60 and Over

Anyone being forced I doubt would say so (admit it) publicly....regular_smile
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 2502 reads

..... in my case no one forced me into it and i'm willingly still a provider.

fredachini4102 reads

i am new to hobbying and having a serious problem contacting a provider due to documentaries on sex slavery on television. my question is to the providers mainly. are you held against your will as a provider or do you do it as a business or is this just BS on tv?

Reviewed providers are independent businesswomen who are doing this for a livelihood.  They do it of their own free will because this is the profession they choose.

IF you're concerned about "white slavery," then stay away from unreviewed providers and certainly away from streetwalkers.  In my experience, in the US, the incidence of providers doing this against their will is quite low.  

It's another story in places like India or Thailand.

or  condolences..  Whichever applies at the present time.

Spike.Mulrooney2751 reads

would be allowed to use a computer to answer your question here?

"Yes fredachini, Im being held against my will. Help! Call the popo! My pimps phone no. is 212-555-1212. Trace the gps. Hurry!"

I play for fun & fund$.  lol Smile 4 me! xoxo

..... in my case no one forced me into it and i'm willingly still a provider.

alot of young women being forced to do this and are held against their will, here and not just in foreign countries, I doubt that any of them would be on this board

and, while it is a HUGE problem it is not the case for all of us.
I made an educated choice to become involved in this lifestyle and was lucky enough to do so willingly and to be schooled by some great UTR girls, before I ever became involved with the internet.

It hurts my heart that anyone would force someone into this business and/or give them their proceeds!

Sinbadnu!2881 reads

In the Washington,DC area, as in many other urban areas across the country, there seem to be more and more Latina providers. Many of them are getting reviews and making it into TER. However, some I know couldn't write up an ad to post, let alone follow their reviews or whitelist their clients.I suspect they're in a hybrid kind of situation: officially independent but with many elements of control by their handlers/managers/pimps, much more so than an agency might. While the several I've known and frequented seem to be able to set the hours and days they work, they all seemed reluctant or unable to leave their hotel for even a bite to eat, much less any OTC activity or even for any other activity that an escort might do (dinner, social events, etc). It seems as though they're there for strictly sex. A few even seem restricted to their hotel room for what seems like a multiple-day shift. Several seemed like they were shying away from any kind of "friendship" between provider and client, almost as though they might be being pressured in cutting things off. In one case, I observed a man drive up to the first floor room window and demand his share of her money! Their ads all sounded so very similar and, when questioned about it, they were not knowledgeable. In fact, I don't think any of my Latina amigas would be that proficient in English to write their own ads to post. Yet they have laptops and cell phones and manage getting their own clients. I suspect that they have these hard-driving, money grubbing managers who take advantage of the girls not knowing English sufficiently in order to function and who do keep them trapped in a sense, until they learn English, learn how to function as illegals in an underground economy, and probably pay back the debt to their coyote for the transport fee in getting here to El Dorado. Those are my conjectures based on my observations. Does anyone else have any further insight they might be able to share ?

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