TER General Board

The fatties ride cruisers.
hbyist+truth=;( 789 reads

Need something robust to handle the bulk. On the very rare occasion I saw a fattie on a crotch rocket it looked absurd. It looked like a 5 year old on his first two wheeler. Fatties should stick to big ass cruisers, it makes them look well less fat...no not really.

Hello "hobby" people -  

This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.

I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.

But then I busted him.

I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.

This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

If he wanted to be rid of me, which he did not (you should have seen the way he cried when he was busted), he could have been a man about it and we could have parted ways before he became the lying, cheating piece of shit he became.    Then, he could have kept some of his money, his possessions, his dignity, some friends and maybe an ounce of respect for himself.

I don't think he's in a partying mood at this point.

I have my popcorn brewed up and all reading this shit lol! Too funny!

and there's a bunch more to read.

I'm going to have to pour another Bourbon, roll up my sleeves and get to reading. Not quite sure why I think I need my sleeves rolled up, but humor me.

Oh and BTW, Randy is now living in a cheap rental room in a bad part of town, but paying ALL my bills for the foreseeable future.   I'm glad I got a good lawyer.    He will never recover, but it won't be my problem.  I already have solid plans for a much better life.

How about posting a nice pic of yourself...or a close facsimile?

I'd like to see just what he's now missing  LOL

Maybe Randy should send me a PM to discuss the marital estate.  I'm pretty good at this.  And then you can cry to your lawyer about what an "inequitable" State Florida really is.

Is there a marital estate?  Or maybe you've hired wrps07 as your financial counselor?

Posted By: browardboy2003
Oh and BTW, Randy is now living in a cheap rental room in a bad part of town, but paying ALL my bills for the foreseeable future.   I'm glad I got a good lawyer.    He will never recover, but it won't be my problem.  I already have solid plans for a much better life.

AnotherDonJohn1910 reads

You sound hot! And prob ready for a good hate fucking!
As well as available?

Prob better for R---y to be rid of you while you're in the discovery phase and out dating...

If this is for real (as it sounds although April's fools day is Wed), then it's prob best if I give you some time to cope.  
You have my contact info here.

Best, Johnny

Posted By: browardboy2003
Oh and BTW, Randy is now living in a cheap rental room in a bad part of town, but paying ALL my bills for the foreseeable future.   I'm glad I got a good lawyer.    He will never recover, but it won't be my problem.  I already have solid plans for a much better life.

In all the old C&W songs the guy loses his pickup truck too.

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

Cuz MILFs make good money in this world. Change your handle, take some selfies, and join the party! Don't be a pooper. Orgasms and cash. Win win. :)

I actually am hot.  I'm not a mom, my body is in excellent shape.  I make money using my brain and my education instead of selling my pussy because like all the whores on here,  that's all I have to offer.  You wouldn't understand.

Clearly we're all beneath you, we are unworthy of your time and destined to rot in hell, and you've got this guys nuts in a vice.  There's nothing more to be gained here.

phunhog, you're right, and I'm done.   Everyone on this board IS beneath me, but as the kind person I am, I'm just giving you married guys fair warning.

Ladies, I'm sorry your daddies raped you or you got hooked on drugs or whatever it is that put you here, but man the fuck up and do something you can be proud of with your lives. You only get one chance.  

I'm off to live a life that I can be proud of apart from the scumbag that acted like the men on this board.  You johns and whores might wanna think about what I've said. There's nowhere to go but down with what you're doing.    You won't admit it here, but you all know you're pathetic, right?

Done.  Replies aren't necessary

At least based on Randy's handle...I'd venture to say he's been here for 12+ years.

Guess you really aren't all that hot.  But you can still put that fake pic up and pretend your really hot.

Offer still stands @Randy....shoot me a PM and let's get YOUR money back from this BSC woman.  She's stolen enough of it already.

Posted By: browardboy2003
phunhog, you're right, and I'm done.   Everyone on this board IS beneath me, but as the kind person I am, I'm just giving you married guys fair warning.  
 Ladies, I'm sorry your daddies raped you or you got hooked on drugs or whatever it is that put you here, but man the fuck up and do something you can be proud of with your lives. You only get one chance.  
 I'm off to live a life that I can be proud of apart from the scumbag that acted like the men on this board.  You johns and whores might wanna think about what I've said. There's nowhere to go but down with what you're doing.    You won't admit it here, but you all know you're pathetic, right?  
 Done.  Replies aren't necessary.    

Sparkletits1719 reads

Goddammit, I really don't like you but I completely agree with you here.  She reads as BSC without a doubt, and pretty obviously doesn't know the first thing about men.  Or the ladies on this board, a solid third (at least) of whom probably have more advanced degrees than she could hope to get.

Or that what she's posting under his handle can cause problems for her.

rainy_days1348 reads

Wow. I can't imagine what fault he possibly could have found with you?

That I don't appreciate my husband fucking whores?  Is that a personality fault?  I didn't realize.

rainy_days1204 reads

Well of course you should feel hurt for being cheated on, but I think your view of "whores" reveals a lot about you. Namely your words:  

"Ladies, I'm sorry your daddies raped you or you got hooked on drugs or whatever it is that put you here, but man the fuck up and do something you can be proud of with your lives. You only get one chance."

That's a rather hateful thing to say to what is actually a very diverse class of people. I'm sure you'd have even choicer words for the men who patronize them. So yes, being hateful, judgmental and pridefully ignorant are personality faults.

Posted By: browardboy2003
That I don't appreciate my husband fucking whores?  Is that a personality fault?  I didn't realize.

Posted By: browardboy2003
That I don't appreciate my husband fucking whores?  Is that a personality fault?  I didn't realize.

You are one of those broads that can't STFU aren't you?

You are lol

Nice alias. Kinda pathetic don't you think? God you are such a follower, good Lord it's embarrassing lol.

Let's play Hangman, shall we? Or is it Hangwoman lol  

I'll go first  _ _ _ _ _  :)

Posted By: CrackDuphyBlowingChunks46
You are one of those broads that can't STFU aren't you?
(No harming of alias' were made during the creation of this post)

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 4:01:50 AM

It is a public forum is it not? Or do you have to be a god given general to post here. Get over yourself.  

Posted By: USGrantlover
Rather sad I say.

that you "were done here?" Or am I confused. It helps to be a General no doubt.  

Posted By: _Taylor_
It is a public forum is it not? Or do you have to be a god given general to post here. Get over yourself.  
Posted By: USGrantlover
Rather sad I say.

Maybe I am 'done' here. Or maybe I'm not. Either way, I don't see what concern it is of yours. I'm pathetic, sad (hmm, let's see what else lol) according to you. Remember? I do ;)

Carry on then with the less pathetic, sad ones on this board lol. Good lordie.  

And no, I hate to burst your lil bubble but you're most certainly not a general. It's only a bland figment of your imagination I'm afraid. Wake up perhaps? If you indeed were that would make you the oldest man on earth at 193 next month (if I can do my math properly). And I'd say your reviews may outweigh your age at some point lol. However do you do it I have to ask LOL.  

Again, good lordie. Good night Mr. Grant.  

Taylor xxoo

I wish I had a brain then I could use it to make money..instead of working almost no hours with my big beautiful natural boobs.............second thought....using my brain might hurt..

If you were so smart..why did it tie 5 years to twig?

Some of us "whores" are smart as fuck!!! This lifestyle choice affords us a lot and some of us chose to do this after college and it allows for advanced degrees and whatever we want. We get the real world and how guys work so we won't have to post on a fuck board about our piggish hubby getting caught to get off. Sorry you don't understand. SMDH.

...about what providers do for their clients, and what type of demographics they come from.
As someone already mentioned, providers (and their clients!) are an incredibly diverse group of people. I know many women who use this as a means to higher education. I know many mothers who use this as a means to provide for family members with special needs. Sure, there are some who are self destructive - but that's representative of the general population as a whole and not unique to adult service providers.
I've never met so many strong, motivated women who refuse to quit and who are determined to make a better life for themselves and their children.

And I can 100% guarantee that your husband did NOT get everything from you - because if he did, he wouldn't have been spending so much time with us "whores".  

Ladies if your husbands are stepping out on you it's because you're not giving him something that he needs - and 99% chance is that communication and selfishness are at the root of that. Suck a dick once in awhile. Won't kill ya.

Actually, don't. I love my job and it affords me many wonderful opportunities. Keep being prude, please.


Posted By: browardboy2003
I actually am hot.  I'm not a mom, my body is in excellent shape.  I make money using my brain and my education instead of selling my pussy because like all the whores on here,  that's all I have to offer.  You wouldn't understand.

I understand you sound like a miserable CUNT.  

Posted By: browardboy2003
I actually am hot.  I'm not a mom, my body is in excellent shape.  I make money using my brain and my education instead of selling my pussy because like all the whores on here,  that's all I have to offer.  You wouldn't understand.

But you're not a whore.  OK.  Right.  Believe it if you want, but you're a whore all right.  Just a rather well paid one.
Cut out the holier-then-thou shit.  At least the women on this board are honest.

or nearly as good of a fuck, if he needed to fuck other women for your entire marriage.

Look, you got cheated on, suck it up and get on with your life. Or perhaps that's part of the problem, you didn't suck, cock. If you had made him happy sexually he wouldn't have had to or had the energy to see escorts. You even go on to say you had to bring in other women to your sex life with him, hmm, seems to me you're not nearly as good a fuck as you may think you are if you had to bring in another woman to satisfy him.

Pull yourself up by your boot straps, everybody has had adversity in their life, everybody has experienced sadness and/or anger and everybody is broken to some extent. Trust me, I'd much rather spend time with an escort than with some overbearing, ball busting, hardass woman with a chip on her shoulder like you. You can't be hot enough for me to want to put up with your bullshit, it simply wouldn't happen, I fell for that once and ain't ever going back. By the way, I can spot women like you from across a crowded room, it's as if you have a neon sign on your forehead.

Go spend this poor sap's money, he's much better off without you.

A lot more than you do, Ms browardboy
The biggest mistake hubby made wasn't enjoying the hobby life but not engineering his break from you when he had more leverage.

Maybe he just didn't know how to do it. But he was so unhappy he subconscienly became careless and allowed himself to be caught. Maybe losing everything you've descibed was worth it to escape his daily misery.

I think this is refered to as hobby suicide.

Yes, it is you  
Unfortunately , you just wouldn't understand.
Get help.

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 9:11:41 AM

GaGambler1554 reads

I always think how fucking lucky I am that at about the same age as BB I've already had well over twenty years being VERY happily divorced, and that I NEVER have to worry about some vindictive cunt trying to throw me out of my own house.

Yes, it must suck to be BrowardBoy right about now, but now that he's been set free, maybe he can be as happy as me in a few short years. BTW my 77 year old mother already knows I fuck hookers, she didn't have to "find out" I just never really bothered to hide it from her, and she is pretty happy that instead of bringing home some fat, middle aged, unhappy wife when I come visit, I bring my 26 year old, hot ex hooker FWB who loves my morher and talks to her almost as often as I do.

I certainly hope you don't make the next guy as miserable as you have this husband.

Yeah...I thought  so.

Nice try on the "inequitable" distribution theory.

Are you going to keep using his TER handle?  Will you be writing some reviews?

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

that's what I was thinking. In California we have a no fault divorce policy and they take you assets and split them 50/50. Both parties are usually fucked. Seeing as my wife used the "D" word last night I've been thinking it over. Wait till she find out she will have to pay me spousal support!

JoelGoodsen1409 reads

you're both right.  that post is bullshit.

rainy_days1421 reads

I don't know either of you so it's hard to judge, but it just strikes me that even if he were a great husband and you were awful, chances are you would still get "the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions", if it came to divorce. So if a man is in an unhappy, unfixable marriage, what options does he have besides seeking affection in secret, or losing everything in a divorce? Of course you're staunch in the belief that you gave him everything he could possibly want in a marriage, but I suspect that that is not his perception. But the experiences of a "lying, cheating scumbag" can be disregarded, can't they? And we're free to impute whatever we want onto that subhuman void.  

Congrats on your victory and vengeance I guess.

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.
Looks like his soon to be ex-wife has much to fear herself.  She claims to have made "some good money"....and since Florida is an equitable property state...the likelihood of a 50/50 split of marital assets is quite high.

Now...considering she might argue dissipation due to his paying hookers and such...I suggest that with some deps and forensic work...it won't be hard to show she's more than pissed away her "share" of the marital estate.

Good luck soon to be ex-wife of Randy  LOL

Posted By: rainy_days
I don't know either of you so it's hard to judge, but it just strikes me that even if he were a great husband and you were awful, chances are you would still get "the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions", if it came to divorce. So if a man is in an unhappy, unfixable marriage, what options does he have besides seeking affection in secret, or losing everything in a divorce? Of course you're staunch in the belief that you gave him everything he could possibly want in a marriage, but I suspect that that is not his perception. But the experiences of a "lying, cheating scumbag" can be disregarded, can't they? And we're free to impute whatever we want onto that subhuman void.  
 Congrats on your victory and vengeance I guess.

AnotherDonJohn1313 reads

Good points.

I'd also have his attorney contest his electronic privacy rights at every turn including even a criminal violation. Deny deny and "beat the spy."

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -    
  This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
  I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
  But then I busted him.  
  I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
  This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.
 Looks like his soon to be ex-wife has much to fear herself.  She claims to have made "some good money"....and since Florida is an equitable property state...the likelihood of a 50/50 split of marital assets is quite high.  
 Now...considering she might argue dissipation due to his paying hookers and such...I suggest that with some deps and forensic work...it won't be hard to show she's more than pissed away her "share" of the marital estate.  
 Good luck soon to be ex-wife of Randy  LOL  
Posted By: rainy_days
I don't know either of you so it's hard to judge, but it just strikes me that even if he were a great husband and you were awful, chances are you would still get "the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions", if it came to divorce. So if a man is in an unhappy, unfixable marriage, what options does he have besides seeking affection in secret, or losing everything in a divorce? Of course you're staunch in the belief that you gave him everything he could possibly want in a marriage, but I suspect that that is not his perception. But the experiences of a "lying, cheating scumbag" can be disregarded, can't they? And we're free to impute whatever we want onto that subhuman void.    
  Congrats on your victory and vengeance I guess.

place more of the blame on the woman a guy sleeps with than the guy. A hooker is not the one who said vows to the scorned woman, the husband did. He is the cheater.

But as usual you just have to take one side  LOL

Yep...nothing unexpected here!

I guess the "scorned wife" here is not guilty of cheating in the 3-way?  Maybe you can explain your circular logic on that?

You really should take the meds as prescribed.  I almost thought you had hijacked Broward's TER account...sounded like you a bit.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
place more of the blame on the woman a guy sleeps with than the guy. A hooker is not the one who said vows to the scorned woman, the husband did. He is the cheater.

HidingBehindMyAlias1219 reads

The wife admitted to, no wait, she bragged about threesomes with her husband.  She condoned the behavior of having extra sex partners right along with him.  Blame goes to both parties here.  

Blasting us all here with her self righteous shit was entirely her doing.

Your man-hating is showing on this one HT.   :-D

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 11:58:19 AM

My man hating is legendary BUT this time I am wife hating because she needs to focus on her man and his action, not the hookers. He sought them out not the other way around. My focus was on the scorned woman blaming the other woman, nothing more, nothing less

HidingBehindMyAlias1007 reads

Ah, did I not read something about you saying He is the cheater.  How do you know for a fact that she did not cheat herself, or does your legendary man-hating have you always believing the woman regardless?  

My point was that the wife/OP is also to blame for this failed open type marriage.  Do you agree that this was an open type of marriage?  And the odds of successful open type of marriages is low due to the jealousy factor of one partner in the end?  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
place more of the blame on the woman a guy sleeps with than the guy. A hooker is not the one who said vows to the scorned woman, the husband did. He is the cheater.

Maybe she did too but you are missing the entire point. The wife goes off on the HOOKERS with whom he cheated with...she should be dealing with her husband with whom she had vows, NOT the hookers HE sought out.

I am not dressing him down for cheating...although he did, just a fact not an accusation. I am dressing down the WIFE for shitting on the hookers.

We are only getting what each party is telling us to bolster their point of view. The truth is in here somewhere. I am not commenting on the intricacies of their alleged open marriage, ONLY on the fact that the scorned wife attacks the hookers. She needs to save her anger for the husband and leave the hookers alone.

HidingBehindMyAlias1156 reads

I will agree that she did not need to attack the hookers here.  She did not need to attack the mongers her either.  Oh, I meant tricks.  

On the rest of our conversation, let me just say this.  Either we are not understanding what the other is trying to say or maybe we are and just need to agree to disagree.

Thank you for the argument anyways.  It is always good to try and see it from another perspective.

I really wasn't addressing it and since reading lower down and that she might have cheated too, shit who knows what is the truth...she is as much to blame if said open marriage was based on full disclosure.  

In fact I am part of a couple who is married and I am the third. They have an open marriage where any contact is invited and both parties know about it. If one was to go behind the others back, then that constitutes a breach of trust and I suppose cheating.

We possibly will never know if her stepping out was out of bounds and the reason why she is so pissed because he was seeing hookers on the side.

If this is not where you are coming from then I will respectfully agree to disagree and I did enjoy this exchange.

did you ever lie to your husband? about anything?
what makes your lies ok and his not?

Pink_Panties1465 reads

In all my years here, I've never heard of a client who has any sex with his wife after 20-30+ years of marriage (if he has a daughter in her 30s, wife must be in her 50-60s).  By that time, women are going through/past menopause and could not be less interested in sex nor what their husbands are doing.

i know ladies in that age bracket that are still having sex.
the way these replies are written by the op definitely scream, "woman scorned."

it's unfortunate that she's taking her anger out here as opposed to a woman's therapy group. perhaps she is doing that as well, who knows. coming here and spewing anger won't really do much. if anything, it will do the opposite of what she wants.  
i also find it unfortunate that she had to blast her husband to their grown child. that is a personal issue that the married couple are going through and what makes a man a husband does not make a man a dad.

many woman in their 50's and 60's are sexy

Christy Brinkley for one

Look, you guys are gonna do what you're gonna do.  You all have your sick justifications.  

My guess is that a large percentage of you have SOMEONE in your life that you care about that would cry if they knew what you were doing.

Johns, before you shove your cock into the next victim who's only allowing it because you're paying her (otherwise it would be called "rape"):

Whores, before you spread your legs for the next disgusting guy who you normally, in real life, wouldn't give the time of day to:

Think of the people you love, the people that would cry if they knew.  (spouses, parents, children, whoever) They'll cry real tears.  Picture them. The pain will be caused by YOU and you won't be able to justify it to them.  Your greediness or your selfishness WILL cause REAL pain to those you love.

If there is no one you love or that loves you, carry on if you're fine with it.

I promise you, the pain you will cause people that used to love and respect you will be a million times worse than the the pleasure you got from the best orgasm or stack of cash you ever received in "the hobby"

Get used to the image now because chances are really good that you'll see those tears in person.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will.   What will you do then?   You'll feel like shit, and you'll remember this warning.

Now. Done.

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 7:22:19 AM

rainy_days1127 reads

Why should I cry tears if someone I love is paying to get their physical/emotional needs met? Why should that cause me pain, unless I cherish the belief that I am the only one in the world who can meet their needs? If you did even a cursory reading here, you would see that the women do not consider themselves anything near victims, and that the majority of clients are not disgusting, filthy untouchables. I think you are projecting your own pain right now, but it is hard to feel sympathy for you because of the ugly ideas you've shared about strangers you know nothing about. I hope that in the course of your healing you will let go of some of your hatred.

You got me. LMAO!!!

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 3:40:59 PM

Perhaps your real calling card is to convert others to whatever beliefs you have?

You're nothing but a butt hurt hypocrite.  

@Randy....send me a PM and let's teach your soon to be ex-wife a lesson in humility.

@Randy's daughter...I'm sorry that your sicko mother had to drag you into her abyss of hatred.

Hey GaG....what's the O/U under that Randy's soon to be ex is really done...now?

Posted By: browardboy2003
Look, you guys are gonna do what you're gonna do.  You all have your sick justifications.  
 My guess is that a large percentage of you have SOMEONE in your life that you care about that would cry if they knew what you were doing.  
 Johns, before you shove your cock into the next victim who's only allowing it because you're paying her (otherwise it would be called "rape"):  
 Whores, before you spread your legs for the next disgusting guy who you normally, in real life, wouldn't give the time of day to:  
 Think of the people you love, the people that would cry if they knew.  (spouses, parents, children, whoever) They'll cry real tears.  Picture them. The pain will be caused by YOU and you won't be able to justify it to them.  Your greediness or your selfishness WILL cause REAL pain to those you love.  
 If there is no one you love or that loves you, carry on if you're fine with it.  
 I promise you, the pain you will cause people that used to love and respect you will be a million times worse than the the pleasure you got from the best orgasm or stack of cash you ever received in "the hobby"  
 Get used to the image now because chances are really good that you'll see those tears in person.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will.   What will you do then?   You'll feel like shit, and you'll remember this warning.  
 Now. Done.

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 7:22:19 AM

What can possibly go wrong?

Posted By: GaGambler
IOW about a gadzillion to one.

AnotherDonJohn795 reads

And he'll write me some calls against his basket of penny stocks!  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
What can possibly go wrong?  
Posted By: GaGambler
IOW about a gadzillion to one.
-- Modified on 3/30/2015 5:36:11 PM

so why should anyone else have to lol. Haven't you been here for like 'ever' actually? lol

Control freaks, goodness. Don't worry, it'll always be 'your' board. You can gladly claim it from now until the end of time if you'd like lol, but others can post anytime they want. Sorry, you have no control over that as much as you'd like it I'm afraid lol. Plus with your followers to back you up (rolling eyes lol) you're all set.  

I think you boys (and some girls) suffer from 'big cock' syndrome hahahaha.  

T xx

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 8:16:10 AM

GaGambler1288 reads

only to reappear a few days or weeks later, presumably after getting back on your meds I suppose.

whomever 'storms' off lol. I think you've been drinking a bit too much. It's called other things going on in life. I'm sorry you don't have that problem lol, must be nice lol.  

But, I will most likely always come back...unless of course......;)

Just ask your new buddy Crack. I'm sure she keeps tabs on everyone. If only her clients knew what she was 'really' up to lol ayayaya.  

T xx

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 11:36:32 AM

...referred to "...his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter..." not 'our' 34 year old daughter."  In the linked post, she says she's not a mother.

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 5:15:15 PM

HidingBehindMyAlias1082 reads

You sure do have a weak soapbox to stand on.  Bet your momma would be proud to hear about your sexual excesses, huh?  Nice try.  You are just as much a sinner as the rest of us.  You do pour out some awesome crocodile tears at least.  

Now how about you go back under that rock you call your house and just count your payoff.  Thanks for visiting.  Don't bother coming back, we'll do just fine without you.

As any number of people have said here you're wasting ammo.  Be angry if you wish at being betrayed but at your current pace you're going to ride that revenge wagon right into some spectacularly bad decisions  (on top of the ones you've already made).

Posted By: browardboy2003
Look, you guys are gonna do what you're gonna do.  You all have your sick justifications.  
 My guess is that a large percentage of you have SOMEONE in your life that you care about that would cry if they knew what you were doing.  
 Johns, before you shove your cock into the next victim who's only allowing it because you're paying her (otherwise it would be called "rape"):  
 Whores, before you spread your legs for the next disgusting guy who you normally, in real life, wouldn't give the time of day to:  
 Think of the people you love, the people that would cry if they knew.  (spouses, parents, children, whoever) They'll cry real tears.  Picture them. The pain will be caused by YOU and you won't be able to justify it to them.  Your greediness or your selfishness WILL cause REAL pain to those you love.  
 If there is no one you love or that loves you, carry on if you're fine with it.  
 I promise you, the pain you will cause people that used to love and respect you will be a million times worse than the the pleasure you got from the best orgasm or stack of cash you ever received in "the hobby"  
 Get used to the image now because chances are really good that you'll see those tears in person.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will.   What will you do then?   You'll feel like shit, and you'll remember this warning.  
 Now. Done.

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 7:22:19 AM

I know broward boy.  I know you.    I know your family.  I know about your secret affair in the past.  
   You know me.  
   I would post your name for all the World to see Mrs. Hypocrite, but TER policy does not allow posting personal information.  
   Get ready to do some crying yourself when the judge  finds out you lied under oath, you were  cheating as well, without respecting yourself enough to collect a fee.  

Posted By: browardboy2003
Look, you guys are gonna do what you're gonna do.  You all have your sick justifications.  
 My guess is that a large percentage of you have SOMEONE in your life that you care about that would cry if they knew what you were doing.  
 Johns, before you shove your cock into the next victim who's only allowing it because you're paying her (otherwise it would be called "rape"):  
 Whores, before you spread your legs for the next disgusting guy who you normally, in real life, wouldn't give the time of day to:  
 Think of the people you love, the people that would cry if they knew.  (spouses, parents, children, whoever) They'll cry real tears.  Picture them. The pain will be caused by YOU and you won't be able to justify it to them.  Your greediness or your selfishness WILL cause REAL pain to those you love.  
 If there is no one you love or that loves you, carry on if you're fine with it.  
 I promise you, the pain you will cause people that used to love and respect you will be a million times worse than the the pleasure you got from the best orgasm or stack of cash you ever received in "the hobby"  
 Get used to the image now because chances are really good that you'll see those tears in person.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will.   What will you do then?   You'll feel like shit, and you'll remember this warning.  
 Now. Done.

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 7:22:19 AM

What is really going to be fucked up is if the judge....is a man! lol!!! I am sure that will go just really great for the OP (NOT!)  
Sounds to me the angry ex needs some sex education and the hubby needs another "whore" to relieve his stress :D
This has got to be the craziest shit I have ever read here. A woman that does 3somes with her husband says WE are all abused whores ROTFLMFAO!!!!!  
Honestly I think the OP is a sorry ass bitch to even tell her child and a his mother! WTF do THEY have to do with what goes on in your bed? That says sooooo much about you! My entire family, EVERYONE already knows in my life and they fully support be being a "whore" funny thing is, not one tear was shed over the truth of my life. Sure they were worried at first (mom and dad) but they respect my decision. Trust me, in the end, YOU will be the one in tears all because YOU broke your child's heart by even saying things like that about her father. What kind of a mother would want their child to feel such pain like that? That is the worst part of it all. YOU have caused so much pain by even involving your child and his mother. Yea I think this guy is going to be in a much better place when all is finalized :)
TL (a happy whore that loves to fuck unsatisfied married men) :

Gawd this has been awesome to read, love that she is a cheater, cause most who get on their high horse got a few things in their closet. My ex the same way , she cheated 3 times, I turned to these ladies cause wife wasn't attentive to me anymore and I was tired of not having sex, but she found out too and turns out that seeing escorts is a deal breaker, who knew:) Yet she can cheat , fuck a hundred times more with some one else than I ever have here, yet she is the saint and the rightous one, hell she wanted out and this gave her an out, just like browardboy bs cheating wife , it was her out but wants everyone to feel her pain, get real lady, puhleasssse!!!! Marriage is hard and wives you make even harder with your prude ness in the bedroom. Men just want to feel appreciated and that is the BEST way you can ever show him , but you just don't get it.

Most men here are someone's husband.  You are now single, you need to date another man.  It's not the end of world; have some understanding instead.

BITCH. Worry about yourself!!

Also, if you're the same age as your (ex)husband, it's highly unlikely you will EVER get married again.

were you always looking for an opportunity like this for a divorce and financial gains?  Sex is not the only thing in a relationship

if i was truly heartbroken about my husband cheating on me (hypothetically, I'm not married) the last thing that i would want is our belongings. when i ended my last relationship, i gave the bed that my now ex and i slept on together to a man down the street who was sleeping on the near lack of a bed while his wife slept on the couch. why would i want a whole bunch of things that had all of our memories?

i guess right now she is just on the spiteful role of vengeance. perhaps once that is finished there will be a different acceptance. we all have our own ways to go through pain.

Otherwise she won't think you're really just after her heart  ;)

Also...get a pic.  I fear that she's slovenly and old.  When "they" claim to be hot...usually they aren't.

Although I suspect he did his homework prior to this diatribe from the soon to be ex-wife.

Divorce planning does indeed pay  ;)

Could you outline how you caught that cheating bastard?  

I'd sure like to double check my system for leaks...

Lol... At least he will have more time to hobby!!!   😝😝😝😝😝

Then run those ads here on TER and call it the....

Randy special

Should be a very profitable week...or two?

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Lol... At least he will have more time to hobby!!!   😝😝😝😝😝

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Then run those ads here on TER and call it the....  
 Randy special  
 Should be a very profitable week...or two?  
Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Lol... At least he will have more time to hobby!!!   😝😝😝😝😝

I am not going to belittle your post, because you are clearly in pain and need to find an outlet.   I can completely understand why you are upset, and frankly, you should be upset.   However, I am not sure that being vindictive is the way to go.    

While sometimes it may be possible to point to the relationship and say, X is exaclty why this guy is doing this, I don't think it necessarily works that way.  I am not saying women do not have these urges, but if women were to step into our shoes they would really have that 'aha moment' as to what it is like to be a guy.   Even those of us who do not have what you would call a sex addiction problem think about women a lot, as in every single time we see an attractive woman at the very least.   By 'us,' I am not talking about johns, I am talking about guys who have never seen an escort and who have never cheated on their significant others.   Believe me, I know because friends from every walk of life, including what one would call pillars of the community, talk about women all the time.  Whether acknowledged or not, that gargantuan elephant is always in the room.   Some of us fall despite society's constant messaging that it is bad to fall to these urges while some don't.    Are the guys who look, don't touch and crave any better than us johns?  I guess you could make the argument but I don't want to be a miserable SOB and that is precisely what I would be if I could not screw other women.   I never went into my marriage intending to do this and I doubt your husband did.

Let's take what you say at face value, let's say you provided him with all the sex he wanted and you also allowed the introduction of other women.   So, let's grant you that he was having all the sex he wanted at home with you and other ladies and he STILL fucked around.    I am not an expert but I would say that chances that he has a problem are pretty good.   If so, why is it that it is alright to judge people with some diseases but not others?  I will not run through the gamut of examples, but I am sure you can find some examples.

I am not trying to defend him, by society's standards he fucked-up, I will grant you that.  Chances are also pretty good that if he was doing this for 5, 12 or 20 years, he was carrying guilt with him, it was not all fun all the time.   How about thinking about him too if you loved him?  How about not actively working to ruin his reputation with everybody?   Did he honestly shortchange you in any way during your relationship because he was fucking other people?    

Again, you have every right to be pissed, but why is it that we are the harshest on those we supposedly love the most

How many times a year?  Now mamny blow jobs?  You know nothing about us (as a group) or me as an individual.  If my SO agreed to sex once a year, it was a good year.  BJ...  never.   So get off your high horse.  You have no right to judge me.   If I actually got sex at home, I would not be looking for it elsewhere.

Pink_Panties1054 reads

I know you SAY that, but if anyone here understands the nature of man, it is the providers.  Guys like a variety of women, period.  A man can be with the most beautiful girl in the world, who sleeps with him multiple times a week, and he will be OVER it and looking for something different within a month.  Maybe a week.

Why do you think anyone who can read your post gives a damn about your plight or his? We are all adults here, and make our choices accordingly. Side note, you are not the first person to proclaim that your husband has cheated on her.

Isn't that special. You need to stop spreading these lies. The truth is I left you and you're just trying to get back at me any way you can. Sorry, not going to work. If you had paid attention to ALL our needs, then maybe things would have turned out different.  

To the rest of the TER community, I apologize, I didn't think she had the smarts to be able to hack into my old account. Just ignore the old bat. She really is a member of the OTHFBSC.

Can't have this thread deleted just yet...I think it still may have some legs

Now you just need to get your daughter to chime in.

Maybe a few office pals?

How about the lawyers....yeah...we need us some lawyers here  LOL

Posted By: RandyIsFree
Isn't that special. You need to stop spreading these lies. The truth is I left you and you're just trying to get back at me any way you can. Sorry, not going to work. If you had paid attention to ALL our needs, then maybe things would have turned out different.  
 To the rest of the TER community, I apologize, I didn't think she had the smarts to be able to hack into my old account. Just ignore the old bat. She really is a member of the OTHFBSC.

AnotherDonJohn983 reads

I'm emotionally invested! Still waiting on a photo, Ms. Ex-Randy!

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 5:18:38 PM

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 5:19:07 PM

Hey Randy good luck to you.  Sounds like she's already gone to chemical warfare so I think you're in for a long fight. I think if you use her behavior as a guide to  what NOT to do you should be ok.

And by the way my sincere condolence for having your family dragged into this shit. There's just some shit one person should never do to the other no matter how betrayed they feel.

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 3:15:23 PM

You're contradicting yourself.  
If what you say is true about you leaving her, you did her a favor.  
She soundsije she was very good to you. Too good. Too good for you.
Youre blaming her for your own shortcomings and lack the ability to ever truely be satisfied.
To his ex-wife (if this she really is) own it, do your thing, ignore all drama he inflicts on you--he's attention seeking.  
You are going to have a ball without his ass!  

"I get it at home all the time.
My SO is a tall blonde/blue with D cups. Slender and sexy. She does it all except greek. And every once in a while she'll bring a gf home with her.  
I'm not lacking anything... except the excitement of someone new.
I'm madly in love with her and we have a very sexy and loving relationship. But I dig new girls. 99% of them aren't as hot as my SO but I just love the excitement.
Probably like Tiger"

Posted By: RandyIsFree
Isn't that special. You need to stop spreading these lies. The truth is I left you and you're just trying to get back at me any way you can. Sorry, not going to work. If you had paid attention to ALL our needs, then maybe things would have turned out different.  
 To the rest of the TER community, I apologize, I didn't think she had the smarts to be able to hack into my old account. Just ignore the old bat. She really is a member of the OTHFBSC.

Jack B. Nimble1471 reads

The last one was 2010 .. give him a break already!

After all LIFE ALL LIFE of being with him , loving him, having his kids.. she did not have a word of LOVE for him.. and he treated her nice  actually even never said that she is already not attractive for him.. kept her happy as woman I am sure time by times:)

And she did not have ONE sympathy word for HIM  
 Why he done  what he done ?? What he was missing?
 Is it LOVING WIFE ??!!  
Caring person??

Stranger will show you more empathy then this woman who lived with you YEARS
-she have had  your kids and
 and YOU was HER first love  and she was yours
..your sweetheart, your "baby" - y

One man in her Life.. till death separate   you.. and in happiness and in hardship  ..
She just forget already what does that mean to be a woman and love man
 OWN MAN  HER MAN .. ONLY ONE who is ready be with  her .. dear god ..

She called all women whores here, and being raped .. and so so  so on  
and drug users and such and such and such  
She is just delusional woman  who knows zero about man  
(and plus just not good person at all..)

 How do you gentlemen with such monsters ?

How you  do keep up with those wives?
- you should be her "baby", her love,  
her sweetheart, her only one man for her in whole life father of her kids  
may be  first love ..

 Of course she hurt by cheating  
but loving  and caring person would talk to her partner - not be destroying him!!  
 Iam sure she  did humiliated him and before - as by tones if his letter ..

 and then to threw him out as used used  paper towel  on the streets with nothing .. for  WHAT ?? That he is man and he wanted be loved??!!  

 yes he had just 4 reviews !!! OO dear God ..  
if she would be loving wife -
 she would  talk to him and CRY when she did learn that he not any more loves her !!
 Asking  what what what i can do for you so ou be back and NEVER will go to other woman  

 WHAT WHAT  what she does to you what I can not??
She should love him
I believe  she possible  
 she was cheating herself and not loved him ever .

 If your wives are that way - you need just escape your slavery ASAP and start have lives!!

 You are deprived here in states in your families basic rights.  Right to be man.
 Right be happy and  pursue happiness  

 I am shocked how easy she"killed him " on the spot as if he a dirty worm.  

him .. who lived with her all life !!  
Man  who
 loved her and kids.. he was ONLY man in her life ..
( may be she was cheating herself ??)
 Dear god  

 Send  your monsters- wives to Churches to teach about  love and there even  
Jesus  Christ will  ran away from such temples - where SUCH kind of love and  care is practicing.

She should be very ashamed of  herself.
And you gentleman  
 should have self-respect and not stay in such relationship ever  
 Life is given ONCE  
 there so much fun in life and solo many people who will find you very interesting person.
 Kisses to you and take GOOD care about yourself gentlemen
 I always am heart broken when I see you coming to me  all down and feelings as you are doing crime .. treating me badly and  yourself ..
 So i simple do not see those men who feel bad about me and about himself ..
yet I know how many nice man I do miss that way..
How help you be happy?? How open your mind to the  world? and what world can gave you should you respect yourself and not live with those non loving monsters your wives as this one?
 I hope they are not all THAT way??
Who's wife would cry  for your love and would ask you what she can do to have you back and improve your family life??


-- Modified on 3/30/2015 3:31:52 PM

that mainly used to be INDEPENDENT GIRLS posting, now it's a lot of AGENCIES posting now.  There you will find all of his reviews.  Just an FYI for y'all.

Also on that board there was another gentleman that got caught and the wife was using his account.  She actually went into the chat room and completely lost her mind, sent PM's to all the chicas he was with (I was one of them) and the account and IP address was blocked from further communication.

There was the worst kind of hypocrite - a sanctimonious, self-righteous hypocrite with a soapbox.

One day, when her hypocritical little feelings got hurt, she climbed off (or out from under) her extra-marital playmates to brag about busting her soon-to-be ex-spouse for having extra-marital playmates.... without her permission.  

That was the day her soon-to-be ex spouse realized, that in addition to being a sanctimonious, self-righteous hypocrite with a soapbox, his soon-to-be-ex-spouse was, in fact, merely just a control freak.  Her chief complaint was not really about sodomy or philandering, it was about not getting permission first.

BB03's wife then took to social media, cocktail parties, telephone and proudly, publicly declared herself to be a victim of her beloved's ravenous libido.  Oh, and she also proudly, defiantly announced to the world that she is, in fact, a childless, hottie (because we all know that, once a woman stretches her pelvis around a newborn's head she doesn't belong to that club).  

But in reality, BrowardBoy2003 was guilty ONLY of not having a note from mommy to engage in P4P.  

BrowardBoy... Should you somehow find a way back onto TER, print this entire thread and take it to  your attorney.  Your soon-to-be-ex-wife is EVERY BIT of the philandering whore that you are.  She's so dreadfully insecure that she feels comfortable calling out "whores" and "johns" while simultaneously bragging that she's a hottie up for a 3-2ay that NOBODY recognizes the obvious - that your marriage vows were destroyed the moment she took that/those extramarital cock(s) and/or pussy(ies) into her (insert orifice here), AND YOU HATE YOURSELF JUST ENOUGH TO LET HER DEFINE YOU AS THE BAD GUY.  

If you let her paint that picture, I sincerely hope you find an attorney with more brains and balls than you have on your own.

my guess is he didn't get every kind of sex he wanted after all.  

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

Lostintranslation1380 reads

I am going to call BS. Your story does not add up at all. The reality is, you just found out your husband has been miserable and seeking the company of a better class of women. You have failed to satisfy him in a multitude of ways and now think that trashing him is going to provide you with some vindication. You think because a woman sells (really it's more like leasing) her body she is beneath you? Tell me, your highness, did you ever sleep with a man after he did something nice? Perhaps bought you dinner and showed you a good evening? Perhaps when he bought you jewelry? How about when he proposed and put that rock on your finger? I hate to tell you - you too sell your body. You can say you gave your heart... well, dear... same thing. You gave it in return for something you wanted.

I have met many women over the years and though there will always be those who are in this game for the wrong reasons, the majority of women here are smart, beautiful and accomplished. They could have taken your man many times over. They could have settled down too. But, they don't want to - or not yet. Some do it because they enjoy the sex.. I know your simpleton mind cannot comprehend such, but.. there are women who derive pleasure from sex. Who derive pleasure from pleasing others. Then there are psycho's like you who derive pleasure from belittling, robbing, and generally destroying men. These women - your type - are generally called a 'ex-wife'.  

Here's the deal - from a John... If I was happy at home I wouldn't seek out something else. Sure, I may like my lifestyle and not want the pain (financial, emotional, etc...) of a divorce. But, at the end of the day I am willing to take some risks to make my life better. Do you like it? Nope. But, rather than realize that you have failed your marriage you decide to ignore it to the point where he wants, and will seek out, more. So, you blame him.... I blame you just as much, if not more.  

As to your story about how you took him for all he was worth. The only way that would happen is if he gave you all of the marital assets. And, even then, the judge may not allow it. Florida law does not provide for such an unequal division of assets. And, your idea that he is ruined is nothing more than dream either. Sure, he is going through a tough time at the moment. However, he is also going to be free of what I, and I venture to say anyone who reads your psychotic babbling, would call a worthless wife who cares more about herself than anything else. Contrary to common belief, men can be happy with one woman. But, women, and men, tend to put their best foot forward early on and then decide they don't have to work to impress the other after they have been together for a while. From the sounds of it you don't even have a good fit to put in.

The last thing I will say - As a married John, I have met two women recently. One, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I would divorce my wife and upset my happy little world in a moment if she, yes the hooker, would settle down with me. The other I think there is a good chance I would do the same. Would I be foolish? Perhaps. But, I can appreciate the fact that a woman want's her man to be happy and these women have that concept down pat. You, dear, have no idea what the concept even means...

There was one part,  this part...."I can appreciate the fact that a woman want's her man to be happy and these women have that concept down pat."...

As a hooker, i do put on quite a show for the time a john is with me which is no where near real life or how I would be in a one on one relationship. I do this because I am being paid to always put my best foot forward. These two women you would divorce your wife for, well one more than the other, have you spent days or weeks with her/them to see the real woman behind the hooker persona? And if money were removed and her real life situations were to intrude, as they always do, do you not feel that the magic or her undivided focus would not always be on you?

This life is so far removed from a marriage it really does set up some pretty unrealistic expectations a guy can take home and compare his wife to.  

Not unlike hooking that can set a bar so freaking high a civvie guy would be hard pressed to deal and I mean the shit I will not tolerate, the very same shit as far as looks and performance I do tolerate because of the money. Kind of unfair but it is what it is.

This world is really not a good indicator of how the hooker you pay for a couple of hours would be in real life.  

Or maybe you are the luckiest man alive and found not one, but two women who would be "on" 24/7/365 to cater to your every sexual whim and more.

That's why I always shy away from the notion that dating a provider is the bee's knees. Even if the real woman is a great catch, she's still a real woman who isn't going to be happy/horny all of the time.

Well they might need to see someone about their delusions.  

Another hooker, I think it was VooDoo said that one of her clients wanted to know what it would be like to date her and she openly mentioned a few things similar to mine about doing things at work that she would not do in a real life situation and that he would be disappointed.  

Not saying it does not happen. But to those guys who feel they have a found the perfect woman, I say ask to date her and see what happens.

Lostintranslation1251 reads

Oh, I agree. I know that I am getting their best foot forward and that they are tailoring their actions etc to my desires. I know it is not something that would be 24/7/365. And, I guess I was somewhat misleading in my post. I should have said I would divorce my wife and marry someone like that - meaning if I had that same experience all of the time. Add too that - much of what I appreciated was the nonsexual portions of our engagements. While they still are putting their best foot forward, it is a closer glimpse into who they are. Again, it is not their actual personality, it is a persona they put on, but, still - if I could have that woman I had for those encounters all the time it would be enough for me to file for divorce.

That said, I think what I was getting at is that most civilian women fail to realize that from time-to-time they should put on the show and go out of their way to make their men happy. Every woman I know want's these moments - why shouldn't their men get them too? The fact that we don't is what causes us to search elsewhere.  

As far as being the luckiest man alive - well, I was I wouldn't be here posting :) I would be on a beach with one of those two women. However, I am certainly lucky - I have much of what I want and more than I deserve. And, I have had the luck to have some wonderful experiences in my life. And am still alive to search for such experiences. Life is luck.

Everyone, man or woman wants to be wanted and be shown that their partner is putting some effort into the relationship.

Both sides need to keep their expectations realistic

Ms. Broward, if I may, lemme explain to you one of many reasons men do this:

Marriage is a 2-party contract that imposes rights and responsibilities on both parties.  But the truth of modern marriage in America is that most women, like a free-agent pro athlete, play just hard enough to get that contract.  Once signed, they suddenly forget the responsibilities.  And you've played that analogy to a tee here.  Now you want your out clause (aka ""half his $#!+ ) the sex you've had w/ Randy is no less transactional than the sex he's having with hookers, er.... "Service providers"  

In my case it's not the THREE-TIMES-A-YEAR she feels like having sex (on her terms) that did it.  I can jack off.  And believe me I do.   It's coming home every day to a person who talks to you as though every thing you do that isn't about pleasing her is an annoyance.  That the act of a simple back rub is just too damned much to ask.  And the idea of giving a blowjob for its own sake (as opposed to just 30 seconds of foreplay) is as alien to her as well... Whatever.  

So while you're indulging your admittedly earned vindictiveness, a little self-Examination might be warranted.  

Great thread though,

PussyLipGloss1131 reads

unless TER mods encourage body-snatching hobbyist accounts and using them for embarrassing sport.  

BTW - If it's true (and this idiot let his dumb ass wife do an Edward Snowden on his TER account), he deserves the looser fate of being broke ass and iron-linked to vengeful ball-and-chain with very little hooker ass to his little head's name. Why is *she* a dumb ass? For being still-hitched to an idiot and only now getting her own loser ass life together having told everyone in her life that she was such a bad lay he had to use her money to get pussy. Basically, they deserved each other.  

Guys: Keep your shit either flushed and drained or inside your gut. Leakage is pricey

JoelGoodsen1076 reads

Not like any divorce outcome I'm aware of.  And why here.  Why this board.  If you all are from Florida why didn't you post all over there?  The only post in Florida is a bare bones add on to a 2009 thread started by browardboy... April Fools comes a bit early?  Something's not right here.  Actually, many things.  Regardless of what browardbuddy or Randy say, I ain't buying none of it.

JoelGoodsen1296 reads

you may be right... but i don't care, I like my theory more lol.

Seriously, here is a post on the GD board today also tagged onto a 2009 post and even though it's from the same day it mentions nothing about her busting him.  It's written in the first person as cabanaboy.

Plus, trust me on this one, ain't divorce resolutions like the op describes.  Fault doesn't dictate the distribution, at least where I'm from.  And given 'her' posts I am not sure a jury in the world would find 'him' at fault for anything lol.

That said, you may be right.  But it still doesn't add up

She got in to his accout and half of her posts are written from "her" and the other half from "him."

She's speaking for him. It's clear as day. She searched any post that he ever wrote and is just going for it.

I wonder if she has PMed the ladies that he reviewed.
Who knows.

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.
Want some revenge sex?  LOL

Thank you, OP.  

You should give the dogs back to him, though. You're a little too cray to be entrusted with the well-being of living creatures.

I want to because it's fucking funny! Let me have my suspension of disbelief. It was a rough weekend and some entertainment is just what I need. :D

Posted By: USGrantlover
You're not buying this pap are ya?

I didn't start my hobby until I got divorced, you know the whole promise thing (yeah I know I broke the promise, but she didn't deserve to be betrayed). But I can assure you that if my ex would've caught me at the hobby, she would've cut off my balls and fed them to me while she was twisting the knife that she was using to de bowel me, so I definitely would've gotten off much easier.

So, BrowardBoy2003's wife, please explain to me the benefit of marriage for a man. I mean really, we can't ever have sex with any other women, you can deny us sex at any time for any reason, and we have to listen to your bullshit. And if we do have sex with another woman, you get all of our stuff. What a bullshit union that is for a man. Lose/lose. If a man cheats he's a piece of shit low life son of a bitch, and if a woman cheats its because he's a piece of shit low life son of a bitch. If your husband was having sex with escorts, it's the best kind of cheating on you that he can do, because there is no emotional (love) attached, it's just sex.  

I mean I like most of the ladies that I've seen but at the end of the 2-3 hours its over, see ya bye, until the next time. I get their best for 2-3 hours and they get my best for 2-3 hours. Neither of us has to listen to the other's bullshit.

Fuck marriage!!!! I'd love for you to explain the upside of marriage for men to me. Just an fyi, I don't have kids, and don't want them, I'm way too fucking selfish to have kids, and way too impatient. So, please explain? Yes, I fucked up and I entered into that bullshit union, but I got out rather easy, all my ex got was my dog, and I really miss my dog

First of all, I think you're a troll.
Second of all, you're wrong, most guys won't get busted.
Third of all, many guys (like me) can't be busted because we're single.
Fourth of all you're wrong on the law in nearly every case (proving you're a troll and probably a thumper). Nearly every state is a "no fault" divorce state.  So it doesn't matter what either party did, or did not, do. The best split you can get is 50%, and depending on the facts, you could get less.  If he gave you more, good for you, but he only did it because he felt guilty or he was one stupid fucker.
Now please, go fuck yourself, and do it today.

That's not good  LOL

I think that would lower your batting average to...well...lower  ;)

Posted By: inicky46
First of all, I think you're a troll.  
 Second of all, you're wrong, most guys won't get busted.  
 Third of all, many guys (like me) can't be busted because we're single.  
 Fourth of all you're wrong on the law in nearly every case (proving you're a troll and probably a thumper). Nearly every state is a "no fault" divorce state.  So it doesn't matter what either party did, or did not, do. The best split you can get is 50%, and depending on the facts, you could get less.  If he gave you more, good for you, but he only did it because he felt guilty or he was one stupid fucker.  
 Now please, go fuck yourself, and do it today.

How it may happened that this "wife" was able to post here responses?
I amy undersand - the initial post - it is when she  got an access  to  TER.. then what it means in real life - Husband gave to wife access to his account here on TER?
 Can that be?
 Normally men would  deny ALL  
you catch him naked- he will say - I am just wanting change my unswear- How come  this angry wife  
got and access to board and even was able to participate with multiples posts?
Fishy for me
Is not this handle should be disabled right the way?

 Somebody enjoyes soap opera..I would say.

 But for the rest of us .. it is just not safe?  
 Any ideas why handle was not disabled at very FIRST her post?

-- Modified on 3/30/2015 8:00:30 PM

Also, unlike the other "skimmer" to whom you refer, I'm not a stalker.  And after a long stint on the beach I'm now on the road to some other new beaches and this damn thread was out of control when I got to it.  And I have drinking to do.
I hope thats OK.

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 12:54:57 AM

Skyfyre1126 reads

Maybe it was a troll or maybe it was really the wifey -that's speculation... However I agree with the rest of your post which has facts.

If she did really get all that she claimed then it's probably because the dude felt so guilty he agreed to pretty much all her demands. If he had wanted to fight it would most likely come down to 50/50 like you stated.

Regardless she sounds awfully bitter. It wasn't much of a warning but more of a threat -threat from a vengeful woman. Geez some people are just THAT obsessive/possessive. One can argue that fucking prostitutes is purely physical and means nothing. It's not like he has a mistress and truly head-over-heel in love with her! wouldn't that be worse from a wifey's POV?

PS:  Despite her claim to the contrary I doubt she's all THAT. If he's 55 then she's what, in her 40s? so she can't possibly be all that either in look or in bed.

For every middle aged woman, there is a middle aged man with all the effects of aging.  I know, I see it every week and it is not pretty.

Those middle aged men that poke at the older women, just take off your clothes and stand in front of a mirror and then wonder why your wife has not touched your penis in years.

HidingBehindMyAlias1152 reads

You would run out of patients real quick.  All those middle aged men would toss themselves out the window after you tell them your view of their sex life.  

Please keep up the good work telling the "truth."

Then why don't those same middle aged men shut up about the middle aged women?  

Seriously I am not here to play suck up. I am not getting paid so I see any need to placate the fragile egos of the guys on the board. When getting paid I fulfill my paid obligation to caress said fragile egos and play the part.  

What I find annoying is the almost constant barrage of shit directed at women who are not 24 anymore. That coming from the fat, out of shape and less than attractive peanut gallery who pay women to make them feel better about themselves and to get that nut.

Case in point, a client I now no longer see (he got the "we are friends and you really like me so we should do this for free" idea), is butt ugly and fat. He proceeds to rail on his unattractive wife, she also got fatter too. My view is they are a match made in heaven but he sees her as the ugly one. He clearly does see himself as bad as he looks. In his case he wanted to know why I would not date him and I did tell him the truth, he was no longer paying me and wanted to know.  

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 11:12:41 AM

HidingBehindMyAlias1228 reads

I can not answer for this particular ex-client of yours or all the other clients that bother you.  I also can say that middle aged men are not the only ones who talk shit about the other sex.  Women do a fine job of shitting on the men as well.  Case in point, your posts.  

You seem very intelligent, but awfully bitter.  Maybe you have every right to be.  I do not expect you or any other provider to placate any of us guys on these boards.  

As to fragile egos?  You are more than welcome to try and shatter my fragile ego as well.  I have very little to lose, so have at it.

Posts about wives and older women. I do not start threads attacking the looks or performance of johns. But I sure as shit will counter when some spiteful nasty john has a go at a group of women he deems not suitable

HidingBehindMyAlias1204 reads

I have never been married, and am always surprised to hear some married guys say some of the stuff they say about their wives.  I take it that they feel safe to say it amongst a group of men who will not repeat what was said outside of the group.  Meaning their wives never ever hear of it.  Kind of like group therapy for these guys I guess.  I have never been married so I am assuming this.  

As to the keyboard warriors, and I am guilty of being one myself from time to time, you women are in your rights to fire back and should.  I think the cutting remarks about women by men, and about men by women is just part of the game here.  

This is really getting too deep for a fuck board, so I will let you have the last word after this post on our discussion if you want.  Thanks for talking by the way.

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
I have never been married, and am always surprised to hear some married guys say some of the stuff they say about their wives.  I take it that they feel safe to say it amongst a group of men who will not repeat what was said outside of the group.  Meaning their wives never ever hear of it.  Kind of like group therapy for these guys I guess.  I have never been married so I am assuming this.    
 As to the keyboard warriors, and I am guilty of being one myself from time to time, you women are in your rights to fire back and should.  I think the cutting remarks about women by men, and about men by women is just part of the game here.    
 This is really getting too deep for a fuck board, so I will let you have the last word after this post on our discussion if you want.  Thanks for talking by the way.

Which is exactly why we are paying for it (I'd argue that we all pay for it, even if a guy is a young hunk, he'll have to listen to the bullshit in order to get what he wants).

I for one am admittedly below average in looks, so if it weren't for this wonderful hobby I'd have to settle for one hod the OP type a member of the OTHFB club who is a ball busting, man hating woman with a chip on her shoulder. No thanks, hurray for the hobby, thank goodness I don't have to settle even though I'm not attractive.

Ire leveled at the wives and any woman over 24. I know darn well why most are here and clearly so do you. But when an ugly fat person stands there and berates another ugly fat person I give pause and go, mirror?????

So by default the fat ugly sod taking aim at another fat ugly is in fact intimating that they are somehow better.

You just did it yourself..."so if it weren't for this wonderful hobby I'd have to settle for one hod the OP type a member of the OTHFB club who is a ball busting, man hating woman with a chip on her shoulder"... after telling the board you're below average in looks.  

And you had a wife that did settle for your below average looks which you take what seems like great joy over the span of time on here, slagging her left and right and how great it is being away from her. Shit dude, maybe she feels the same way.

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 11:05:27 AM

..."I get it at home all the time.
My SO is a tall blonde/blue with D cups. Slender and sexy. She does it all except greek. And every once in a while she'll bring a gf home with her.  
I'm not lacking anything... except the excitement of someone new.

I'm madly in love with her and we have a very sexy and loving relationship. But I dig new girls. 99% of them aren't as hot as my SO but I just love the excitement...."

So from his mouth he finds her sexy. 99% of them are not as hot as my wife...well again HIS words.

Ms.J1034 reads

Being in your 40's doesn't mean you can't look fabulous or be good in bed. I sure know way more about sexuality as a women in my 40's then I did as a girl in my 20's. Plus I have the confidence to understand what a man wants.  

Posted By: Skyfyre
Maybe it was a troll or maybe it was really the wifey -that's speculation... However I agree with the rest of your post which has facts.  
 If she did really get all that she claimed then it's probably because the dude felt so guilty he agreed to pretty much all her demands. If he had wanted to fight it would most likely come down to 50/50 like you stated.  
 Regardless she sounds awfully bitter. It wasn't much of a warning but more of a threat -threat from a vengeful woman. Geez some people are just THAT obsessive/possessive. One can argue that fucking prostitutes is purely physical and means nothing. It's not like he has a mistress and truly head-over-heel in love with her! wouldn't that be worse from a wifey's POV?  
 PS:  Despite her claim to the contrary I doubt she's all THAT. If he's 55 then she's what, in her 40s? so she can't possibly be all that either in look or in bed.

So just to be sure I'll cover both my bases...

If real:
That's a most impressive high horse you're on there.  Feel free to come down off of it, get grounded, and have a real discussion.  If hubby was fucking around, things weren't too solid between you too anyway.  Grab your 50%, stop being such a bitch, and try to treat the next guy a little better.  Maybe you'll be able to hold onto him a bit longer than you did this one.  Good luck with that.  You sound like a real peach.

And don't bother trying to shame and/or intimdate this crowd by taking some perceived moral high ground.  These folks are smarter, sexier, happier, and more confident than you'll ever be.  At least they're getting laid on a regular basis.  Which is more than I can say for you.

If hoax:
You have my respect for a truly great thread sir/madam.  Genius.  I'm sending you my application to be your understudy right away.  Always looking to improve my skills...

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

Zangari1128 reads

The last time BrowardBoy posted on this board was in December of 2009.  Then *yesterday* he updates a 6 year old thread with the post below:  

Posted By: browardboy2003
UPDATE:    My wife busted me.  Now I lost and her and everything else.    Oooops what I giant asshole I am.  My life is over.
 The *only* reason to update a six year old thread is to set up the play that follows.  The "Think Before You Hobby"  thread, posted just three hours later by his "wronged wife".  

 You might think BrowardBoy2003 inadvertently left his computer on while still logged into TER. Then his wife sat down at his computer, read a little bit, and then posted her manifesto.  But check this part of her manifesto below:

Posted By: browardboy2003
Oh and BTW, Randy is now living in a cheap rental room in a bad part of town  --snip--
 So they're no longer living together.  Now let's try to put together this unlikely scenario:

1. After a six year hiatus,  long-lost Browardboy2003, (now living in the "bad part of town")  posts an "'I'm busted"  update to a six year old thread.  

2.  Three hours later, his wronged wife (living on the "good part of town") decides to log into TER with Browardboy2003's account to post her manifesto.  

 A few of you (PinkP, Joel, & Nick) sniffed this out.   --

I do agree with you  Z. There is no reason he worded his FL thread as an "update" vs just saying "hey, I got caught".

I do want to say though that He posted his FL post 4 days prior, not 3 hours prior to this thread.

I still think it is a BS thread regardless. There is a possibility that it may be true and perhaps he saved his log in information, got kicked out, and left the computer. If that happened, he is a dummy.


Posted By: Zangari
The last time BrowardBoy posted on this board was in December of 2009.  Then *yesterday* he updates a 6 year old thread with the post below:  
Posted By: browardboy2003
UPDATE:    My wife busted me.  Now I lost and her and everything else.    Oooops what I giant asshole I am.  My life is over.
  The *only* reason to update a six year old thread is to set up the play that follows.  The "Think Before You Hobby"  thread, posted just three hours later by his "wronged wife".  
  You might think BrowardBoy2003 inadvertently left his computer on while still logged into TER. Then his wife sat down at his computer, read a little bit, and then posted her manifesto.  But check this part of her manifesto below:  
Posted By: browardboy2003
Oh and BTW, Randy is now living in a cheap rental room in a bad part of town  --snip--
  So they're no longer living together.  Now let's try to put together this unlikely scenario:  
 1. After a six year hiatus,  long-lost Browardboy2003, (now living in the "bad part of town")  posts an "'I'm busted"  update to a six year old thread.    
 2.  Three hours later, his wronged wife (living on the "good part of town") decides to log into TER with Browardboy2003's account to post her manifesto.  
  A few of you (PinkP, Joel, & Nick) sniffed this out.   --z    

And I hope somehow you can understand that it's the men who hire us, not the other way around. We are here for our own personal reasons, I just wonder if we will see you here someday too on the other side with us. It's not a bad place to be if it works for those involved.  

As far as marriage is concerned, it's highly overrated in my book. We are all meant to be independent creatures on this planet. That's why it almost never works sad to say. And why this industry will be booming for centuries to come.  

It is what it is. Pick up the pieces, be a strong woman, do what you need to do (especially if children are involved) and simply move on.  

Recommendation? Book a trip to Hawaii...works every time. I can recommend a wonderful resort if you'd like :)

Good luck to you.  

T xx

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 4:17:25 AM

From the onset of this thread, I believed this to be fictional for the most part.  It has been great entertainment for the most part.  I enjoy reading everyone's views about all perspectives of our mutual interests. I am so thankful; that
1. I am happily single
2.  I am financially comfortable
3.  Most women in and out of the hobby are comfortable in my presence
4.  I am mentally balanced that I would never slide down the slippery slopes that some have experienced here.

Now have a great day.

Governor John Slaton

Posted By: anonymousfun

than Hawaii (while it's beautiful it's a bit overrated in my book too. I feel sorry for the locals actually, damn tourists lol)

Anyhow, here's a better idea. Take a ride up the pacific coastline on the back of bike (crotch rocket only) with a hot guy....I guarantee that will clear the senses real quick...in a good way ;)  

A smile at the end of the trip and a soar tushe lol

Happy Riding!!!!

T xx  

I can recommend the dude too (with the bike that is lol ;)

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

I always see 50 year something fatties on the back of those "crotch rockets" That's how they can pull those wheelies!

Posted By: _Taylor_
than Hawaii (while it's beautiful it's a bit overrated in my book too. I feel sorry for the locals actually, damn tourists lol)  
 Anyhow, here's a better idea. Take a ride up the pacific coastline on the back of bike (crotch rocket only) with a hot guy....I guarantee that will clear the senses real quick...in a good way ;)  
 A smile at the end of the trip and a soar tushe lol  
 Happy Riding!!!!  
 T xx  
 I can recommend the dude too (with the bike that is lol ;)  
Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -    
  This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
  I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
  But then I busted him.  
  I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
  This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

Come on. You need to get out more lol. Who cares anyway, nothing hotter than a guy who can actually ride. What's even hotter is when he's got the black helmet on and you can't see his face. Now that's hot lol. But he can ride. Best rider yet was in Palm Beach County, FL. Yowzers lol. I think I came just watching him.  ;)

T xx

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 7:17:12 AM

Need something robust to handle the bulk. On the very rare occasion I saw a fattie on a crotch rocket it looked absurd. It looked like a 5 year old on his first two wheeler. Fatties should stick to big ass cruisers, it makes them look well less fat...no not really.

Damn. Hurt me. You people need to get out more. Seriously.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Need something robust to handle the bulk. On the very rare occasion I saw a fattie on a crotch rocket it looked absurd. It looked like a 5 year old on his first two wheeler. Fatties should stick to big ass cruisers, it makes them look well less fat...no not really.  

Now that is a mighty nice sight there Taylor. The guy is not bad either...lol

Even we can come to an agreement...sometimes lol. Enjoy the sight. I know I am. OUCH!!!!

Anyhow, anyone who seriously knows anything about the 'real' riding scene knows that Florida and Cali house the best riders on the planet. My apologies, I forget where I am sometimes lol. I'm not talking about the fat guy on the back of a bike living out his lil boy fantasy LOL. I'm talking about the guys who this is their lifestyle. They shit, eat and breath it. GOD it is hot in here LOL.  

T x

HidingBehindMyAlias1156 reads

You know, girl on girl.  The way she was bragging about her threesomes and sexual prowess, she really sounds into it.  Then you can write a review of the session and let us all know if she is as good as she advertised.

I read any other post besides her first one haha lol. Thats far too much reading for moi. I'm sure she's just fine regardless lol.  

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
You know, girl on girl.  The way she was bragging about her threesomes and sexual prowess, she really sounds into it.  Then you can write a review of the session and let us all know if she is as good as she advertised.

followme1096 reads

an early April fool joke?

In any case there sweet-cheeks (or whoever the fuck you are) you sure did get the place going.

Now where is that grain of salt

Ms.J1111 reads

I am sorry you have been hurt.  Alot of people on here have judged you by the post and that's wrong. I went through something similar a few years ago.  I decided to figure out what the heck went wrong in my marriage. It is usually bad communication that starts the break down of a marriage. I realized I was just as much to blame for his cheating as he was. He felt he could not approach me for his desires. I was wrapped up in my home and my kids and expected sup-par sex to satisfy him. How could it? I wasn't even satisfied.  So he cheated and when i found out I was destroyed. We have an 8 yr old son together and the though of my sons life long pain because I was hurt and wanted to file for divorce was worse then my pain. That little boy loved his daddy so much, what kind of mom would I be if  I divorced and was "responsible" for ending the marriage. I chose to work on my marriage, to develop lines of open, honest sometimes painful communication.  Another thing I needed to do and I'm sure some people would find it strange and unorthodox was to become a fbsm provider. I needed to see what that world was about, I needed to feel wanted and desired and learn to touch and give. It was amazing. I met so many wonderful people. Judge me if you want, I really don't care. But all I have to say is my marriage is fucking fabulous. I still hurt every know and then, but I hurt because I wish my marriage was like this from the start. I am in my 40's and have never looked or felt better in all aspects of my life. You can call me a whore and think I'm stupid and don't have a brain, but I can guarantee you, that's so far from the truth. You need to pull yourself up and move on, its apparent by "Randy's" post under his new handle that he isn't remorseful for causing you pain. Move on, you need to forgive him and yourself and move on.  I am not against P4P in anyway, but I sure wish people doing it while in a relationship could find grounds of communication that allows both parties to accept it or allow them to get out. If I can't meet my husbands needs and he wants something I can't offer at least give me the option to opt out. I am truly sorry you are hurting, but marriage is for better or for worse, you are no better then him for filing for divorce without even trying to work it out. How would you feel if you did something wrong in the marriage and he just said Later?? I am not saying what he did was right, but it seems like you gave up on him without even trying. I'm so sorry for the pain you and Randy and your family will endure.  :( wishing you a happy life......learn to love yourself.

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.

Ms.J1260 reads

I didn't become a massage provider to save my marriage. I did it because I wanted to understand what the draw was. What men desired, why men were willing to risk so much. I learned a ton. I had amazing sessions. I also wanted to explore my sexuality in a  safe environment that I controlled. My husband and I also had fun doing couples sessions with some fabulous providers. I am happy to say my life has never been better. My sex life has never been better, I am in-tune with my personal desires and me and my husband are vigilant making sure we communicate what we want in the bedroom and out. Marriage can be so so so great, if we are willing to admit we are human and have desires.  
Ms. J

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 1:34:00 PM

I wanna say to all wives who caught their husbands cheating.

Dear Mrs. BrowardBoy2003,
Please look at it as it happens for a good purpose (but you don't know yet what it is).
Think for the worse what if you never caught him.
I'm sure your broken heart will eventually heal fast.
It is easy for me to say but the key is LET GO...
I'm truly sorry.

All the best - J

I_got_caught1164 reads

After 29 years of marriage, I got caught.  It was not a pretty sight.  By her grace she didn't "out me" to everyone in our lives.  But it wasn't pretty.  After two years of every imaginable therapy (including multiple stints at a polygraph to prove "I'd been good"), I finally had to call it off.

There was no end to the  

I was faithful for 25 years and it was never perfect, but I was faithful.  Then one day I Googled "Strip club reviews", and one of the returns was "Escort reviews".  Within two weeks I saw my first provider -- one of the most beautiful women I'd ever laid my eyes on.

It's now been three years since I've seen a provider; I'm divorced; and I now have a woman in my life who knows ALL my sides and is willing to live with them.  That is something my wife was never willing to do.  She was forever attempting to suppress some part of me from emerging.  Therein lay, in my opinion, her culpability.

With you ladies, I could be who I was, and I was ME in the most respectful of ways.  You delighted in my conversation (though likely bored to near tears); you stoked the fire that was within me.

I will NEVER stand in judgment of those in the "hobby".  Frankly, I wouldn't be the man I am today if I hadn't had some of those experiences and met some of the wonderful people I did.  I do wish, however, that my family hadn't been torn asunder by it.

BrowardBoy2003's wife stands in judgment of all of us.  Some of the finest people on the planet exist within this community.  I know; I've met many.  I've had the opportunity to fraternize with a lot of great guys and, well, be more intimate with the woman.  

What she seems unable to understand is that she bears some level of culpability.  No person is as perfect as she portrays herself to be.  If she were to dig deep, she'd find -- somewhere -- the evidence of that culpability.  But she is not willing.  Instead, she rants and tears this man's life apart while in the infancy of rage.  Not only has she hurt him, she's hurt the 34-year-old daughter who now bears shame of her father.  That's not right.  And I'm suspecting she never truly respected the man's relationship with his daughter to begin with.

I'm not here to defend myself or any man or woman in this business.  We're all here (more or less) willingly, and we've all got our crosses to bear.  I'm a really good person who did some things society at large considers very bad.

I was forwarded this thread from a hobby friend who said "Aren't you glad your wife didn't do this!"

Yes, I am.  Again, by her grace I still have a very loving relationship with the two most important people in my life -- my kids.  And I define "grace" rather narrowly here, as follows: she didn't out me, totally.

The two years following my "being caught" was a concentration of hell that I hope to never live again.

To those married guys in the hobby: DO NOT be fooled into thinking you've got a bullet-proof program.  I thought I did.  I, myself, was the weak link in that chain.  Best to have a damage control plan for when it happens.

Yes, I do miss being part of this community, but it's a phase of my life that has passed now.

To all of you, I wish the very best.  To BrowardBoy and his daughter, I pray (and no, I'm not a Bible-thumper now) that you can reconcile.

Posted By: browardboy2003
Hello "hobby" people -  
 This is BrowardBoy2003's wife.  Thought you might wanna listen to what I have to say.  
 I busted him.   He had 5 good years of fucking whores while having a loving wife who did everything for him, made good money, kept the house, and gave him every kind of sex he ever wanted, even with other women in our bed.  
 But then I busted him.  
 I'm divorcing him this week.  I got the house, the dogs, most of the money, most of our possessions. I told EVERYONE we know why I'm divorcing him.  He's mortified, he has no one to turn to, his reputation is trashed. Even his 85 year old mother and 34 year old daughter can't believe what a lying, cheating scumbag he is.   He's 55 years old, starting over with no wife and barely any savings.  
 This can happen to any of you.   MARK MY WORDS, if you're married, you WILL get caught, and it WILL NOT BE WORTH IT.
I am glad this cock sucker got busted he always was a biggg POS in my eyes,,,,as he said best looking guy on indy bwhahahahahahahahaand his stamp browardboy approved,,,I knew that was the girls not to see since he loved greek,,,glad you took this cock sucker for all he was worth....I call out all the married guys since they all all liars and cheaters,,,,don't like your wife leave the bitch,,,,like I did.....

I believe she is a freaking feminist!

This woman is clearly angry and very hurt. She's lashing out, and you guys are all diving in like a wolf pack completely proving this woman right! There is a huge social stigma about this life, and you guys act so poorly that this stigma will remain.  

I'm not saying you have to agree, but can you not show compassion for a hurting human being? Please???

To the wife: I am sorry you are hurting. I truly am. If you would ever like to talk to a woman from this side to possibly find answers, I welcome them. If not, I do hope you can really move on and be happy.

Any interesting threads to read since I've been gone?

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