are warm and happy, even if it's in a pile of shit, keep you mouth shut!

I was an E7 in the military and there was a situation where an individual was charging another with 'Conduct unbecoming" in our unit. I had no personal knowledge of the incident but knew the individual that was being charged better than I cared to.  You know the type, a born jerk.  I number of us were called into the Commanders office to. I assume, get our take, on the charges. I was concerned as I walked to the Commanders office.  I did not want to say too much and wanted to just state my feeling and get on with my day.  I walked in and reported and after I sat down the Commander asked what I felt about the individual being charged.  Suddenly words that my father said to me over and over again came flooding back and I said "Sir, my parents taught me if I had nothing good to say about a person then dont say anything at all.  And that is all I have to say".  The Commander thanked me and dismissed me.  As I walked back to my office I silently thanked my father for that bit of wisdom.

ever heard came from the movie "the Bucket List"

"never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart."

At a young age I went to the corner store with my few cents and to buy penny candy. While there I put some extra candy in my pocket and then paid for a few pieces. My parents knew the owner of the store for many years and this man watched me grow up.

I went home to eat all my candy and my mother saw me. She knew I didn't have the money to pay for all that and marched me straight back to the store to return what I didn't eat all ready. The man saw me take the candy and agreed to let me work off the few pieces I ate by sweeping the floor.

A few days pass and my dad bought me new crayons for school which was a big deal since it was a box of 64. I left them in my desk for a few days and one morning when I lifted the top to my desk they were gone. I was so upset and when I went home and told my mom she made note of my stealing the candy. She said now you know how it feels. "Never do anything to someone that you wouldn't want done to you" I thought about that and even as a young child I understood what my mom meant.

Kisses Haley

Born & raised on a farm...  "First babies (for a couple) can come any time, after that the rest take 9 months."

Seeing the candy story...  my older sister was forbidden to cross a busy street near our home.  The candy store was on the other side.  Sis, took her allowance & crossed the street, got her candy.
My Mom repeated the story to us later...  She demanded of Sis "Why did you cross the street?  You knew you'd be caught & knew you'd be punished?"
Sis replied "It was worth it!"
I learned a lesson from this...  Never be specific about punishments...  lest the kid decide the punishment is not so bad.

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